Stratholme God

Chapter 338: Irresistible bait (1 more)

   Chapter 338 The irresistible bait (1 more)

  The Kirin Tor councilors were all dumbfounded after they learned that the definition of a [ammunition base] by the "serious duke" is about 12 guns with 1600 rounds of shells.

   And the two toolmen, Barthelas and Lor'themar, puffed out their chests proudly. This is the achievement of half a million workers working three shifts in the past year in the military logistics base of the whole territory.

  In the beginning, the two major tool people thought this was a waste.

   Now, it seems that Lord Lord definitely has foresight! Their cult of personality for McDonald's adds another layer.

   The Kirin Tor Senators here muttered a few words at most.

   McDonald's is the leader of the alliance, and Terenas is no longer a human being.

  The **** decides the head, no matter which congressman has the mind, as long as you are still breathing all day and you are a living person, you must call the leader of the alliance awesome and the leader of the alliance great.

  In the current environment, if only relying on artillery can destroy the opponent's skeletons of tens of millions, it is really thankful.

   If you don't use artillery to destroy it, you should drain the magic power of the master and fill it with human life.

   I am afraid that the more human life is filled, the more troops the opponent will have.

   Fighting, human beings will be wiped out.

   Looking at the artillery configuration diagram hanging on the wall, several members shuddered. The bunker group is completely connected. The closer to the fortress, the more bunker.

   It was an artillery configuration similar to a Christmas tree. The closer it was to the Andorhal Fortress, the more artillery configurations it had. It was like a nesting doll. The range of the artillery at the back just covered the bunkers in front.

  The most outrageous thing is that most of the artillery pieces are placed on the tree-like rails. Once the outer city wall is broken, the artillery pieces are immediately pulled out from the branch line of the railway and retreated.

What the congressmen didn't know was that from the moment Lao Taizi jumped back, McDonald's ordered the emergency construction of bunkers. Now a new batch of bunkers have been formed, but they haven't had time to mark them on the map.

In the mirror image, a shell just exploded among the dense skeletons and zombies, even if the distance was too far to be able to receive the sound, in the battle of the undead, the flesh and blood were flying, and those blown up limbs fell like hailstones. The scene on the surrounding snow-covered land is still quite shocking.

   However, gaining an advantage in the ratio of battle losses does not mean holding on.

   Too much hate!

  On the screen, you can see an abomination, after holding a shell, turned into a humanoid tank, and slammed into a bunker.

  Its big fat hands, and the huge metal sickle on the other arm protruding from the armpit ruthlessly inserted into the firing port of the bunker for the artillery.

   In the next second, a terrifying force in the unit of [tons] erupted, and the hatred actually forcibly tore apart the three-story bunker.

   The Alliance soldiers who were preparing to transfer inside felt that the sky was overturned, and everyone fell to the ground with unsteady feet.

   Amid the screams of soldiers and horses, the person near the window found that the outer wall of the bunker in front of him was gone, and watched in despair as a wall of flesh made of corpses pressed against him.

   That scene looked a lot like **** was in front of him, but it was replaced by a sharp pain...

The    bunker collapsed under the destruction of hatred. When the bunker was completely out of shape, the shadow of death was almost at hand.

   The remaining soldiers left the wreckage of the bunker like ants and evacuated back one after another, but how could they run faster than the ghouls running on all fours?

The    escape was only to delay their joining the Scourge for a moment.

   Not long after, the soldier who was still fighting for the alliance just stood up staggeringly, as the enemy...

   Seeing this, the entire hall was silent.

  After paying the loss of nearly a thousand people, seeing that two of the three-layered city walls around the bunker group had been breached, Uther ordered to retreat.

   Horses pulled light artillery and evacuated along the rails, followed by infantry in carriages.

   The evacuation was quite orderly. After all, there were still more than 400 soldiers who had no chance to evacuate. They held on until the last moment.

After the   Scourge Corps engulfed the artillery formation closest to Lordaeron, they continued to march towards the second bunker group despite the Union's artillery fire.

  The latest battle report was quickly delivered to McDonald's table, and McDonald picked it up: "I made a rough estimate. We just eliminated about 100,000 natural disaster soldiers. We killed more than 1,200 people and injured more than 400."

  This battle damage is definitely profitable.

   And the natural disaster soldier who had just crouched in the outer circle had a thick layer of broken corpses, at least one meter high. This scene made the top of the alliance tremble with fear.

  Everyone has the same idea: If the Scourge Army directly attacks the Andorhal fortress, it is estimated that the corpses will level the city wall in a few days.

   McDonald concluded: "It seems that we brought in the Scourge in advance and wiped out its living forces on the vast plains. The general direction should be right."

At this time, Senator Ansrem raised another question: "Judging from Terenas Menethil's actions, he should be sane like other death knights. If we really hurt the Scourge, He won't invest the rest of the troops, will he?"

   "That's right." After McDonald replied, he turned to look at Alsace: "It's really at that point, we need a strong bait."

   Kalia, who was listening, trembled all over, but did not make a sound.

   Arthas's facial muscles twitched, and he said in a trembling voice, "Father's biggest target, is it really me?"

"Yes! We were at the top of the Cursed Sect captured by Kael Dallon, the warlock Mariah, confessed: The original purpose of the Cursed Sect was to create a plague, and then force you to slaughter innocent people who are about to become zombies after being infected with the plague, and let you Feeling guilty, and finally achieve the goal of spiritual depravity.”

   A certain warlock in the cellar of Corin City, who was being sealed and bound with tortoise shells, let out a groaning "woooooo".

  The poor sorceress didn't know why, even though she didn't confess anything, she still sensed mental attacks from the Lich King. He kept calling her a traitor and threatened to torture her soul.

  Unfortunately, she was protected by the Holy Light Array arranged by Archbishop Fao himself. The Lich King can't hurt her, and his curses are more like incompetent rage...

   On this side, Arthas trembled even more intensely.

   At this moment, Kalia gently pressed the back of his hand with her hand.

   Seeing his sister's encouraging eyes, Arthas felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

   He smiled bitterly: "It's a terrible conspiracy. If I really encounter it, I guess I can't stand it, and then frantically seek revenge for the person who planned this conspiracy?"

   "Yes! Then you will abandon your humanity in step-by-step crazy revenge, and you will most likely degenerate and become a death knight. And the Lich King, the ultimate goal is to occupy your younger and stronger body."

  "..." After a brief silence, Arthas spoke again: "I see. Acting as a bait, right? Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

   Arthas agreed so easily, which moved all the surrounding Alliance bosses.

   (end of this chapter)

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