Stratholme God

Chapter 141: Kai Zi's father can't take it anymore (2 more)

   Chapter 141 Kai Zi's Dad Can't Take It Anymore (2 More)

  I thought the second fool would do something, but the red-eyed second fool just gave McDonald a simple and heavy hug: "That time, Grim Batol, I almost thought you were's good to be alive!"

   No matter what kind of encounters and changes the parallel world Alsace has, at least in this world, he treats McDonald with a sincere heart.

well! Fool, how can I let you jump into the pit of the undead natural disaster...

   "I'm not alive!" McDonald laughed dryly.

   "Three kings and three dukes have died!" The two fools hugged even tighter.

  To be honest, the three kings of Stormwind, Stormgard, and Alterac, plus Andorhal, Tirisfal, and the Duke of Silverpine. In other words, the three dukes were basically the main force of orcs who clicked when they passed by.

   On the political level, it is not an exaggeration to say that the human world has lost half of the bigwigs.

   "Don't hug so tightly, I'm not a woman."

   "Pfft." The two idiots who laughed so hard finally let go and slapped McDonald's arm a few times.

   "I..." Someone didn't say the word "grass" after all: "Pain Pain Pain!"

   "You're injured!?" The two fools were shocked.

"No! In order to kill that Fireblade Chief, I used too much force when using the throwing weapon, and I got a little sprained." McDonald's face was embarrassed, should he say 'I hurt myself when I smashed people with money' ?

   Who knows, Waniang actually made up the knife, she said indifferently: "His Royal Highness Arthas, please persuade Your Excellency the Duke, he has torn his muscles."

   The two fools were shocked.

   "Wait! I've used [Holy Light], and I have a little sequelae, and I have no strength in my arms for the time being."

  The two fools stopped talking about this, but looked behind McDonald's with curious eyes: "The two of them are..."

"Valli LS Gunnar, we recognized each other when we went to Grim Batol. I gave her a pair of daggers, and she chose to be my **** for life. And this is..." MacDonald didn't finish his introduction , Long Niang tore off her turban a little unhappy.

All right! She had a showdown, and she stopped acting.

   Just a faint overflow of Longwei, let the team of guards next to the two fools subconsciously put their hands on the hilt of the sword.

   MacDonald continued strangely: "Your Majesty the Queen of the Red Dragon, Alexstrasza. For a special reason, following me in a neutral capacity. I submitted the report to the Alliance Headquarters very early."

  The two fools thought that McDonald's was really going to get the heirloom. After all, this guy has a criminal record, and who would have come back with two strange women who had no idea what the relationship was when he went out.


   was about to say something when he saw Turalyon coming.

   "Your Majesty the Duke of Stratholme, Your Majesty and General Lothar are waiting for you."

   McDonald gave an apologetic smile, and the two fools nodded.

   Soon, McDonald came to the headquarters of the alliance, which was a side hall of the palace by the south gate.

   Three steps and one post, five steps and one post are not enough to describe the strict guards here. McDonald noticed that there were many professional hunters patrolling around, and it was obvious that the big guys were scared by the orc swordsman.

  The Juggernauts have successfully assassinated several Union officers and generals.

   Getting started, McDonald's was so dazzled that he could barely open his eyes.

   It’s so hard to die, just one meter of sunlight hits someone’s head, causing light pollution to those who come in at the gate.

   Who is this braised egg?

Wow! It's the commander-in-chief of Lothar! That's fine.

   Lao Taizi's old age and Lothar's Mediterranean Sea give Mai a strong visual stimulation.

   "Commander! Admiral!" Since it was the headquarters of the Alliance, McDonald gave a military salute.

   "You're here, Your Excellency Major General! You've worked so hard!" Both Losar and Lao Taizi felt amazing.

  So many kings and dukes were hailed as heroes and geniuses by the world, but they all died. It was a 16-year-old Duke Mao who really started to turn the tide of the war.

   Lao Taizi is both sad and happy, at least McDonald is the Duke of Lordaeron.

  Terenas: "Alas! My pillar! You'll be fine! If anything happens to you, I won't know how to face your father after returning to heaven. Fortunately, the ancestors of Stratholme protect you."

  The word 'zhen' was not used, Lao Taizi spoke in the tone of an old father and an old friend, which at least sounded warm. If Mai was really the cub of the Stratholme family, he might be grateful.

   As for the blessing, if they don’t jump out of the shadow kingdom or something to kill me, I will burn incense.

  The actor McDonald squeezed two crocodile tears, and then "controlled his emotions well": "Let's talk about orcs first."

  Lothar pointed to the big map: "I don't know much about the specific process, why the orcs with the Warsong clan as the core retreated so simply with the troops besieging the city."

   "Because even if he gathers all the orcs in Tirisfal Glades, he can't penetrate my defenses!"

The lack of    information made Lothar and the others not understand what Mai Xia did until this moment.

After listening to   , Lothar also felt that if he was a daddy, he would also be disgusted and bad.

   McDonald's moves are slow and steady, and he won't fight real field battles with you to death. It's a positional battle wherever he goes. The orcs with infantry and cavalry as the core were unable to break through the human defense line after many charges, which made Grom give up the desperate fight.

   "I don't understand, what's the use of them retreating? Will they be able to win our alliance if they retreat?" Lothar wondered.

   McDonald whistled: "Give me a year, and I can divide the entire northern continent into a square."

   Lao Taizi was almost not angry.

  Lordaeron City used to be an endless field. This kid wants to turn it into a city wall? Do you want me to go to jail?

  Cough, if Lao Taizi speaks out his thoughts, McDonald would not mind singing him some "Tears from the Iron Window".

   "Let's talk about the orcs first." Lothar brought the topic back: "Do you have any other opinions?"

   As Lothar's lieutenant, Turalyon signaled a request to speak.

  Lothar nodded: "Turalyon, you said."

Turalyon said eloquently: "First of all, we can't determine what happened to the main force of the orcs. Then, even if the orcs withdraw to the southern continent, they are still successful. At least they have conquered half of the land of the alliance. If it is an all-out attack, the iron furnace It is only a matter of time before the fort falls."

   His point of view cannot be wrong. McDonald, who is familiar with the historical process, knows that the orcs will receive the support of the dark iron dwarves, which will greatly improve the orcs' equipment.

   After all, Grom is probably waiting for the Blackrock clan.

   After all, the Blackrock clan is the most powerful.

   "The army of 300,000 orcs cannot be let go. We'd better destroy them in Silverpine Forest." Lothar decided.

  McDonald suddenly thought that there are some really cool guys in the Silverpine Forest at this point in time!

   Just as the big bosses were discussing hotly, a messenger suddenly came in: "His Majesty the Sun King of Quel'Thalas, Anastrian* Sunstrider, officially asks the Alliance for help!"

   (end of this chapter)

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