Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Chapter 34 Happy Buddha (12)

Li Bandian has a habit of not wandering around once he is drunk. No matter how drunk he is, he will remember to go home. And his so-called home is a dilapidated temple on a hillside outside the city. No one has taken care of it for many years. He took over the mountain there and became king. He also told him that the conditions were pretty good, the air was good, it was quiet, and basically no one disturbed him. It's just that the temple is full of dust and has been in disrepair for many years, so it's dilapidated and some places have collapsed. In the eyes of others, only crazy people like him dare to live there.

Li Bandian never seemed to be in a hurry when doing things. He walked slowly up the mountain. It was almost dark when he reached the temple gate. He smiled and took out a half-sized chicken from his arms. The chicken's mouth was tied and it couldn't make a sound. Its wings were fluttering. It was alive. He said to himself: "The time is just right."

After saying that, he walked straight into the temple and came to two coffins. These two coffins can be said to be the cleanest places in the temple. Even the wood is new. Li Bandian pushed the coffin lid open with a gentle push. .

"It's time to eat." Li Bandian spoke to the people in the coffin. As he spoke, he cut the chicken's neck with a knife. The chicken blood flowed out and dripped into a mouth in the coffin. The mouth kept swallowing, like a person walking in the desert who finally looked forward to the rain and dew, but he didn't seem so greedy. He only drank a small cup of wine and then closed his mouth and refused to open it again.

Li Bantian smiled and said, "Are you full? It's his turn to eat when he's full." With that, Li Bantian pushed open the other coffin lid.

When the lid of the other coffin was opened, the coffin was empty. Li Bandian had sobered up and knew something was wrong. He quickly tore out a talisman and pasted it on the corpse that had just drunk the chicken blood, and ordered: "Get up." Speak!" As soon as the talisman was affixed, the corpse in the coffin sat up. It was a female corpse with stitching marks on her neck.

"Let me ask you, where is Zhao Tianhu?"

"I don't know." There were still blood stains on the mouth of the female corpse, and she replied dully.

Li Bandian frowned. If the female corpse couldn't sense the departure of another corpse, then it probably wasn't the corpse that left on its own, but someone deliberately stole it during the day. Who in this city would steal a corpse? Li Bandian thought for a while, not to mention this city, even from all over the country, how many people would want this body? Don't talk about the use of bringing corpses. If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to control it. I'm afraid it will be too late.

When the incident happened to him, Li Bantian could not evade responsibility. He made up his mind to find the other body, so he started an open and covert investigation, but the final result was not very ideal. This city and nearby places not too far away He searched all over the place and asked his colleagues, but they all said that there was no whereabouts of the body. He thought that the body must have been taken to a farther place. However, he was alone and had no financial obligations. In addition, there was another body. , it is not convenient to look for it, so we can only wait, raise the corpse, and wait. Not waiting for the news is not a good thing, and waiting for the news is even worse. A huge disaster is about to happen.

Not knowing where the corpse is is a worry for those who practice Taoism. However, the corpse raised by Li Bandian recovered very well under his care. It only took 7749 days. There are no traces visible on the neck. After another seventy-nine days, the corpse can speak more words. After another forty-nine days, the corpse can walk. Each cycle of forty-nine is an improvement of the corpse.

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