Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Chapter 25 Happy Buddha (3)

Zhao Tianhu, who was hiding under the bed, didn't feel so good. After hearing Su Qingmo's moan, the bed began to creak and move. Along with the mixed screams of men and women, Zhao Tianhu felt itchy and wanted to kill someone. Impulsive, but that was only for thinking about it. No matter how brave he was, he would not dare to kill Mr. Li in Manhonglou, so he had to endure it. This trouble happened in the middle of the night. When Zhao Tianhu was crawling under the bed and his eyelids were starting to fight, he suddenly heard Su Qingmo yelling: "Master Li? Master Li?" After shouting twice, there was no response. Zhao Tianhu obviously felt that Su Qingmo He panicked and his voice became trembling: "Master Li, wake up!"

Zhao Tianhu sneered, thinking that damn Master Li was most likely too happy to be overwhelmed and fainted from exhaustion. After a while, Su Qingmo opened the bed curtain and whispered to Zhao Tianhu under the bed: "Master Li is dead!"

"What?" A thunderbolt hit Zhao Tianhu's head. Although he cursed Master Li to die early and surrender early, no one expected that Master Li would die in Su Qingmo's room at this time, and he was still there. If word spread in the room, he would definitely not be able to get away with it, so he climbed out from under the bed neatly. Zhao Tianhu tested Mr. Li's breath with his hand, and found that it was gone. He suddenly felt a lot colder in the room and had goosebumps all over his body. The usually majestic Mr. Li was now naked and paralyzed on the bed like a dead pig.

"What should we do? Brother Zhao." Su Qingmo was only wearing a bellyband and trousers, and her face was as pale as a vegetable.

Zhao Tianhu clapped his hands, looked at Su Qingmo and replied: "What can we do? If someone died in your room, it will definitely be a capital crime if the government investigates him."

"Brother Zhao, I don't want to die, you have to save me." Tears fell like rain, and Su Qingmo cried like a tearful person.

Seeing that Su Qingmo was crying too loudly, Zhao Tianhu hurriedly covered Su Qingmo's mouth and reminded: "If you don't want to die, stop crying."

Su Qingmo looked at Zhao Tianhu and nodded with misty eyes. Together, the two of them decided to transport Mr. Li's body from the room without anyone noticing and drag it to the wilderness for burial. At this time, Zhao Tianhu's martial arts skills came in handy. He first wrapped Master Li with a bedcloth, then tied Su Qingmo's waist with a hemp rope, and first held Su Qingmo holding Master Li's clothes. Slowly put it down. After landing, Su Qingmo untied the rope, and Zhao Tianhu put Master Li's body down again. Finally, Zhao Tianhu jumped down by himself. In order to transport the body easily, Zhao Tianhu also stole two fast horses. Master Li's body was tied to one horse, and he and Su Qingmo rode the other horse in front and led it.

The sound of tapping horse hooves gradually faded away. Half an hour later, they arrived at the outskirts far away from the city. Taking advantage of the darkness, Zhao Tianhu dug a big hole and buried Mr. Li's clothes and body in it. And he very carefully sprinkled some fallen leaves on the dug hole, so that no one could see any signs of digging.

On the way back, Zhao Tianhu and Su Qingmo agreed on the same words over and over again. When they arrived in the city, they did not rush back to Manhong Mansion, but checked nearby. After confirming that there was no movement in Manhong Mansion, Zhao Tianhu pulled Su Qingmo out of the window again. Sent back. I don't know whether it was God's blessing or other reasons, but Zhao Tianhu had to thank the rotten city wall. If it hadn't been for such a big gap in the city wall, no matter how powerful Zhao Tianhu was, he would not have been able to evade the soldiers guarding the city.

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