Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Chapter 16 Snow Fox (Sixteen)

Misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, good fortune and misfortune come to an end. People in Pingshan Town died one after another, but this did not affect the construction of the palace. The living people are all rushing to the futuristic future. With the silver in place, the palace has been renovated very well. All right, the emperor just finished it. The extravagance piled up by the money made the emperor feel pleasing to the eye, and he completely forgot the purpose of his visit, so he summoned the funders in a great mood, led by Qian Dagui. After getting the emperor's approval, Qian Dagui was very proud, and when he heard that the emperor was going to summon his family to share a dinner together, he was so happy.

The Zhou family was also invited. Qian Dagui thought of a way to perfuse the Zhou family's inquiry. The reason was that Zhou Hanliu was pregnant and could not attend, so Qian Dagui only brought his son Qian Lu. and daughter-in-law Xuefu.

At night, beside the lotus pond, the candlelight was flickering, and the silk and bamboo were leisurely. After the accompanying ministers and invited people had arrived, the emperor came out slowly, and the eunuch shouted sharply and loudly: "The emperor is here!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" The minister and others greeted each other, all bowing their heads.

The emperor sat on the high seat and said with a smile: "Pingshen, today everyone just treats it as an ordinary dinner party, talking and drinking freely, there is no need to be formal."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Everyone spoke together, and everyone sat down.

Next is frequent toasting and flattering words. Talented scholars will show off their literary skills to make the emperor smile. The emperor is very happy and must drink the toast. After Qian Lu finished speaking auspicious words, she stood up gracefully, held the wine glass and said softly: "I don't know poetry, I wish my emperor a long life with a glass of thin wine." After finishing speaking, she drank it up .

It was this drink that made the emperor stunned. His skin was as soft as snow, his eyes could be broken by blowing bullets, and his eyes were full of glances. The drop of residual wine flowed down the corner of his mouth to his chin, like tears, and the beauty in front of him was like a lotus flower just out of water. To be pitied, no, he thought it was more beautiful than lotus, like a fairy, so he forgot his feelings and said dumbly: "Beauty, she is flat."

"Thank you, long live." Xuefu sat down without looking sideways. The emperor saw her side face, and felt that there is no such perfect thing in the world, so he couldn't help but hold her tightly.

During the whole dinner, the emperor never took his eyes off Xuefu. Her every frown and smile, and the love between her and Qian Lu all touched the emperor's heart. As the emperor, he didn't have anything he wanted, except for this The beauty was accompanied by a mediocre Qian Lu, which made the emperor sigh and annoyed. After everyone left, he lay down in the palace, unable to sleep.

A courtier saw the emperor's thoughts in his eyes, found Qian Dagui the next day, and told the truth after being polite. Hearing the minister's words, Qian Dagui almost fell to the ground. The supreme emperor actually took a fancy to his daughter-in-law, and she was his son's favorite woman. What should I do? If you don't give it, you will offend the emperor. If you give it, you will kill your son. After the minister left, Qian Dagui locked himself in the room and beat his chest and feet. Reluctantly, I found my son Qian Lu to discuss it, and cried bitterly with snot and tears: "Lu'er, all mistakes are all father's fault, father should not spend money to build that palace, let alone let you go with me Ah, it's all dad's fault."

"No." Knowing that the emperor had a crush on Xuefu, Qian Lu was dumbfounded.

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