Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 807: Please wait for a while, I'll go over and take you by my side...

Xingke knows that the place where he and Justissa are located is not the depths of the roots, but can only be regarded as the entrance of the tunnel where the Holy Grail connects with the roots. It belongs exclusively to the place where the holder of the Holy Grail ritual and the roots interact. ...

However, there should have been only a place for negotiation between two people, but now there is a third will——

"Stop!-You stop it! He can't be someone else's child anymore! -"

The sudden appearance of the third will interrupted Justissa from conveying the so-called third magician succession method to Xingqi.

"Illya? You are here." Xing Ke realized the identity of the person who came.

"Of course, if I hadn't sacrificed one of the founders of the Holy Grail system in my hand, I didn't know that you were going to reincarnate behind my back."

Illiya said something that seemed terrifying nonchalantly, and then naturally criticized Qixing Mo:

"Jess, don't you just agree to others' words for me so refreshingly. Judging from your conversations I heard, you seem to be able to gain more abilities every time you are born differently?"

"It seems like this?" Xingke seemed to know what Eliya was worried about.

"Then you don't want to take your own life even more? Do you treat each of your lives as consumables for gaining power?" Illya's emotions were full of severe.

"..." But Xingke seemed to be speechless.

Because he really didn't regard his life as something precious long ago.

"Although your life is really worthless..." Illiya said in air.

"Hey, what are you talking about, it's sad to be said to me by others... although it is true."

"But, at least I don't allow you to sell your life cheaply, you remember it for me!~"

After speaking, Illiya's stern momentum instantly calmed down.

"Above, what I want to say is over, you can continue."

This made Xing Ke a little surprised, what Illya said... it was time to finish her words! Incredible.

"What's the matter? What are you going to do yourself, I am not qualified to stop you. Just remind you..."

Yi Liya obediently retreated to the side of Xing Ke's, and said nothing.

"Oh... this way." Xingke suddenly sighed that his children grew up very fast.

Turning his gaze back to Justesa once again, Xingke smiled:

"Well, that's it. As you can see, if you suggest that I be born into a magician's family from scratch, receive a magician education from an early age, and grow up to the point of a magician, then I can only refuse you. I really have no plans to be an infant again."

At least I have to wait until the current storm is over, anyway, there is no shortage of time...

[...No, there is no such thing. Although the complete process from scratch for a special sample like yours is indeed very valuable, it is not necessary. Respecting your opinions has a higher priority. 】

Justissa did not deny the value of letting Xingqi reincarnate again, nor did she force anything, after all, she was just an endorsement.

[Humans who come to the inner sea of ​​the stars and reach the vortex of root will become "magic" if they are qualified-this seems to be common sense among the magicians of this world line.

Therefore, since it is common sense, the moment I got here, I got the approval of the root, and succeeding to the "magic" is also "a matter of course". 】

Although Yustesa conveyed the meaning to the star carving, it seemed that this common sense was not so correct.

However, for the root cause, whether human knowledge is right or wrong does not seem to be that important.

[Here, then the contract is established? 】


The moment Xingke answered, he felt that something unexplainable changes had taken place in the surrounding environment. If he had to describe it, it could only be said that Xingke's self-consciousness was rising to a higher level.

The purpose of the Holy Grail ceremony is to open a hole to the inside of the world to reach the root. It now appears that the stagnation just now is part of the authentication process.

Ordinary people must exhaust the magic power accumulated in waiting for the earth veins and return to the original place.

And the star carving, he passed.

Illya's projection of will does not know when it has fallen behind. It seems that the founder of the holy grail ceremony she sacrificed could not make his hands and feet in the subsequent process, leaving the back door...


Illya only heard that Xingqi disappeared into her range of perception before she had time to say anything after she finally agreed to the contract.

Only the recognized person can go on the road after that, she just followed the path of the star carving to take a look.

【First meeting, successor. 】

Justissa did not disappear, but turned her gaze to Ilia.

"Meeting for the first time...great grandmother?" Illiya hesitated to decide a name.

[Not really. The existence in front of you is nothing but the will to convey the root cause. ] Justissa corrected.

"Then do you have anything to convey to me?" Illiya had some doubts that she had something to tell herself, but she didn't rush to leave:

"Let’s say it in advance, I don’t have any desires that you need to realize, nor do I have any requirements for this world. If I want world peace, I will find a way by myself..."

[Your origin is in this world. ] Justissa interrupted Ilia's narration.

"...So what, my connection with this world, with other world lines, has long since been disconnected for unknown reasons, and the origin does not make much sense to me." Ilia's tone became Be serious.

It is because of this, that the connection of cause and effect has been disconnected, and she finally escaped the influence of the fate of this world on her, and she did not come to a tragic ending...

[It was the existence at other times that helped you cut off and now, you can reconnect with your origins here, and you will reconnect with the world. Would you like to? 】

"..." Illiya was silent for a moment.

Back to this world? That is no longer possible. She has no idea of ​​resettling in this world.

"I reject."

【Yeah, I got it. 】

It was still the case, Justissa didn't have any plans to retain or force it. The answer was accepted from the beginning.

"Why do you ask me that? It won't do any good for me to reconnect with the root of this world." Instead, Ilia was a little confused. Why did she ask herself that.

[You are a derived life entity born in this world, and this world has an obligation to ask your wishes. 】

Justissa replied.

[There is...]

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