Story of Longevity

Vol 3 Chapter 545: When are you going to dangle? Slacker! ~

I lay in bed for a period of life planning activities (in a daze), watched the really white ocean oil painting on the wall for a while, ravaged the flat sheets and surrounding dolls that originally belonged to my teacher, and fed the kittens passing by the window. Until the sun rose, some of the decadent Miss Louise finally was time for lunch.

Opening the wardrobe in the star carving room, Louise recalled the space structure in this wardrobe that the teacher had taught herself--

"This place is really responsible enough. Not only does it link [Study], [Halkenia Continent] and [Bow Long Mansion], but now it is also connected to [Departed Garden]? Isn’t the teacher really afraid of any danger? ?"

However, any danger is not her responsibility.

Put a few enchantment gems for remote positioning that the teacher explained in the proper place, Louise herself returned directly to the mainland of Halkekinia, preparing to report to Arietta first that she was safe . After I left, I didn't care about what happened to Sakura Village, which was gradually enveloped by the barrier and overlapped with the different space...


"Finally completed the task of confessing her? This disciple is not reliable at all..."

A half city apart, in front of [Eve’s Gate].

The star carving sitting directly on the ground is littered with many wastes of gems, metals and paper, and he himself is busy analyzing the [version update] that he has been behind for twenty years.

And just now, he finally felt that the task he had given for thirteen hours was finally completed.

But that's it.

There is no practical significance, at most it just lets him know that Louise has left this world.

Being interrupted by Louise's departure, Xing Ke changed his mind and threw down his work directly and lay on the ground.

From all night last night till now, tired.

The ground was cleaned of dust and it was super clean; the sky was cleaned of clouds and it was super clear; the cloak of the mage was sunburned all morning in winter, and it was super warm...not sleeping without reason.

In fact, Xingke did fall asleep deeply and was able to sleep peacefully.


Xingke regained consciousness again when he was awakened by a cry of a baby and then found that his pillow seemed very soft.

A strand of pale golden hair and the afternoon sun caught the eye, and the silky softness under the head was--

"White silk thigh knee pillow? I always feel that I have no regrets in this life."

"Good morning, someone."

A really white voice came from his ears, which completely restored Xing Ke's consciousness.

"Good morning, so white."

Xingke struggled to stand up, turned around and stretched out a hand to Zhenbai to pull her up:

"Are your legs numb?"

"It's okay, it's not long."

Immediately Xingke pulled out a sofa from the different space, and asked Zhenbai to sit down first, then turned to look at the little bit of a leaf in the stroller who was curiously watching her beckoning. Xingke also responded to her greeting, bowing. The lower body pulled up her little hand and shook it...

"Thanks, let you help me take care of the baby, is this little thing very troublesome?"

"It doesn't matter... Basically the maid is busy, I just watched it."

"That's enough."

It's enough to have someone you can trust to watch it... the experienced Star Carving judged this way.

"By the way, why are you here? Shouldn't you be on the sightseeing boat?"

Zhenbai thought about it for a while, and then said slowly:

"Well, the concert last night was very beautiful. After the concert, I fell asleep and dreamed of Altaïr.

But that is not a dream, but a real person? Altaïr also came to the ship..."

Real person? Altaïr, this name seems to be correct.

"Ah, did you have such a romantic encounter when I didn't know it? This is really a good fate..."

The author and the characters in the pen always have an inexplicable causal relationship at any time.

"Then this morning I ate with Altaïr and chatted together. She also praised my comics for being interesting...a handsome person as someone said."

"So, when I was working hard, are you two a beautiful person, a handsome person so happy?"

"Thank you... Is it jealous?"





"what happened?"


"how is this possible?"

"are not there?"

"Not at all."


"Ignore my jealousy!"

"Then, at lunch today, Rita called me and told me that after she got up, the surrounding area of ​​Sakura Village was surrounded by ghosts, and she couldn't get out no matter what. She asked if someone wanted me. Imprison? Imprison her..."

"Oh, ah, that is [Enchantment], I plan to overlap the space in Sakura Village with a certain place..."

Xingke seemed to think of something.

"Is something wrong?"

"Joke, how could I make a mistake? It's just...I fell asleep halfway through my work, hahaha..."

With that said, under Zhen Bai's staring gaze, Xingke remotely controlled and temporarily closed the unfinished space barrier.

"Well, it's solved now? I'm not in jail? Interested in imprisoning girls?"

"After hanging up Rita's phone..."

"So this story will continue?"

The topic that Xing Ke originally thought was caused by the question of [True White, Why Are You Here], it ended after [To rescue the imprisoned girl Rita], but in reality it did not seem to be.

"I want to contact someone, but someone's phone can't get through, so I want to come here directly to find But Uncle Mi said that this place is dangerous for people to approach, so I was rejected... "

Indeed, the pressure in this area that is enough to kill ordinary people has not dissipated.

"So, I went to ask Altaïr."

"Well, a wise choice." Xingke smiled and touched Zhen Bai's head: "Although that guy is not very friendly to me, he is still very kind to others, and he will always help with a small amount of effort?"

Really white nodded to express affirmation, then turned to look at the Rainbow Gate not far away, and said:

"Altaïr agreed, and asked me to bring her message to someone—

[When will the preparation of the Rainbow Gate be delayed? 】

the above. "

That's it, you turned out to be a short biography microphone?

Xingke really served Altaïr.

Obviously she can see things here with a casual glance, but just to prevent herself from appearing so kind, she found a [passing message] job as [the price of transmission], and gave herself [kindly helping Zhenbai] this A reasonable excuse was found for the matter... it really seemed more cordial.

Or, is she urging me?


Speaking of his work, Xingke seemed a bit distressed:

"The basic framework has been built, and if you want to use it, it's not impossible to use it..."

After all, if you always pay attention to the details, it will be endless...

"If Altaïr is anxious to go back..."

"Someone... doesn't actually want to go back?"

Suddenly, when he heard the real white question, Xingke was taken aback...

"……Why do you ask?"

Immediately, he asked back unknowingly...

"Because exactly this expression now."

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