Story of Longevity

: Acknowledgements [@御源凛音] book friends for their great support

I am the sixteen characters, so is the author.

The content is as titled.

Thanks again [@御源凛音] for your great support.

The road to condense faith is long, and it is a blessing to be able to progress step by step and see a little bit of light gathered together in the data.

And the source of this happiness comes from where I will never forget it.

But at the same time, I also feel the pressure, and hope that I can live up to this bit of light in the future. I am afraid of losing the moment I get it. This is a shortcoming and timidity that I regret very much.

This may be my second single chapter thanks, right? The previous time was a huge reward of 50,000 coins after waking up. Although @消心魔书友 is a low-key person, I haven't seen it for a long time, but the first time it is still unforgettable (shy).

But now that the flower is blooming twice, I also want to work harder not for the last time, hoping to get more pros? Fortunately... Maybe this is the bad root of my fellow?

Well, the above is my consciousness and attitude, and the words and sentences are like this, I am really hopeless.

PS: [My man] This is because I really finished "Writing? Wild Dogs" recently. I saw that the persona of Akutagawa Ryunosuke was very delicious and used it.

Wang Haihan.

PS2: I would like to thank the book friend@散陌@同人书友_Archer@书友161023233149360@书友180216102007607@信女赫恩@幻I化羽@尖牙三蛋@幽魂魔玄@书友20190116015336566@不治的Backpack@FQL-dada@(美^梦)@流浪的盖亚@极道之主max@书友20180901001226232@书友20170611005651741@书友20180519154959867@听花开所想@书友150616234937713@trustAlter@金木Tushuihuofenglei@rockmanゼロ@我爱珠子@盐鱼009@书友20180925185956715@wcywin@書友20180925185956715@wcywin@Multi-year account一朝没了@书看多了 is so skilled@书友20170326081751955@黑焯之神言使@孤魂野Ghosts everywhere @书友20180723130251684…………Wait and so on, there are many, many, please refer to the fan list for details. (Huh, it's tiring to read only thirty in one breath. When do I have so many fans? I'm so happy.)

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