Story of Longevity

Chapter 28: Songs older than the original language

   "Thank you, Mr. Lindel."

   Xingke took the wooden bowl that Lindel handed over and thanked him.

   "Try it, this is the only taste here, the reindeer broth is delicious."

   while introducing the food tonight for Star Carving, he also served himself a bowl.

   Since the first meeting with the old dragon, Xing Ke has not disturbed the dying dragon that was already immobile.

   Instead, he wandered around in the Valley of Dragons. Enzworth said goodbye and left before dark, and invited Xingke to visit him next time.

   "There are many fairies here. Mr. Lindel."

   Just as they were having dinner, Xing Ke found that a little fairy in the water that looked like a seal and a human child was also enjoying his dinner—a fish that looked so fresh.

   "Oh ah, they, they are the selchidh, the residents of the sea country with two attitudes: man and seal. The population of the Arctic Ocean is not very small. Isn't it a kind of fairy?"

"Wow, this soup is so fresh! It's delicious-I really envy you magicians at this time, living in a natural place where people are rare, eating such delicious food every day, and being surrounded by these lovely and beautiful fairies and elves. "

   "Really? Me too..."

   "Too suitable for elderly care."


   Lindel is an old naughty boy who is not young, but because of his young appearance and personality, he does not want to be called old.

"Gisyo, our magician has the talent to communicate with elves, so we are also affected by elves for a long time. This is the life span, so is the soul. In the process of casting the spell, we are interacting with this The natural world merges with each other."

   "Is that..."

   Xing Ke, who is adding food to his mouth, seems to have discovered something.

   "Yes, we no longer die like human beings. Only when we are completely integrated with nature, our personal consciousness disappears, that is, we die."

   "How to die like a dragon."

   "The dragon's magic ability is similar to the magician in fundamental principles. We are all loved by this nature, so one day we will return to the existence of our mother. Either in the wind or in the earth."

   "Then your extinction is what nature hopes for?"

   "...It may be so, but it may not be. But even then we will not have hatred, whether it is against nature or anything else."

   "Here is another bowl-the ancestral dragon of the dragon clan left the earth and flew to the stars. Maybe it was a premonition, what do you think?"

"Maybe? But the dragons who are now one with nature are already with nature. They can't do without this land and sky. Even the wings of some dragons have completely degraded. So. , Naibin and I did not feel sad because of the extinction of the dragon clan, and there is absolutely no complaint about you."

   "Well, I understand."

   After receiving the refill, the star carve didn't speak any more, but started to enjoy the rare British delicacy with concentration.

   The moon in the sky shed silver-like brilliance, and the light of the campfire did not look so dazzling.

   The star carve filling his stomach stood up and said to Lindel:

   "I will go back tomorrow, tonight I will enjoy the moonlight that England doesn't have."

   "Then you are really lucky, the moonlight is very bright tonight, and you can see good things.-Come with me."

   Lindel, who had packed up the tableware, led the way, and Star Engraved followed.

   They arrived at a small bay not far away.

   "The moss here will bloom."


   "The Dragon Kingdom was chosen in this land for a reason, that is, the fairy was born here, and loves this land deeply."

   "If you are here, dance with the fairies and the flowers will bloom."

   "Do you remember my other name?"

   "Song of Hundred Flowers-Echoes?"

   Xingke recalled Lindel, a synonym for which he had never known the reason.

   "For magicians and magicians, names are very important. And my gift of magic is song. I will see you off tonight with a special performance."

   The singing was scattered all over the land from Lindel's direction.

   That singing sound like... is the sound of water when snow is melting, sometimes low, sometimes high. Clear and bright, melodious with the wind in nature.

   The magical power of the elements in the air appears as if it resonates with it, and the fluorescence is gleaming, like the light spots of stars dancing and flickering with the wind.

   Just as Lindel said just now, the fairies who heard the singing gathered in the white flowers blooming for them and danced with their companions.

   The laughter of the fairies and the voice of Lindel’s singing form a wonderful waltz.

All of this is composed of languages ​​that the star carvings do not understand, but listening to this voice, in the sound of singing, in the sound of the wind, in the sound of water, the star carvings are remembered. In ancient times, they were born earlier than languages. From the very beginning, the voice filled with the body and nature----

   That is [song].

   That is also [Magic].

   This is the sound of nature that makes people fascinate unconsciously, the whispers of flowers and breeze when they cross the water.

   made the star carving, who had just been full, just leaning on the stone and fell asleep.




   "Guis, it's already morning."

   The next morning, the sun shone through the canyon on the face of Star Carving. It was Lindel’s voice that awakened Star Carving.

   lifted the cloak made of animal skins on his body, Xingke got up and found that somehow, he actually entered the tent. This is Lindel's residence.

   "Are you a kid after all, sleeping soundly, Guise."

   "Wow, old man."

   "Huh...I don't care about the kids, I have breakfast. Remember to go to the river to wash first."

   Lindel finished speaking and got out of the tent.

   " age scares you to death."

   The cold river water is not very bitter in summer, and it is just right for the coolness.

   The breakfast is still reindeer meat, but this time it is paired with unknown mountain vegetables. The crisp taste is refreshing and delicious for breakfast.

   This is the last breakfast star carved in Iceland.

   "Do you really want to leave? Do you want to stay one more day?"

   "No, if I want to come later, I still have time."-Too much disgusting time.

   "Guise... then it's time to see you again, friend."

"Goodbye, Lindel...Finally, because I saw such a beautiful scenery yesterday, I will tell you my name especially, not Disforgo, the real name-Star Engraving, which means the traces of stars. "

   Without waiting for Lindel's response, Xing Ke began to chant the rare mantra.

  【Transformation】Because this is not England, there is no Floo network and cannot be used.

   What I want to use this time is--

  " tells homesickness, tells nostalgia, far away

   A thousand miles away, my hometown far away!

   Out of reach of your hand!

   tells my obsession, tells my hatred!

   Connect the distance with this thought!

   This curses the world that is distorted!

  ——The Gate of Transfer "

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