Story of Longevity

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Regardless of whether the alien is stupid or not, she is already...

The second day Louise came to Sakura-so, because it happened to be a good day like Saturday, Xingqi decided to take the one who just came here from another world after taking care of Zhenbai who was drawing comics all night and taking a rest. "Country Girl" went out to meet the market——

"Someone! What is that? A magic car? A magic car driven entirely by internal magic? Unexpectedly, the alchemy in your world is so advanced.

The old men of the National Alchemy Association think about driving vehicles with magic every day, but they have never succeeded! ~"

Then there was such a classic scene.

However, this has made Xingke very pleased. After all, although Louise behaved like a curious child, at least she, who always called herself a noble, did not lose her most basic restraint.

"Yes, yes, you are really smart, at least you know that it is [car], you didn’t call him [moving box], and you were not surprised why he could run without being pulled by any animal power. You even guessed his motivation. Is from

Yes, the alchemy in this world is indeed developed. Parts as small as a hairline, as large as tall buildings several times higher than the Torrestine Palace, can be built.

So don't be surprised anymore, it makes you look like a countryman. "

"Oh... well. But I'm not a countryman, I'm the third daughter of the Valier family with a long history."

After Xingke's reminder, Louise, who was held in the hands of Xingke, once again resumed her arrogant eldest piety. She was taught how to cross the road by Xingke. She also learned very seriously.

But with the passage of time, when Star Carved and the others passed by an electrical appliance store, Louise's attention was attracted by the large number of TV sets in the glass window.

After confirming that there were no people around, I started asking questions again.

"...Someone, is that a shop for some kind of alchemy? I see you have two such tools in your room."

Fortunately, there are no CRT TVs in this era. Otherwise, in case there will be a cliché [the villain in the box].

Xingqi saw that Louise was referring to the LCD TV, and then recalled the game TV and computer screen in her room, and then organized the language:

"That's a display screen, and this store mainly sells home-style audio-visual magic items. The two in my room are one large and one small, because they are used for different purposes."

"Is there a [display screen] for monitoring distant scenery? I think this is very similar to the crystal ball used to monitor enemy forces in the army."

Xingke thought for a while and decided to continue to flicker. Anyway, magic and technology are all specious technologies, and there is no need for Louise to forcefully accept a power system other than magic.

"Russ can be taught, but because our world is very peaceful, we rarely use this to monitor the enemy, but more often to watch dramas performed by distant opera troupes.

You see, because it is very peaceful, there is a large population. After the population is large, everyone will not be able to go to the theater to watch a drama, because there is really not enough crowds.

So those businessmen produced this so that everyone can watch the show in their own homes.

Because of this, don’t be surprised if you see any incredible scenes from Louise in the future, because it's acting, it's all fake. "

"I see, I am not a kid.

But that's the case. There is a reason why someone's room is so small here.

If there are too many people, everyone really needs to squeeze.

In a crowded capital city, housing prices are indeed expensive, so our family only has a small courtyard to live there. "

The small courtyard you mentioned is already a mansion in the eyes of others, okay? Xing Ke couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But there was still a teacher-like serious face on his face, and he said:

"It's not that the place is so small that everyone has to squeeze, but the bustling places are the same in that world, right?

For more opportunities, everyone likes to go to the same place. The people who really go to open up the new world are either the down-and-out people like the first beautiful and strong country, or the... rare brave. "

Xingke recalled the phenomenon that young people all walked out of their poor hometowns and gathered in big cities, and couldn't help but think of the previous [pioneers], the first generation of people who turned wasteland into cities.

In this regard, Louise made a rebuttal.

"What are you talking about? Aren't the people who open up the land all the nobles?

Albion’s floating continent was originally unpopulated. Later, Albion Guojia was established by a group of war refugees led by a prince from Torrestine who was deprived of his title and property.

At that time, his decree was [Whoever develops the land is the owner of that land! 】

So, the whole continent followed them until there was no wasteland on the continent.

The new aristocracy of that period was called the [exploring aristocracy]. "

"Oh? Is that true? Then why are your nobles still magicians? At least there will be some pioneering nobles who don't know magic?"

Without going through his brain, Xingke asked a stupid question that he regretted.

"Teacher someone, what are you talking about?

Of course it takes strength to open up land? The wasteland in ancient times was a place of wild beasts.

And even if civilians who don’t know how to magic become nobles, it’s impossible for them to survive thousands of years of noble wars..."

Xing Ke was stunned. It turned out that he was so abrupt. He didn't expect such a simple question.

[Development] It takes strength.

[Guardian] also requires strength.

Power in the magical world represents everything. The nobles in Louise and the others are not the same as the incompetent old forces that have long been extinct in this world, but are very similar to the upstarts [strong ones] of this era.

To have a family background, to have strength and strength.

It's like the [Bow Long Family] that Xingke has rarely contacted now.

They were originally an old force that was about to be delisted, but because of the emergence of a "strong man" like Xingqi, they were able to continue to maintain and rule the neon military and business circles, which are all neon and the mainland located in the west of neon. Dads make contributions to the "peace" getting along...

In this way, while walking and talking, Louise also popularized a lot of current knowledge, at least there will be no big oolong.

Until Xingke is going to take her to a further commercial center to buy two localized dresses that suit her——

"Someone, why are you taking me underground?"

"Wait, what is this? Is it a moving staircase? It's just convenient."

"There are so many people here, is there no passage for nobles?"


"Well, it's noisy here, so don't talk. I want to take you to buy some clothes that are not too conspicuous here. Your clothes are too...special."

Walking into the subway station, Xing Ke was a little desperate looking at the crowds in front of him. He even forgot that it was Saturday.

Sure enough, it would be reluctant for the interior pie of Star Carving to lead the way for a cute new person.

"Ah? What are you talking about... There are so many people here! I've had enough! I don't want to be crowded with these civilians here!"

"Well, I also give up."

Dingy escaping from the subway station on Saturday, Xing Ke took Louise to the side of the street and stopped a taxi.

"I originally wanted to show you the neon ground mention. Let's give up decisively when we catch up with the peak.

Although taxis are slower, they are still better than subways. "

"...Someone, although I hate going to crowds with civilians, can you tell me what the subway is?

I always feel a little uncomfortable to be treated as a countryman. "

It seems that although she escaped, but did not see the true face of the subway, Louise is still a little dissatisfied.

"The subway is an alchemy vehicle that runs underground and is extremely fast.

It's very long, just like connecting all the carriages of a large caravan together.

So of course there are many people in the ride..."

"Underground? Is it the same as Kishu's mole?"

"Mole? You can't figure it out.

It's the kind of tunnel dug in advance, just like the secret retreat route of the palace. It's just that the coverage of this underground tunnel is very wide, like an ant's nest.

Guojia, like Torrestine, can be covered in every village and city. In particular, this small country has a super large country in the west, and the plan to cover the whole country is even more frenzied. "

Compared to the Middle Ages, such a huge project, the proud girl Louise was also a little surprised.

"Oh... the people in this world are really extraordinary, and the magic has reached this level.

Then there must be a lot of nobles and magicians in this world, and it is not unreasonable to have someone as powerful as you. "

Sure enough, is it magical thanks to magic? But Louise is right, that is, technology and magic are no different.

It's just... compare the credit of a scientist to that of a magician?

This thought reminded Xingke of an interesting story, so he decided to continue to fool around.

"...Loise, one thing I want to tell you in advance is that there are no nobles in this world."


"But everyone in this world is a magician."


"It's just that in order to maintain the peace of this world, the ruler does not allow everyone to fight or fight, so ordinary people are prohibited from holding magic wands, and everyone is restricted to only certain times ~ ~ specific people can hold magic wands. That's why you I saw the peaceful scene all over the street."

Xingke put on a serious look, took out his mobile phone, found pictures of hot weapons such as guns and bazookas from the Internet, and showed them to Louise.

"Look, this is our magic wand here. This model is called [AK]. Don't look at his weird shape, but even if you are a student of Torrestine College, you can easily fight against your principal.

If it is the more powerful [Wand of Destruction], you can easily slay the dragon! "

"Are you so powerful because of that ruby ​​wand?"

Louise was as excited as she had discovered a great secret.

And Xingke continued to flicker seriously.

"No! Actually I am very strong!

The wooden staff is the weakest here, so my staff is actually not important!

The reason why my blasting magic is so powerful is that I have arrived at the [Nuclear Explosion Originator] Dr. Manhattan’s true biography!

In addition, I have already started to learn [Gravity] Mr. Newton, [Thunder King] Mr. Tesla, [Bright Messenger] Mr. Edison... etc., etc., thousands of thousands of alchemy magic. Master theoretical knowledge, and what I learned, the magic of your ancestors is just one of thousands.

In the near future, that is, one year later, after going through a final trial called [College Entrance Examination], I will integrate them and create a high spirit seat. At that time, I will be the strongest person..."

While talking loudly under the strange gaze of Mr. Taxi Driver, while watching Miss Louise’s believably excited expression from the corner of the eye, Xing Mo had already determined——

This girl has been completely crippled by herself...

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