Step by Step to Win

Chapter 531: Favor

It was getting dark and the lights were beginning to come. After finishing a day of work at the training base, Li Ze, who returned home, sat on the sofa, stretched out his tired muscles and bones during a day of football training, and made a comfortable sound. [Read the latest chapters..]

It is another tiring day, but it is also a happy day. During the recent period, Li Ze has been in a good mood. The Champions League game made him laugh all these days, and he was much more serious than usual during training. And after a day of exhaustion, sitting in his own home and smelling the aroma wafting from the kitchen, Li Ze felt that maybe the happiest day was nothing but this.

Life and work are all satisfying. What can be unsatisfying in such a day?

"came back?"

In the kitchen, Tian Ying's voice came over. As usual, she is now busy in the kitchen, preparing today's dinner, and also in the kitchen, saying hello to Li Ze. However, today is a little different from usual. Tian Ying continued to speak after saying hello.

"Look at it for yourself. On the table, there is a letter from you...seems to be sent by Lao Gao."

Tian Ying’s words made Li Ze stunned. This incident was a bit beyond his expectation. "A letter from Lao Gao? Is there something wrong with him? Is there anything wrong with a phone call? How can I still play tricks? Up?"

The connection between Gao Shunyao and Li Ze has always been very close. The two of them generally contacted them directly by telephone. Gao Shunyao's temperament is broken and straightforward, and Li Ze never hides him from him. No matter what he says, two people can talk face to face, but this time, Gao Shunyao didn't call directly, but chose to send a letter. Li Ze couldn't figure it out.

While speaking, Li Ze also shook his head and walked over. He picked up the letter on the table casually and tore it open. Glancing inside the envelope, Li Ze's puzzlement was immediately explained, looking at the contents of the envelope. He couldn't help but laugh.

Inside the envelope, two football tickets lay there quietly. They were tickets to the Champions League final. The letter Gao Shunyao sent him was to deliver the tickets to him.

"What's in the envelope?"

Hearing his laughter, Tian Ying also asked.

"It's nothing. It's just two tickets." Li Ze took out the tickets from the envelope. The smile on Li Ze's face did not diminish in the slightest. "Without writing the letter, two tickets were placed-but also. Yes, it is not realistic to expect that kid to write a letter with brilliant literary talent... This kid is really sick, let's go to the Champions League final and just say no, we will play this set. Send an envelope with two tickets—— It’s like a surprise, don’t I know that Wolfsburg has entered the Champions League final."

Li Ze raised the ticket in his hand. Talking to Tian Ying who walked out of the kitchen. Tian Ying put down the food in her hand, took the ticket from his hand, took a hurried glance, and then handed it back, "I don’t understand...what can I complain about, the old man is confused. Confused, it’s not the first day you know, he wants to give you a surprise, you just treat it as a surprise and don’t end up."

Tian Ying's calm tone made Li Ze smile helplessly. In fact, in his heart. How can there be any dissatisfaction? My old friend played football and entered the Champions League final. Before the final, he even sent himself a ticket. This kind of thing. Where did he feel dissatisfied, he was very happy.

He knew that Gao Shunyao wasn't a surprise at all. What he wanted was to squat and show off his championship journey in front of his old friends. This behavior is a bit naive, though. If Gao Shunyao can enter the Champions League finals every year, what's the big deal if he plays like this every time?

"Are you going to watch the game?" Looking at the ticket in her hand, Tian Ying also spoke. Although she knew what Li Ze's answer was before she asked, she still asked.

She knew that Li Ze would be happy to talk about this topic.

"Of course, why not? Lao Gao's team entered the Champions League final. For such a big thing, anyway, I have to put down everything in my hand and rush to watch the game. There can be several times in my life. I’m so sorry for myself."

Li Ze's answer was definitely affirmative. Such an answer did not surprise Tian Ying at all. She smiled slightly and said nothing, but in her heart, silently thinking about what should be prepared.

"Then let's leave earlier, go to Germany to meet them first, and then follow them to Portugal to watch the game." Tian Ying nodded and made arrangements for the schedule, "Your team, there is nothing important, right? ?"

"I'm not the head coach. Others can do my things for me. Besides, no matter how important things are at work, they are nothing more than Asian football. How can the Champions League game matter?"

Li Ze's answer made Tian Ying smile helplessly, and she did not expect that Li Ze valued this game so much. Having known him for so long, Li Ze has always been a rather stable person, especially as he has grown older recently, and has also served as a coach in the team. Faced with a group of children every day, his temper has become more and more tempered. He was calm, but now his cheerful tone and look flying, as if he had returned to his teenage years, also surprised Tian Ying.

However, having said that, this game does have a reason to be valued: it was the Champions League final after all. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the highest level game in the world... My friend is playing this kind of game. As a football coach, Li How could Ze not be excited?

Football is a sport full of passion. Don't those famous coaches who coach the football team celebrate when they are excited? Compared with them, Li Ze is nothing but a nameless pawn. His greatest achievement in his life is to teach a European player such as Gao Shunyao. How can he not get excited when he hears that he is playing football?

"Do you think the Wolfsburg finals can be won?"

"I think? In fact, if I want to say it, I think Wolfsburg should have already lost when they faced Chelsea. Even when they played Manchester City, I was not very optimistic about them. Now you ask me my opinion. I What can I say? Since the old Gao arrived in Europe, he has played more and more beyond my expectations. I have long been unable to guess how capable he is."

Hearing Tian Ying's question, Li Ze also directly answered. Although he was talking about the things he had anticipated wrong, he still had a gentle smile on his face when he said these words. He didn't mind his mistakes at all. Compared with this, Gao Shunyao's ability to play well is enough to make him happy.

"If you really say it, it seems that you have never accurately judged how far he can play. When he first started playing in Japan, you always felt that he was unlikely to play well. In Europe, you feel that his team has no hope of winning, but, for so many years, your prediction of him has not been accurate once. You, the coach, are really at the level of half a knife."

Listening to Li Ze’s words, Tian Ying couldn’t help but laughed, and when she heard this, Li Ze also smiled and shook his head gently, “So, I’m a layman, and Lao Gao is not ordinary. I look at him in the simplest way. On the contrary, he keeps making mistakes. For so many years, he has always been more capable, smarter, and harder than I imagined. Those views of mine, from him, are It seems not enough."

"You are targeting most people, and he is a very small minority." Tian Ying put down his tickets and said as if watching Li Ze half-jokingly, "I didn't expect him to be able to do this, either. Back then. He is clearly practicing football for Sirou, but who knows that he goes further and further on this road... Could it be said that this guy fell in love with football when he thought about pursuing Sirou, chasing after him?"

"Who knows? Does he fall in love with football? Only he knows. I sometimes wonder if Siro rejected him in the first place, he would continue to play. No one else would say no to these things. Okay, only Lao Gao knows himself. However, there is one thing, I'm pretty sure."


"I don't know if he loves football or not, but football definitely loves him. He chose football and gained Football gives him a lot. But then again, football doesn’t. There is no reason to favor him. For football matches, he definitely works harder than anyone else."

"From childhood to adulthood, among the people I have seen playing football, he definitely paid the most and gained the most. Moreover, everything football gave him made him work harder. Because of playing football, he got the most. A lot, thinking soft, fame, high salary, these are his gains, and these gains are the reward for his hard work and the root of his continuous hard work. He chose football, love or not is not important, the key is him Along the way, he has never regretted or hesitated, and this has also allowed him to reap success-compared to someone who loves football but doesn't work hard and wastes talent, his efforts are the most important."

Having said that, Li Ze paused for a while and did not continue. In fact, he is not the only one who has been rewarded for his involvement in football? Isn't it the same for yourself, have you got your current happy life? And all of this, isn't it just because I chose the right path and went all the way?

Football is not only favored by Gao Shunyao, but also favored by his Li Ze-looking at everything about himself, he believes in this even more. And he also believes that this kind of blessing will continue, which also makes him full of expectations for Gao Shunyao's future games. (To be continued.)



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