Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 73: 1 wave again?

The moment he reached out to touch the skull.

The scene in front of Tang Luo suddenly changed.

He saw a thin figure with his back to himself.

But not what Han Guang said, it was in Ansan City, more like in the wild.

The picture is not blurred, on the contrary, it is relatively clear.

When Tang Luo was going to see exactly where it was, the thin figure in the picture seemed to notice and moved.

Then the picture shattered.

Tang Luo retracted his hand and guessed: "It seems that touching it every once in a while can show us the scene of the little girl selling matches?"

Han Guang's headache is cracking, which should be caused by this guy's "mental strength".

唐 For Tang Luo, this problem does not exist.

But the little girl selling matches noticed that she was being snooped and cut off "picture transmission."

This makes the time to observe and determine the place from the surrounding scenes very short.

"It seems that you must be more familiar with the neighborhood to be able to confirm the location of the match-selling girl in a very short time."

"And she will run away."

等等 "Wait, why do I think she will run away-well, empiricism, she may not run away."

Tang Luo instinctively regarded as a chasing battle. He chased and sold matches.

But think about it, the little girl who sells matches can be regarded as the boss of this task.

Inertial thinking is not allowed.

So, as a BOSS, the little girl selling matches will definitely come to your door. After all, Tang Luo has her locator in her hand.

At that moment, she beat her up and asked where the real skull was.

Complete the mission, perfect!

I made a plan, Tang Luo took the skull and walked out of Lu's house.

It is not intentionally wrapped in a black cloth, so it is always in a touching state, and the time between positioning can be determined in time.

He deliberately shrank his hands, covering the little skull with a fairly wide sleeve.

I would not walk on the streets of Anshan City that has not been quiet, scaring passersby and attracting officials.

Tang Luo, as a guest of the Lu family, can certainly solve such things.

But such a trivial matter is sure to be avoided.

Time passed by little by little, and it was midnight.

Lu'an Mountain was quiet again, and Tangluo was close to the place of fireworks.

Don't get me wrong, an open-minded sage like Tangluo doesn't look down on this kind of place.

He appeared here just to step on.

This is the north of Anping Lake in Anshan City.

Anping Lake, near the foot of the mountain.

These places, relatively speaking, are more in line with the scene seen by Tang Luo.

Little girls who sell matches, whether ghosts or monsters.

When she isn't doing anything, she never mixes up the "human world", and her appearance can't be mixed with the crowd.

近 The near mountain here is also a relatively small place in Ansan City.

As for why the land of fireworks is here.

There are many reasons. Although there are few people, the environment is quiet. For those in need, they don't mind running from the south to the north.

In addition, in case of a tigress blocking the door at home, if you drill up the mountain and go around from the other side, you can still escape.

At night, Anping Lake is like a mirror.

There is a dark river below this lake, which is connected to the river that "connects" the east and west of Ansan City.

But there is no surface river.

The whole lake is very calm because of the cold weather.

There is already a thin layer of ice on the edge of the salamander. If you touch it a little, it will crack.

On the north side of the lake, there is also a painting dock.

The red lanterns hung with ambiguousness-and weird.

The reason for this weirdness is simple.

There is no sound coming from above this picture.

Wu Mingming is still open, why is it so quiet?

Even if it is a serious old scholar, in this kind of place, after the high drink, it will release waves.

Is it almost the subject, or most of them are wise?

I still say-is it related to the little girl who sells matches?

Tangluo walked towards the painting and approached the pier, and found that the ship did not actually dock.

I was about twenty meters away.

No one was on the pier.

No one was around, Tang Luo jumped up and landed on the deck of the painting.

The puppet deck was still empty, only the red lantern swaying in the occasional cold wind.

Tang Luo pushed open the closed door, and a faint sweet smell came out.

There are many people in the barge building.

It is a pity that he is not the living, but the dead.

Part of him was lying on the table and part was lying on the ground.

With a purplish-red face, swollen face and palms, the characteristics of poisoning and death are particularly obvious.

Tang Luo thinks that this is not the style of a little girl selling matches.

She bites it off or swallows it, not poison.

吗 Is there a second 魑 charm 魍 魉 in this city of Ansan?

"I remember Zhou Zhenguo said that even after completing the task, you can resist the return and stay for a longer period of time." Tang Luo had an idea. "Let's stay a little longer depending on the situation, and solve this together, it is also a virtue."

I walked to the second or third floor, and Tang Luo also checked it.

There is no one living in the whole painting.

But the rooms on the second and third floors are either empty, or there are two people, or three or four people.

There is only one room in which there is only one male deceased, naked. Compared with other deceased, this death is extremely miserable.

A tadpole is like a giant rotting toad.

"Here is the source of the poison?"

Tang Luo ignored the corpse and deliberately used the merit Yulian to disperse, but cleared away a little poison.

I did not find the source of the poisonous gas.

There is no doubt that the poison source can be moved.

After leaving the painting, Tang Luo continued to wander in Anshan City.

Wearing a white coat, a looming skull, feels more like a ghost.

A few glances were even more shocking. He was almost scared of the disease and stumbled to run home. Even if he deducted money, he would not do it.

Bian Mingming is Ansan City, why is it not safe and peaceful?

"Master, Master Xuanzhang, please give me another light-spell." Lu Zhi followed Tang Luo. "What we can do, don't hesitate to speak."

"Amitabha Buddha." Tang Luo put one hand on his chest, "Lu Shi, non-poor monk does not give, but only five open light charms, is already the limit of poor monks."

The time is three days later.

画舫 Overnight, the news that the dead body was full was spread.

All of a sudden, the wind of Anshan City cranes.

The little girl who sold matchsticks used to kill people, at most one night or two.

I later developed to kill the Ding family and Lu family.

In fact, it does not have much impact on the entire Anshan city.

But there was something wrong with the painting. After it was spread, there were too many rumors, and everyone made themselves at risk.

The Jairus family was no exception and asked Tang Luo for a light run on many occasions.

The Balu family was able to reach the large households in Anshan City. Although it was not a coincidence, they also had a lot of private and private means.

开 Opening up to the Lu family is not a profitable business.

Tangluo gave five luminous charms and told the children of Lu's family to use them. It was invalid for adults.

Luo Rao was so, he was also divided up by the owner and the clan.

I am very grateful that the eldest son of Lu Zhi gave his brother a hard shot.

Since she gave it, Tang Luo was too lazy to take it back.

However, he is not an injustice, and he made it clear that he cannot make "meritorious investment" that he cannot make.

Jairus pleaded several times, but he was shirked. Today is another routine business.

After Xun refused Lu Zhi, Tang Luo took the skull and left Lu's house.

He has figured out that every three hours, when he touches the skull, he can see the relevant picture of the little girl selling matches.

But because of the relationship that the other party perceives, every time it flashes away.

During a "patrol", Tang Luo noticed that he was just nearby and went straight away.

Unfortunately, no trace of the little girl selling matches was found.

What's interesting is that after that time, Tang Luo occasionally felt that someone was spying in the dark, appearing sometimes, if not.

I was like a patient predator waiting for the moment when the prey was exposed.

This is a good thing.

Tangluo believes that the little girl selling matches will soon come to you.

"Several people, please help me a lot."

Lulu House, staggered, Lu Zhi said to a few people, holding a wine glass.

"Gongzi Lu, rest assured, we will definitely help you talk to the master." Han Guang said, "But if we can do it, it is not something we can set. After all, we are only the master's servants. It ’s all for you. "

His face turned red, and Du Shun, who was holding on to her beauty, nodded again and again.

The Bianlu family couldn't get more Kailu from Tangluo. They had to take a roundabout route, hoping to start from the four servants of Master Xuanzang.

Fortunately, these four people are not the kind-minded monks like Master Xuanzang.

The puppets were exactly four lay people, and they fell directly under the sugar-coated shells.

But this is not enough. The Lu family wants more light-emitting charms.

"These are ~~ ~ I leave first." Lu Zhi said, sighing, feeling like a turtle.

"Want to use sugar-coated shells?" Looking at Lu Zhi leaving, Han Guang was taunting in his eyes, and secretly said, "Laozi is a demon walking, modern people, your level here is far worse than the ISO service of that year. Costumes are a bit interesting. "

"Master Xuanzhang is our thigh, so you should be the head of injustice!"

广 Priority, Han Guang is very clear.

He just needs to hold Master Xuanzang's thigh and wait for the task to be completed.

If Master Xuanzang can't do it, he can't help it.

The fool would just say something good to the Lu family for the sake of a little bit of profit, at the risk of angering Master Xuanzang.

Sugar licked clean and shelled back.

After a scent of incense.

Two other new couples, Ma Qiang and Zhang Wen, stepped out of their rooms and met in the courtyard.

Is lighter than Han Guang and Du Shun's Wuwu, or to listen to "Xuan Zang".

These two hearts are heavy.

You know, when they got the skull from the small village that day, there was nothing about them.

The investigation of the two in the Anshan City also failed.

what does this mean?

Means that even if the mission is completed through the skull in the end, most of them will not get any reward, at most it is not a mission failure.

If they are unlucky and meet strict mission requirements, they may still fail the mission.

"What to do?" Zhang Wen asked.

"The monk is not kind, don't blame our injustice!" Ma Qiang's face was ruthless. "We told him several times, the skull didn't let us touch it, and we swallowed it alone! What else do we follow him for?"

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