Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 159: Kill in my dream

Edward said not to kill An An, but while others were hit in the face, there was no way to keep the muzzle stable.

Li rushed to the one-armed man casually, and the one-armed man responded quickly, his face was dull, and his right leg was directly bumped!

Li casually changed his expression, pressing his right hand down, pressing the man's knee and hitting, while his left hand was firmly imprinted on the man's chest.

The man seemed to stagnate for half a second, flying backwards, spraying blood in his mouth, smashing to the ground and passing out.

One trick to solve the one-armed man, Li turned around and killed four Edwards.

When approaching the back, the right hand extended and showed a claw shape. Pulling backwards, the firearms in the hands of the three were pulled by the invisible vitality and directly released.

Flying Dragon Cloud Hand!

Also from the Legend of the Sword and Fairy, but it is not the "skill" of the Jiujianxian Club.

Li shook his right hand casually, and threw three guns into the corner of the living room.

Then, just as the tiger entered the flock, within a few seconds, the four Edwards lay on the ground, leaving only the moan-groaning strength and couldn't stand up at all.

"Really just ordinary people." Li casually said.

Each of these macho men is also a fierce character of a dozen and ten, but unfortunately met a holder of the mythical ministry life fragment.

As a person who cultivates immortality, Li casually stated that "you fell before I worked hard".

"Isn't it because I found out my true identity?" An An whispered, approaching Tang Luo.

One six demon walked, two had not yet met.

With the exception of her, the remaining three are "solitary widows", and there is almost no abnormality found.

But An An is different, and there is a housekeeper.

"Not like it." Tang Luo shook his head and stood up, trying to say something.

Lying on the sofa and sleeping, or being drugged, Chu Zhongtian, who couldn't wake up at all, suddenly shivered.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

A terrible scream burst from his mouth.

He also “bursted” together with the bruising wound and sharp blood that appeared in his body!

Tang Luo reached out and waved his hand, and the light flashed on Yulian.

Chu Zhongtian's body appeared, and the wound that could almost be completely torn off disappeared instantly. His body bounced off the sofa and hit the ground.

"Ha, ha, ha--"

With a violent gasp, Chu Zhongtian leaned over his side, his forearms resting on the floor to support his body, and his face was covered with sweat.

The expression was full of sorrow, fear and pain.

"What--what's wrong?" An An's voice trembled a little.

Even Edward, they were attracted to the eye. What?

What he gave them was just a powerful drug. He didn't have such a "bleeding function", even if there were side effects, it would not be so serious.

Yes, Tang Luo was given a lot of medicine during the dinner they ate.

Both An An and Chu Chongtian were successful.

However, An An didn't eat much, barely awakened by the housekeeper, and the whole person was in a state of half sleepwalking.

Chu Zhongtian ate a lot, so he slept like a dead pig. Even the sound of gunshots and the smashing of the coffee table did not wake him up.

As for Tang Luo and Li casually ...

It doesn't matter if you take the medicine as a meal-Li can do it anyway, Tang Luo doesn't even need it, and it has no effect.

"I don't know, what's wrong with you?" Tang Luo went to Chu Chongtian.

Chu Chongtian shook his body, and climbed up to the ground, posing defensively. After seeing Tang Luo, they still did not relax.

Anyone can feel the state of tension and tension.


After half a minute, Chu Zhongtian spoke.

"It's me," Tang Luo said.

"Is it you?" Chu Zhongtian remained tight.

"Need me to prove it?" Tang Luo said, his eyes glanced at Chu Zhongtian, and he seemed to be considering where to start to prove his innocence.

"Wait! I woke up! Really woke up?" Chu Zhongtian stepped back.

"Wake up, are you having nightmares?" An An asked.

Chu Zhongtian looked around a few more times, slowly relaxing, sitting on the ground with one buttock: "Hoo, escaped, I thought I was dead."

"No, you were basically dead." Li pointed to the sofa casually.

Chu Zhongtian looked at him, his face paled a bit, and there was all blood.

There was where he was lying, whose blood was needless to say.

Touched him, but there was no slight wound.

"Master, you saved me again." Chu Zhongtian thanked.

"Anyway, this is merit," Tang Luo said, "what happened?"

"Freddy." Chu Zhongtian said, "I was dragged into a nightmare by a thing with Freddy's ability. If it was not the master who saved me, he would have been killed."

"Freddy?" Ann said. "What's that?"

"The evil spirits in the" Evil Ghost Street "series have the ability to kill in dreams." Li casually said that he has seen this series of movies, "You met that guy?"

"You may not believe it, the guy I met claimed to be Cao Cao." Chu Zhongtian smiled bitterly.

"Cao Cao?" An An froze. "I kill in my dream?"


"Pretend to be a ghost! You--" Edward just said that he was going to ruthlessly, and Li kicked him casually, knocking him dizzy.

Then I kicked the other three people down. I do n’t care about you now. Let me faint.

A few minutes later, Chu Chongtian, who gradually emerged from the torn and shadow of death, told Tang Luo them about their experiences.

In simple terms, he was pulled into a nightmare and had a battle against him.

During this period he was wisely aware of his dreaming state.

I want to wake up many times, but I fail — most of it is the drug effect.

Eventually caught by the evil spirit in the dream, a five-horse corpse came, then acted on reality, was rescued by Tang Luo, and woke up.

This is roughly the case.

"Where you live, isn't it Elm Street?" Li asked casually.

Elm Street, Freddie's important event scene.

"No, the evil is not Freddy, but has similar abilities." Chu Chongtian said, "He also claimed to be Cao Cao, as for the image-when he later chased me, he looked like a master."


"Well, it may be that I feel the master is so powerful that it can't be resisted." Chu Chongtian said.

"There are more and more dangers," Li casually said. "It really seems like a survival task."

"I think it's because each of us has encountered a different crisis." Chu Zhongtian spoke a little faster, analyzing with the meaning of a few words of release. "The master encountered a weird voice and a weird voice on the corridor, Uncle Li Your danger is actually the principal, painting Pichuan, but he was shared by the master's appearance. An An, your danger is this housekeeper. "

"And I met the evil spirit in my dream."

"Does it make sense?" Li said casually.

Separate people face different dangers, and gathering them together is equivalent to gathering dangers together.

If you think about it like this ...

"So there are at least two 'sources of danger'?" An An asked. "But if there is one person, why are there two masters?"

"I was targeted." Chu Chongtian said, suddenly showing a stunned look, "No, the master solved the 'crack girl' thing, so the strange sound of the stairs and stairs was there. That should be a warning. Or to say something, I am afraid that we will continue to encounter crisis before the end of 30 days. "

"What do you think?" Li casually made sense and looked at Tang Luo.

"The soldiers came to block, the water came to cover the soil," Tangluo said.

Translating it is "regarding him three or seven and twenty one, strangling to death".

"Uncle Li, don't take my words seriously, I just compare them slightly." Chu Chongtian said again, but he had an analysis that was as fierce as a tiger, and finally saw the experience of 0-5.

In the analysis just now, more soothing mood, from "unknown" to "known", reducing fear and fear.

"..." Li casually speechless.

"When it comes to survival missions, the poor monk has also experienced one." Tang Luo said, "The situation is also almost constantly chased after killing, because the original owner has provoked the entire" killer world ", the time is thirty days, and the streets randomly spill Everyone can be a killer. "

"How did the master spend it?" Li casually asked. He had experienced similar tasks for the first time, hoping for a reference.

"Later, the poor monk found the source of all evils and turned them once, but unfortunately there was not enough time in the end to fully save everyone." Tang Luo's tone was rather unfortunate.

"..." I refer to your second aunt!

"If we can find the source, but there is no connection between these 'dangers'." An An said, "Will we leave this small town? Maybe there is no danger?"

"better not."

Li casually said, "Although the mission is not completed and will not die, leaving the 'mission land' may be a solution. But there is also a situation where other places are more dangerous than the mission land."

Tang Luo's second mission was, in a sense, what Li casually said.

The two "farm farms" on the roadside are much more dangerous than their stay at the terminal of Tianming.

"Oh." An An nodded. "Will we solve my crisis ~ ~ I will encounter another crisis next?"

"Don't take my analysis as truth, reference, just reference." Chu Chongtian said.

Because of his analysis, he finally fell on his knees, and he was guilty of it.

"How do these people solve it?" An An looked at Edward and others.

"Wake up and ask for the purpose clearly." Li stood up casually, went to the kitchen to pick up a large basin of water, and fell on Edward's face, who clearly dominated and planned the night.

After a while, he asked, "Why didn't you wake up?"

"Yeah, why didn't you wake up?" Chu Zhongtian also looked strange, not all on TV.

Come in a coma, just come with basin of water.

"Probably you started heavy?" Tang Luo guessed. "Maybe you wake up a few more times, or come across?"

An An sat nicely aside and continued to be out of place.

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