Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 149: Live forrest

Back home.

A bone sword, a large food container and a cat squatting on the food container were already placed at the door.

Tang Luo opened the door, entered the house, closed the door, and the happy day was over.

Time goes by.

Xue Nianzhi contacted Tang Luo once and said that he wanted to rent another year. After reaching an oral agreement with Tang Luo, he directly rented the rent for half a year.

At the same time, it can be seen how profitable the underwear store is. At least, Xue Nianzhi is very profitable.

In other words, the small fabrics are so expensive that the house cannot be compared with them.

It's no wonder that countless men consider touching and **** this little cloth as their goal, just as many people regard buying a house as their goal.

Tang Luo has little need for both.

He was paralyzed at home and lived like a salted fish. He didn't even take a closer look at the bonus that was credited to the card when he approached the science.

Occasionally giving people light treatment of injuries, in exchange for the treatment of things, seemingly extra effort, in fact, calculated, still make money.

You know, saving people also has merits, unless it is a very small number of super wicked people, the power of merits will be replenished.

deficit? nonexistent.

Tang Luo felt that he could give himself a nickname "Don't Lose", and it was quite loud.

Of course, it's not bad now.

Master Xuanzhang, Xuanzang sage or something is enough to make people respectfully.

Tang Luo is not a person who likes to show off. Otherwise, if he attends the party, the harvested fart can overturn the roof.

The small diamond wind brand steel needles in his hands were also sold.

Tang Luo himself did not know exactly who it was sold to. Many people entrusted other gods to walk to buy it.

Whether it is approaching science or martial art mythology, there are demon walking similar to the middle man role.

After a while, Tang Luo stood up and put on a mission-specific white monk suit. The bricks and the ominous one were right-handed and one left-handed.

With a bone sword on his back, the scabbard was customized by the upper chop cat, which is a bit rough, and it complements the bone sword that is rough, primitive, and mean.

This dress is naturally because his sixth mission is about to begin.

After passing this task, Tang Luo even passed the novice period and became the "senior".

Six times before, the self-proclaimed seniors were less confident.

Xiaotian dog jumped on Tangluo's shoulder, did not lie down, squatted well, and tried to put on the look of a guardian stone lion.

However, the only thing I want is to make most people hold their dogs in their arms.

When time comes, the scene in front of it changes naturally as if Tang Luo has been in such a scene.

Tang Luo stood at a desk with an open stack of test papers and blank draft paper.

With his sight, a word emerged from the draft paper, in parallel with the voice that came to mind:

Survive, find your five companions, and at least two of them are guaranteed to survive.

Here is the countdown that has been turned on directly.

The time is thirty days.

"A survival mission again?" Tang Luo secretly said in his heart, "I don't know if any other demon from the faction walked to hunt."

His fourth mission was a survival mission, which also lasted thirty days.

In addition, the demons who were forcibly attributed to the West walked and gave him a life piece fragment to heal, or Nero's life piece fragment. It is estimated that two or three were combined.

Very kind and kind, I don't know if I will meet such kind people this time.

There is still some information under the countdown.

Tang Luo took a look and was assigned the same identity as the last survival mission. However, the way of arranging identities this time is not exactly the same as last time.

Without putting on the perfect camouflage coat, Tangluo is still called Tangluo, and his appearance has not changed.

Compared to the last glance with his eyes, he knew nothing.

I was also told some simple information this time to let Tang Luo know that his role in this task world is a high school teacher called Tang Luo, which has a feeling of "another world and another me".

Tang Luo remembered that he had discussed "role-playing tasks" with Qin Menglan.

Qin Menglan said that in the information she got, role-playing tasks would not get identity information, so sometimes identity would become a burden.

But this time Tang Luo knew a little bit of information-even if it was just ‘I ’m a high school teacher’.

It also proves that role-playing tasks are not absolutely unknown.

After completing the task and returning to the real world, you can tell Qin Menglan to update and correct in time.

It feels like writing a strategy for opening up wasteland. In fact, it's not much different. The name of the game is not blind. Don't forget that there is another name for the player.

It is just too heavy to play with "life".

So many people are reluctant to use "players" to describe themselves, feeling too frivolous.

"This task is a bit troublesome." After absorbing all the task information, Tang Luo reached out and knocked twice on the table.

The trouble is, of course, not to survive, but to find another companion.

If you want to successfully complete this task, you have to survive two people-whether the two of them include yourself, it is a bit vague.

The most secure situation is to survive three people.

But besides having five companions, these companions are male or female, old or young. Tang Luo doesn't know where.

Even if you want to protect someone, you don't know where to start.

I don't know if the tasks of the other five people are the same as those of Tang Luo.

"It's because of this troublesome place, so this role play is playing‘ I ’m ’?”

This may not be without.

On the bright side, the six demon walking will not be scattered around the world, at least in the same area.

This area will not be too big, most of which are cities, towns and the like.

Moreover, through the arranged identity, it is very likely that you can naturally contact other gods and walk.

Think about the bad side, calm down and wait for the mission to return.

God knows what is happening to other people. It is possible to be killed by a car while walking on the road.

"Even if you meet, how do you judge the other party? If you meet an acquaintance, it's OK. One side is OK." Although Tang Luo doesn't remember people, when he needs to, he can remember them. "Used", will not "less hate when the book is used."

In short, for Tang Luo, the most troublesome place is not to survive, but to find someone.

"Play your identity for the time being. What danger would a high school teacher encounter? Is it possible to hide your identity?"

Where Tang Luo is is a rented house with dozens of square meters. On the left side of the door is a simple kitchen stove. On the right is a small bathroom. Take a few steps forward, a bed, a desk.

There is a small balcony outside, which can be used for drying clothes. When the door is opened, the room will not look narrow and ugly.

In any case, you can have a dwelling, kitchen or balcony.

For many young people who work hard in big cities, it is undoubtedly a very good place to live, and it can even become a sanctuary similar to the harbor of the soul.

The premise is ... don't be too expensive.

Tang Luo didn't know how the high school teacher's salary was, but combined with his appearance, he was a newcomer who just started working.

The salary should not be too high, and it is normal to rent a place like this.

As for whether it is a dormitory arranged by the school, the ghost knows.

It was only a few minutes after Tang Luo entered the mission world, and his bone sword was not taken off.

Yes, the bone sword made from the remains of the small diamond wind was brought into the mission world together with the scabbard.

Open the button on the chest, remove the bone sword, and set it aside. Tang Luo picked up the mobile phone on the table or pressed the key. There is no password set above, long press to unlock, and open directly.

In the address book, there are many numbers of XX teachers, as well as XX principals, directors, and various unknown names.

I didn't find titles like parents, and I didn't know if it was set by the orphans, or just saved the name, which was invisible to the "crowd".

Looking at the papers on the desk, most of them belong to Tang Luo's students.

The above names have quite various formats. From the perspective of the real world, they belong to the Chinese-Western hybrid.

There are Wang Xiaoming, Jack Jones, Taro Field, Tabuzki ...

"What a mess." Tang Luo muttered, and at the same time he was grateful for the Chinese paper, which meant that he was a Chinese teacher.

This is a good thing. If it is a high school math teacher, it is estimated that the day after he goes to work, he will be handed over to the office by the principal to talk about it.

As a language teacher, Tang Luo can start with composition and mix for a week.

Why do many social media discussions be essays every college entrance examination?

Because everyone can discuss only composition.

Opening the dark curtains and glancing at the night outside, Tang Luo sat at the table and took the bone sword next to him.


After holding the hilt, Tang Luo looked a little surprised.

A piece of information came to mind--

? ? ?

The sword made for the evil monster and the spine after death cannot hear the unwilling roar on the blade, and seems to die quite clean.

? ? ?

Two question marks, or blanks, are waiting for Tang Luo to complete them.

The former is the name and the latter is a comment.

This stalk-blade sword was actually recognized as equipment by the demon! Moreover, the producer of Tangluo has the power to name and comment.

Tang Luo was in deep thought. What's his name?

Xiaotian Dog looked at Tang Luo as a thinker ~ ~ jumped to the bed and happily occupied the position beside the pillow.

After thinking about it for a while, in the principle of drinking water and not forgetting to dig wells.

Tang Luo named the bone sword "Drilling Wind", and the remark was "It used to be a happy mountain patrolling monster until it produced one of the several illusions of a monster."

Be regarded as a "contribution" to commemorate the little diamond wind.

After becoming a piece of equipment, Tang Luo can also put away the wind-bone sword.

A little convenience for the gods to walk.

Tang Luo did not sacrifice the bone sword.

Because there will be no more benefits after the sacrifice. After all, this bone sword is too primitive. Many magical functions after the sacrifice are available from the beginning. After the sacrifice, the permissions are opened.

The collection and recall of the BRICS are all inherent.

Bone Sword, I'm sorry, nothing, pure and primitive killing weapon.

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