Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 122: There are limits to hidden weapons and martial arts

This village should be a sealed dangerous Jedi.

Inside is a group of immortal monsters that kill and merge and become stronger.

They were trapped inside the village, but they could not touch the "village", they could not leave, and they were so hungry that weeds were never released.

Because of the sudden shock, everyone found this village and thought that they could find any clues.

I did not expect to be in trouble.

The above is the current status of the reasoning.

"Since this village was originally isolated and sealed, why aren't these monsters running now?" Zhao Gailun was clever for a moment.

They were able to come in and prove the seal was broken-at least they had access to get in and out.

"Wisdom is not so high, it is not found for the time being, or it is a residual instinct." Qin Menglan said.

"Residual instinct?" Zhao Gaelun froze for a moment, reacting, these monsters, most likely the villagers of this village!

As a villager, it is normal for the family to be unwilling to leave.

Now, they have attracted all the attention of the monsters as food existence. It is difficult for them to find a passage and leave.

God knows how long this group of monsters have been trapped, and it is estimated that only the thoughts of "hungry" and "eating" are left.

"Break out," Li Qing said again, "how much more energy do you have?"

"Breakout should be fine," King Kong and others said.

When the monsters reappeared, they decided to break out.

It is just that the resurrected monsters have improved their strength and speed, hit everyone by surprise, and come to the hut to temporarily avoid their sharpness.

With the existing strength of everyone, we can still break through.

Breakout difficulty is naturally much lower than killing these monsters again.

It's also a sad thing to say. Everyone's strength is enough, but there isn't that much. They are in an awkward stage.

Because of the good overall strength, when the first wave of monsters appeared, everyone chose to kill them.

In the second wave, everyone can no longer kill all monsters.

Fortunately, Zhao Gaelun found the hut and gave everyone a little breathing time. Otherwise, the consequences would be much more serious than now.

Well, this serious consequence is based on the fact that there is no Tang Luo Kaiguang.

Others apparently did not take Tang Luo's opening into account "within the hole."

"Then do it early. Don't you think it's getting colder?" Even when everyone was talking, the monsters didn't stop.

The moments of walking through the room and passing through everyone's bodies will bring a "cold wind" directly into the coldness of the bone marrow.

As time goes by, the gods can't keep walking.

Qin Menglan's complexion had begun to pale.

Of these people, she is the worst in terms of physical fitness alone.

Ye Kai and Nie Feng are masters of martial arts.

Although Zhao Gailun has not been strengthened, his physical quality is better than that of the strengthened gods and demons. In addition, the courage skills have disappeared. For him, it has just begun.

Don't worry, Donkey Kong is one.

"They all came in, searched it, and maybe found something." Instead, it should be Qin Menglan who was most eager to break through.

She did feel cold in her hands and feet, but she didn't really worry.

Because she knew how much power Tang Luo had for healing, but when the damage had accumulated to a certain degree, she could turn around and jump back and forth.

"Are you sure?" Li Qing looked at Qin Menglan, thinking you were so rigid?

"Um." Qin Menglan used actions to show that he ignored those passing monsters and started rummaging in the hut.

Others also started rummaging.

This cottage happens to be a nearby two-story cottage, both outside and interior, more "luxury" than other cottages.

All the furniture is in good condition.

It feels like the resident suddenly evaporated, leaving such traces.

"The village has not been damaged by external forces. There are no such natural disasters as earthquakes or mudslides. What is it that 'kills' all the villagers in an instant and turns them into monsters?

This question is like a big mountain, pressing on everyone's mind.

Suppress the snake spirit and rescue grandpa.

Could it be that the snake is the one who did this?

But why did the snake spirit shoot at this village? Blood sacrifice alchemy?

Huluwa is a children's story. But this task is not. Think of it in the dark. It is not impossible for the blood sacrifice for the whole village for the essence of alchemy and the like.

However, the village is well-preserved and in a sealed state. It is not like using the villagers as "material".

On the second floor, Qin Menglan and Li Qing pushed open the door of a room. The interior decoration revealed the feeling of a woman's boudoir. There was also a dressing table with a bronze mirror on it.

For the village, it should be considered a luxury.


Without any nonsense, Qin Menglan and Li Qing started looking.

The group of monsters have already entered the range of the cabin. Although they have become a special "untouchable" state, they can't touch the cabin, Qin Menglan, etc. and other things in the cabin.

But monsters can still touch each other.

They collided with each other, squeezing, chasing the "food" they could not reach, and started to stack up the "people mountain". They had reached the second floor, rushed to Qin Menglan, and fell again.

Then came the second, and the third, scrambling.

"I am!"

"Go to his uncle!"


Downstairs could hear the scolding of the three, and even Yun Xiaohuan was no exception.

Originally, the monsters just passed by and brought a cold frost, but now they are crowded on them, like putting ice cubes into their bodies.

All three's teeth could not help but start to tremble up and down.

There is really not much time left for these gods to walk.

"Letter!" Li Qing's sharp eyes found a letter in the shadows that the monsters passed by from time to time.

This type of written information can provide important clues.

Just before she walked over to pick up the letter, there was a sudden shock at her feet.

No, not at your feet!

The small table in front of me and the bowl on the table also started to shake, and the whole wooden house was shaking!

The ground began to bulge, as if something giant was about to break out!


Li Qing shouted loudly, and with Qin Menglan, desperately broke into the wooden house and jumped out.

As soon as they smashed the wooden house and jumped out, a huge sense of oppression came from behind, and the waves were flying around, and there were flying dirt, gravel, and wooden house debris.

Li Qing deserves to be a teacher.

In this case, he still grasped the letter that flew out, and at the same time turned around in the air, trying to see what the **** got out of the ground.

A black giant, but not a living thing, but a huge stone pillar!

Something like this got out of the ground?

What kind of magic weapon and powerful equipment is this?

Could it be said that the beginning of the earthquake was also because the stone pillar was moving, and now it rushed out in one fell swoop?

To say that the famous stick weapon, as a Chinese, one must think of Sun Wukong's wishful golden hoop.

Li Qing noticed that there were cracks on the stone pillars.

It's about to crumble, or in other words, about to show its true face!

equipment? Extremely powerful equipment?

Upon landing, Li Qing looked at the others. Qin Menglan was a little embarrassed, but was not injured.

Yun Xiaohuan is Ye Kaiming's life style, and he has done so well without being injured.

King Kong and Zhao Gailun were out of luck. The two were lying on the ground with painful faces. They didn't know whether they were bumped by Shi Zhu or they were hit by other gadgets. They both suffered minor injuries.

And none of those monsters is intact, all scattered around, struggling and wriggling.

The stone pillar fell to the ground with a dull sound.

It was directly torn apart, but Li Qing didn't think about it, revealing the true content of the powerful equipment inside, it seemed like an ordinary stone pillar?

Li Qing stood next to the pit and looked down, and all he could see was the darkness, like an abyss.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Li Qing shouted loudly. She saw white shadows hitting the depths of the black abyss, and moved up quickly!

As soon as I blurted out, the white shadow passed by Li Qing's eyes. It was so fast that people couldn't see what it was, and could barely feel it was human.


The jumping Tang Luo fell to the ground again, watching Qin Menglan and others, "how are you here?"

"How are you here!" Li Qing suddenly calmed and asked loudly!

It ’s you that is flying out of the ground?

"I went into the ground, and the road below was in all directions. It was like a maze. Later, I lost my way. I had no choice but to use a stone pillar to open the road." Tang Luo said, "are you in danger? They were hurt a little what."

As he spoke, he walked towards King Kong and Zhao Gailun.

The two brothers were very close. One was lying down, and the other was lying down, barely moving, indicating that they could rescue them again.

"... Yeah," said Qin Menglan, his voice faint.

"Er, do you happen to be standing out of the stone pillar?" Tang Luo, who slammed my teammate, asked in surprise, wouldn't it be so right?

"What do you say?" Qin Menglan picked up the dog and pressed it on her face. Only by sucking a cat can she keep calm.

"Ha ..." Tang Luo smiled. "Don't care about such details, life will inevitably have setbacks."

Everyone is an adult, so be rational.

He stretched out his hand, and the power of the merit Yulian passed through the palm of the hand, turned into light, and fell on King Kong and Zhao Galen.

After a while, the two got up with some worries and stepped back involuntarily.

King Kong didn't want to smile, and his expression was sore.

Zhao Gailun stared at Tang Luo in horror, his face was filled with the words "Incredible".

Such a large stone pillar was thrown up by this guy—no, it wasn't thrown up ~ ~ Is a stone pillar opened a passage from the ground to the ground?

I was working with such a monster yesterday?

Why am I still alive ... Oh, because yesterday Xuan Zang actually didn't really shoot.

He started out to grab the gourd.

At the back, he was standing in place, and he didn't take any action-he just shot to block his own Wang Baquan.

"Wind ... Li Qing." Yun Xiaohuan said in a deep voice, almost exposing Li Qing's life, but no one noticed him at this time.

"Ha?" Li Qing looked at Yun Xiaohuan.

"I suddenly realized that there is a limit to martial arts." Yun Xiao looked up at the sky.

"... Wu Gong is actually OK." Li Qing's voice was dry.

Her life style is Nie Feng, and she may not be able to do this in the future. You know, "Feng Yun" is Hong Kong, and the upper limit of Hong Kong is never low.

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