Steel steam and flame

Chapter 991 The Final Winner (13)

The gorilla's eyes were almost narrowed, leaving only a thin slit. The frost-covered hair seemed to be alive. They were messy and moving at a slow speed, and soon became smooth and clinging to the body. The ears moved, and the subtle sounds made the gorilla seem a little excited. It was the breathing and heartbeat that came out despite trying its best to suppress it. Only a few were captured, but this did not prevent it from guessing that the remaining people were slowly approaching in this direction in a spreading encirclement net.

This is what is needed. The obstructed line of sight prevents the assessors from focusing their firepower on themselves at the same time. As long as they do not suffer a lot of damage in a short period of time, the gorilla will have the confidence to escape safely from here.

As the distance got closer and closer, the gorilla closed his eyes completely and adjusted his breathing during this process. It almost turned into an upright block of ice, and the hands holding the machete and heavy machine gun were still and remained the same.

Even though they were only separated by less than a few meters, Fielding and others still couldn't see their teammates at such a close distance through their field of vision. No one dared to make any big or heavy movements. They took every step cautiously and walked slowly in the direction just agreed upon.

At this moment, perhaps because of the tacit understanding between the three of them, Fielding, Elps and Cosway all agreed to slow down their pace. It's not because they intuitively feel anything, it's just that they simply think that walking in the front position will be more dangerous. Never thinking that they would be cannon fodder, the three of them naturally slowed down, and their senses spread out around them bit by bit as their bodies moved.

There was nothing, the surrounding area was still completely gray, but it felt like being in a deep well in the cold winter, and I was actually the only one left in the snow and fog.

The pace became slower and slower, and after a few breaths, the three of them even stopped. Standing on the spot, his two eyes moved in their sockets, trying to take in everything around him into his sight.

At this moment, several huge fireballs burned in the gray mist in front of the three people. The body reacted immediately and made a defensive posture, and the sound swept away. When the impact and shrapnel hit everyone, the sound of exploding gunshots and the sound of explosions were heard simultaneously, and a bullet was pulled away in an instant. No one noticed the dark lines. , piercing Cosway's head with a bloody hole the size of a fist.

Before Cosway's body fell, in the relatively clear space of several meters with a radius opened by the explosion, bullets spread out like lines and swept past there in the blink of an eye.

"Lie down!" Elps yelled as he fell onto the ice, but the time was obviously too late. The explosion has directly blown away several people who were close. The lives of those who were closer will not be in danger, but not everyone can ignore the shrapnel embedded in the body. At least half of the examinees will still be affected by pain that will interfere with most of their actions. Motivation and judgment.

For a time, various sounds sounded in the snow and fog, and the clearer space created by the explosion began to shrink and be filled with fog. The attack was only then formally organized, and everyone fired towards the source of the first gunfire. Some people with the ability to sense temperature also captured the barrel of the heavy machine gun rising in temperature as it continued to fire. The muzzle followed suit, pouring out firepower and emotions suppressed by the snow and fog.

The gorilla obviously took into account the fact that the heavy machine gun would heat up during shooting. It fired hundreds of bullets and was also hit several times. It controlled its muscles to quickly squeeze the warhead out of its body. It dropped the heavy machine gun directly, and pulled out the big knife on its back with a backhand. Its amazing jumping ability made it jump up to a height of more than ten meters from where it was, and the next moment it was dropped on the ground. Twenty or thirty meters away, the light gray broadsword slashed directly at the snow mist that was glowing with flames.

The mist was also cut off smoothly, revealing a piece of blood in the canopy that quickly dissipated its heat in the form of hot air, and then the two sections of the body completely fell down.

Gunshots were fired randomly, covering up the sounds of jumping and landing. Half of the bullets continued to fire at the previous position, but less than half of the people noticed it and quickly turned their guns. But they often fired a few shots and then stopped. There was a conflict in the direction. The gorilla deliberately chose its position in the middle of the surrounding team, slashed out with a knife, moved a few meters away, and then stopped immediately.

Like a difficult creature that can hide into the environment at any time, it loses heat source tracking and relies only on perception, making it impossible to detect it at a long distance. But the situation of the gorilla is exactly the opposite. It is a second-class creature purchased by the Avalon Agency from the Far Sea Commonwealth. It lives in an extreme area of ​​the Far Sea Commonwealth, known as the "Atami Forest". It is located on the edge of the central current belt, a huge current between the three continents. The heat brought by the vortex of the polar sea makes it there. The temperature has always been much higher than other regions.

The rich and extremely lush interior of the jungle, as well as the plants, have become predatory over a long period of time, and the lush foliage makes the view less advantageous. Under the influence of time and environment, developing other sensory abilities - hearing, smell, vibration sensing, air flow sensing, etc., has become the most direct and effective way to detect prey and foreshadow danger.

The gorilla's intelligence and honed hunting skills allow it to know how to create an environment in which it can take advantage of itself. The cat-shaped pads on its feet allowed it to make no sound when walking. After a few steps, it approached a person. A hand immediately reached out from the snow and fog and accurately grabbed his neck from the side. Under the huge grip force, the "crackling" sound of bones breaking represents the loss of a life.

"Gather! Gather!" Elps ordered, and Fielding echoed at the same time. In the mist, a figure seemed to be moving quickly towards the sound. The gorilla followed naturally. Seeing the opportunity, he jumped up. When he landed among four or five people, he slashed horizontally with his sword and drew out the shadow of the circle. The gun body could not withstand the power of the four to five-meter-tall strong body, and was broken into two pieces by the sharp blade.

The attack followed closely, and several bullets were much more accurate than before, leaving a row of bullet holes on the gorilla's body. The pain caused the gorilla to move away immediately, but it did not forget to bend down and grab the two separated bodies before hiding itself in the snow and fog.

While removing the reinforced steel shell bomb from the corpse, the gorilla moved slowly and slowly towards the other direction of the gathering team.

"Cosway!" Elps moved and shouted, but after several calls there was still no response.

"Run away by yourself?" Fielding came to Elps and said in a voice that only two people could hear. It's just that they don't have time to think about this at the moment. The danger is around them. What they need to do now is to assemble the team and either fight the gorillas here or move the battlefield to an area with a clear view.

The effect of the gathering was not ideal. In order to prevent the gorilla from making the sound an attack point, Elps and Fielding could only keep changing their positions and use secret codes to guide others who could not see them at all. The sound of the firecrackers never stopped, but fortunately, the gorilla's position could be sensed from time to time, and the attacks were always accumulating and effective.

At this moment, after hearing the sound, the gorilla slowly followed and approached again. It was still the same as before, it stretched out its hand and grabbed it from the side at an extremely fast speed, but at this moment it seemed that there was an illusion. It could sense that there was a dangerous aura on the prey through the mist. Without waiting for it to think too much, it seemed that it noticed the change in the flow of air, and the neck it had touched quickly separated from its hand. Probably only the bruises left by the huge force were left on it, the gorilla thought. The fire flickered from the side. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen warheads were all embedded in its body. Some of them were even stacked on top of each other, allowing the warheads to embed themselves. Go deeper.

The sound attracted several people nearby to attack together, and then stopped at the same time after a few seconds. This attack mode has been learned by everyone.

The gorilla didn't think too much about why the attack just now was avoided. In his impression, the more people can survive to the end, the stronger they will be. This is certain. Hidden in the mist, the sound representing the gathering point sounded again, and it also moved together, chasing the footsteps approaching.

In the fog, the sounds of different footsteps were mixed with each other. In order not to become a target, some people would grab ice cubes and rocks to hit other places to cover themselves while moving.

A sound of footsteps was mixed in. As they were running towards the gathering place, they suddenly changed direction and ran towards the gorilla. The sound also got louder as they got closer, as if they wanted to specifically attract the gorilla's attention.

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