Central Hospital.

In the aisle, several doctors rushed into the rescue room carrying a stretcher. The two guards ran into the surgical corridor neatly, running and spreading in an orderly manner. Standing at 10 meters. Behind the stretcher are two middle-aged young women with pale appearance, one is Sun Jiali, the other is a gangster in Lin Zicong’s office just now, Sun Jiali’s hands are full of blood, the woman is similar, and the hands are also full of blood. A lot of blood was splashed on his face. Lin Zicong’s stretcher entered the operating room. The woman’s legs softened and she slumped on the ground, while Sun Jiali slowly leaned against the wall, breathing for a long time, before she was relieved, and then she gritted her silver teeth and hated. Asked: “You, who?!”

The woman lifted the head for a long time, said with a bitter smile: “I am who, the more important thing?”

“You Don’t tell me? Don’t tell me I will kill you!” Sun Jiali somehow lost his usual calmness and grace in his words, and brought a lot of violence and threats. “I’m Liao Yiling.” The woman slowly stood up from the ground, slowly got up from the ground, and sat down on the opposite chair. “I knew you didn’t know me.” The woman added. I don’t know if it means that Lin Zicong will not introduce her to Sun Jiali. This is a judgment or whether the relationship between her and Lin Zicong is an underground relationship, or it means that their relationship is not known at all, it sounds like It’s a woman’s grudge, lightly very intriguing.

“Which part are you from?” Sun Jiali felt that his hair was about to explode.

“Military Headquarters, Guardian regiment.” Liao Yiling’s voice sounded floating, obviously she hasn’t slowed down yet.

Sun Jiali turned his head away, feeling mixed. After a long while, I asked again: “How long have you been…?”

Liao Yiling took a deep breath and slowly said: “He arrived at the military headquarters on the 2nd day, and we knew each other.”

Sun Jiali hit the wall with a punch, and a piece of wall covering suddenly fell off the wall. She gritted her teeth again, seemingly determined, then turned around and walked back towards the military headquarters.

Because of as everyone knows, the personal small courtyard of the Ministry of Law is the highest grade among all the small courtyards of the military department. The high grade is not only because the space here is the largest, but also because there is no Office space but only personal space. As for the office space, it is only concentrated in the headquarters of the Ministry of Law. It is no wonder that most of the work of the Ministry of Law is not interrogation, investigation, or discussion about the case. Most of the work must be done in cooperation. It needs to be concentrated rather than scattered, so if the working space is also placed in the small courtyard, the office cost will be ridiculously high.

The small courtyard of the 34th cluster and the 21st building in the first country is such a private small courtyard.

Bright lights illuminate the small courtyard from the four corners. The inside of the small courtyard is covered with a thick layer of “snow”. There is a “frozen” small river in the center of the “snow”. A small bridge, made of wood, stood a snowman beside the bridge, the snowman wearing a certain red hat, a red scarf, holding a broom in his hand, quietly looking out the door.

This is Filona’s private small courtyard.

All the “snow” is actually made of foam.

Filona was holding a cup of coffee at this time, sitting on the balcony on the second floor, reading the book slowly Earth Grade coffee.

The door opened with a thud. Similarly, the code lock was smashed into a cake.

Filona glanced down from the balcony indifferently, looked at the person in the flowered dress who walked in the door, and there was a smile that didn’t look very cold at the corner of her mouth.

Sun Jiali did not immediately go upstairs, but walked to the bathroom and washed the blood on his hands carefully. For Filona, ​​that doesn’t want her to see the blood on her hands. After washing her hands, she stepped on the high heels and walked up the wooden stairs to the second floor, and sat down on the chair opposite Filona.

Filona smiled again and asked: “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

Sun Jiali seemed to be stuck in contemplation and did not answer. Filona sighed, put down the coffee cup in his hand, brought the coffee pot and walked over after a while and poured a cup for Sun Jiali. The coffee has a strong aroma, but Sun Jiali seems to be unable to pull it back from his meditation.

“If I used those materials when performing replacement surgery on soldiers, would this be a problem in the code?” Sun Jiali asked suddenly.

Filona was about to pick up her coffee cup, hearing this suddenly sat back and asked: “Have you…decided?”

“Did it! He always Prevent me from doing this, but… I think it’s the right thing to do! I want to do it now, whether he wants it or not!”

Filona turned her head and looked downstairs again, looking at the need to renew The door that was changed seemed not to be interested in Sun Jiali’s words, and said: “Every time you do something, if you think about it like this time, it’s fine.”

Sun Jiali suddenly looked like What do you hear, said with a smile: “This time? Did I think about it?”

“Well, that’s it. At least I didn’t think about it many years ago.” Filona’s words sounded careless.

“I knew you would answer like that!” Sun Jiali seemed a little proud, but he was a little upset when he finished speaking, and some wished to slap himself. Obviously, this is not the time to be proud. Filona must have seen something from the tattered door. Isn’t she proud to say this now?

Filona seems to have noticed this too, but she doesn’t care. Instead, she continues to ask: “You are not impulsive, are you? If it is impulsive, I would advise you to let it go and wait for you. When regretting, at least there is no handle to be caught, but once you do…you and him there is no turning back!”

“hmph! Turning back? Do you want to turn back? Suddenly, Sun Jiali was provocative, looked at Filona sharply, and asked back.

Filona was a little nervous somehow, although she quickly picked up the coffee cup to cover up, but the coffee cup suddenly rattled. That was because she was unstable and her hands were shaking.

“You can’t hide it!” Sun Jiali looked at her with interest, and took a sip of coffee. “Oh, isn’t it?” Sun Jiali exclaimed, “I suddenly felt that being alone is actually quite good. You don’t need to be bothered by that many. At least you don’t have to make some compromises to conceal something, and you don’t need to keep yourself tied up. Compromise, you said I was right?”

Filona stopped her hand, put the coffee cup back on the table, leaned back in the chair, and continued to look downstairs without answering.

“Do you agree with me? If you don’t object, it is the default?” Sun Jiali is reluctant.

Filona straightened the short hair on her head with her hands, and then let out a long sigh, and said: “No!”

Sun Jiali suddenly laughed puchi and laughed very much. It was violent, and finally tears flowed out. Finally stopped laughing, she looked at Filona shaking her head, leaning forward with her hand and looking at her carefully, and said: “Is it true?”

Filona dodges her eyes She finally settled down again and faintly replied: “Whether you use that kind of material in your surgery, it is actually invisible on the outside! Without chemical analysis, who can know that you are using ordinary? Steel materials or recycled metal materials?”

“hehe! Then…at least you are not against it?” Sun Jiali said.

Filona sneered: “hmph! Why is it important that I don’t object? It has nothing to do with me. People who do things should not turn back. What is important about my attitude?”

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