Stay away from Conan

Chapter 432 Hotel entrance

Chapter 432 Hotel entrance

In the light blue "MINI" car, Gao Yuan looked a little plain, wearing a windbreaker named "Hermit", sitting in the driver's seat and driving the car. As the car gradually drove into the city center, Gao Yuan gradually slowed down because he was not familiar with the road ahead and checked the map.

Different from Gao Yuan's simplicity, the other people in the car were all very brightly dressed.

Dr. Ali, who was wearing a tuxedo, dressed herself up very elegantly and squeezed into the passenger seat——

Although the space inside the car seems a bit small, since the convertible is open, Dr. Ali will not feel uncomfortable. However, the evening gown he was forced to put on still made it difficult for him to breathe.

Sitting in the back row of the car were Xiaolan who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, Conan who was neatly dressed, and Ai Haihara who was wearing a white children's evening dress.

"Mr. Akechi, thank you for taking us there instead of dad."

On the way, Xiaolan thanked Gao Yuan.

"Whatever you say, it's a trivial matter! It's all on our way anyway."

Gao Yuan couldn't help but replied.

At the same time, Conan looked at Xiao Ai beside him and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"I really didn't expect that you would put on makeup on purpose to attend this party? What? Are you also interested in 'Miss Zephyr'?"

"Ah, don't you know? After a woman sees a beautiful woman, she will work harder to train herself!"

Xiao Ai didn't look back and answered matter-of-factly. As for her eyes, she couldn't help but look at Gao Yuan who was driving the vehicle, and reached out to smooth her hair.

After getting off the highway, Gao Yuan drove the car into the skyscrapers. Soon, the car stopped in front of a classical-style hotel with two tall towers and arched doors and windows.

After parking the car, everyone got out of the car. After Gao Yuan looked at the parking attendant who came to greet him at the door, he handed the key to him and asked him to help him park the car. Then he stood in front of the hotel, looking up at the parking attendant. A hotel with a unique style, I can’t help but be shocked by the fact that this hotel is named after the garden “SONOKO”.

After Dr. Ali got off the car, he also looked up at the high tower of the hotel. But because her body was leaning back too much, her protruding belly stretched out the evening dress, and the buttons in the front seemed to be broken.

"It's really a majestic building."

Dr. A Li sighed while looking up.

"It's like Notre Dame de Paris!"

Xiao Ai got off the car, looked up at the hotel without changing her expression, and said lightly:

"It's a bad idea. Fortunately, Notre Dame is in Paris."

Just as he was talking, Suzuki Sonoko, wearing a calm-colored evening dress, appeared at the door of the hotel with a smile——

"Oh, Sonoko! It's even more beautiful than usual today."

Upon seeing this, Dr. Ali first pretended to be serious and looked at Sonoko with squinted eyes.

"Doctor, you too, you're so fashionable, you're even wearing an evening gown!"

Looking at Dr. Ari who was wearing a tuxedo, Sonoko replied with a smile.

"I'm so sorry. But I really have to thank you for inviting us to the inauguration ceremony of such a luxurious hotel."

Dr. A Li continued to compliment.

"You're welcome."

Yuanzi smiled, then looked at Gao Yuan aside, couldn't help but move closer, and said slightly apologetically:

"Mr. Akechi, I'm so sorry...I was going to personally invite you to today's inauguration ceremony on the day of the concert, but because so many things happened later, I forgot to tell you."

As he said that, Yuanzi felt helpless in his heart——

The invitation letter had been sent out a long time ago. I originally wanted to tell Gao Yuan as a surprise on the day of the concert after my relationship with Gao Yuan developed further. I just didn't expect it, and it was also because that day, I suddenly understood that I felt that I was not suitable to be with Gao Yuan. At the same time, because of such an incident, I forgot to tell Gao Yuan about it in advance.

In this regard, Yuanzi couldn't help but apologize to Gao Yuan at this moment.

Facing Yuanzi's words, Gao Yuan couldn't help but shook his head, smiled and said in return:

"Anyway, Miss Sonoko. We should thank you for being able to come to such a solemn inauguration ceremony. If you are still so polite, I would be really scared."

Hearing this, Yuanzi couldn't help laughing and said:

"Mr. Mingzhi, you are too polite."

Looking at the conversation between the two people, Xiao Aida on the side got some meaning - it seems that their relationship did not develop further because of the concert that day...

Moreover, the second young lady of the Suzuki family doesn't seem to be that aggressive towards Gao Yuan anymore.

Regarding this, Xiao Ai couldn't help but feel a little inexplicably relieved.

At this time, as the conversation between Yuanzi and Gao Yuan ended, Xiaolan spoke to Yuanzi enviously:

“SONOKO Hotel—it’s so romantic to name the hotel after my daughter!”

"It's just doting..."

Conan, who was standing next to Xiaolan, couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"Kid, what did you just say?!"

Weiwei heard Conan's seemingly bad words. Yuanzi glared at Conan and asked loudly:

"No, I didn't say anything..."

Conan, who didn't expect Sonoko to be so sharp-minded, quickly shook his head in denial.

"so good--"

Xiaolan still looked up and admired the hotel obsessively, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Xiaolan, you weren't thinking just now, 'It would be great if you could live here with Shinichi', right?"

Yuanzi pushed Xiaolan with his elbow mockingly and couldn't help but tease.

"Who, who is thinking that kind of thing!"

In response, Xiaolan quickly blushed and shook her head in denial.

"Humph, I know. Huh? Why are you blushing too?"

Seeing Xiaolan's performance, Yuanzi said knowingly, but looking at Conan who was also blushing, she still asked a little strangely.

In response, Conan could only lower his red face and say nothing.

"Um! Is this hotel for newlyweds?"

Looking at the decoration in the hotel, Xiao Ai asked directly.

"That's it. In the 'Japanese Miss' selection contest to be held today, doesn't there also be a wedding dress category? Dad hopes that by having the selection process broadcast on TV, we can attract those who are conquered by the beautiful costumes of the contestants and the gorgeous venue. Young women. He believes that in this case, couples who want to hold weddings here will flock here.”

"'s really watertight as I imagined."

Dr. A Li sighed.

As for Yuanzi's answer, Xiao Ai couldn't help but think deeply, but in the end, her expression was dull and there was no emotional ups and downs.

"So, there is more than an hour before the show starts, and there are already many young female audience members queuing up to get in!"

Conan, who checked his watch to confirm the time, couldn't help but say as he looked at the long queue of female spectators lined up at the entrance of the hotel.


Xiaolan also looked at the queue over there and couldn't help but echoed.

"Then, let me take everyone to the banquet hall. Although it's a million years too early for this brat!"

Sonoko tapped Conan on the head, smiled at everyone again, bowed politely to everyone, and greeted everyone to enter the hotel...

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