Stay away from Conan

Chapter 262 Treasure Map

Chapter 262 Treasure Map


Hearing what Haibara Ai said, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta all exclaimed, and Conan also looked at the new transfer student with some surprise.

"That's amazing, Haibara-san! You actually understand Italian!"

Mitsuhiko looked at this cool girl with curiosity and surprise, and couldn't help but praise her from the bottom of his heart.

"That's right! Could this be a treasure map?"

Ayumi started to make associations because of the word "gold".

"Treasure map?"

Genta repeated the word, and Mitsuhiko looked at the symbols on the note and said seriously:

"Well, yes, this really looks like a secret code."

Hearing this, Genta immediately agreed with Ayumi, "Then it must be right! This must be a treasure map where gold can be found! Let's set off to find the treasure quickly! The young detective team is dispatched!"

"How is that possible?"

Conan didn't quite believe this, and retorted, after all, it was too outrageous to say that the note that appeared in front of him for no reason was a treasure map.

"what the hell!"

Hearing Conan speak like this, Genta and Mitsuhiko immediately became angry. Genta accused Conan and said:

"How dare you not believe what Ayumi said?"

"not because of……"

Seeing the two people's attitudes, Conan didn't know what to say.

"Because of what?"

Mitsuhiko asked.

Regarding this, Conan looked at the two boys beside him and felt that they seemed to be serious. At the same time, he also caught a glimpse of the culprit who made these elementary school students interested in this piece of paper, the new transfer student. Haihara Ai, a girl with short brown hair, seemed to be looking at him with interest, so Conan had an idea and said:

"Aren't we still sending new classmates home?"

"What does this have to do with anything!"

Ayumi walked up to Haihara Ai and said, "Haihara-san can also come with us to look for treasures!"

"But, she was in such a hurry to leave after school. She must be in a hurry to go home. How could it be possible..."

"I don't care."

Conan was about to say something when Haihara Ai said calmly.

"Look, do you have anything else to say?"

Genta said.

"Let's just go and take a look!"

Mitsuhiko also advised.

"You can't give up before you even start!"

Genta held up the note and continued.

Conan could no longer refute this and had no choice but to agree.

On the side, Haihara Ai watched the interaction between Conan and the three primary school students with great interest, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

But at the same time, Haihara Ai keenly noticed that not far away, there were three foreigners wearing white suits, sunglasses, and yellow hair. They seemed to be looking at him. But soon, those three foreigners He ran away - was it an illusion?

With this thought in mind, Hui Yuan Ai silently followed Conan and others, preparing to start treasure hunting.

"Okay! Now follow the instructions on the treasure map and start hunting for treasure!"

Genta couldn't help but say as he walked in the front, but as soon as he took a step, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi, who were moving together, stopped——

"Where to start?"

Mitsuhiko thought of the crux of the problem.

With that said, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi began to gather around the piece of paper, racking their brains and starting to think.

Faced with this situation, Conan couldn't help but raise his forehead, helplessly stepped forward to take a look, and then with some surprise and some clarity, he pointed to the top of the paper, one of the two side by side patterns, a tower-shaped figure and said:

“Look, the top graphic looks like something you’ve seen somewhere before!”

As he said that, looking at the note, Conan couldn't help but become a little interested.

Following Conan's instructions, the three of them quickly saw that the figure looked very much like the Toto Tower, so they immediately took action and got on the bus heading towards the Toto Tower.

Seeing their excitement, Conan had no choice but to follow them.

Haihara Ai followed Conan silently and got on the bus together without saying a word.

On the bus, five people sat in the last row. Haibara Ai sat in the corner, with Conan next to him. Mitsuhiko and Genta sat on both sides of Ayumi, huddled together, discussing What.

"Actually! I thought the Tokyo Tower was suspicious from the beginning!"

Genta said in the car.

"If you go there, you will definitely find the treasure!"

Mitsuhiko also said.

"Speaking of which, if we find the treasure, what will we do with it!"

As she said that, Ayumi couldn't help but start thinking about her life after finding the treasure.


Guided by Ayumi's words, Genta immediately said: "I want to use this treasure to eat eel rice all over the world!"

"Then I want to buy a space shuttle from NAZU and fly into the universe!"

Mitsuhiko couldn't help but said.

"I want to travel around the world a hundred times!"

Ayumi said in fantasy, and then couldn't help but look at Conan aside.

"What about you Conan?"

Blushing slightly, Ayumi asked Conan.

"Well... let's change it to cash and save it."

After thinking for a moment and feeling a little embarrassed, Conan replied.

"You have no dreams at all."

Hearing what Conan said, Genta couldn't help but say.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Conan murmured - If you want to do something, becoming a detective relies on your brains, and you don't need treasures!

"What do you think, Haiyuan-san?"

Ayumi also asked Haihara Ai who was sitting in the corner.

“Maybe it’s a new leather bag from ‘Pudala’ or ‘Fusahui’.”

Somewhat casually, Haiyuan Ai said calmly - after all, his current wallet is the new "Fusha Paint" product he just bought yesterday.


Conan couldn't help but be a little surprised to hear such words from an elementary school girl.

"Hey! What is that! It sounds so interesting!"

Ayumi couldn't help but say.

"Those are world-renowned fashion brands."

Seeing that Haibara Ai had no intention of further explanation, Conan on the side helped to explain, and felt a little speechless for this girl who was interested in this kind of thing at such a young age - she had known this kind of thing since she was a child, and it seemed, He must be a child from a wealthy family.

"Yesterday, Cabagne, the leader of the Italian bandit group, who was arrested by the police in a building near the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Tower, still refuses to say a word. Currently, the police are trying their best to hunt down Cabagne's associates, but so far no results have been obtained …”

Sitting on the sofa in the living room at home, Gao Yuan drank coffee and watched the news on the TV. He couldn't help but be a little surprised - I remember this case...

"In addition, the whereabouts of the fifteen thousand maple leaf gold coins that they took away are still unknown."

After watching the reporter on TV reporting the robbery of gold coins, Gao Yuan was convinced that this was indeed the original plot that he knew.

In this regard, Gao Yuan couldn't help feeling a little - he didn't expect that because of his appearance, the plot of Haiyuan Ai's shrinkage was advanced so much. Many cases that should have been in the original work before Haiyuan Ai's shrinkage were actually still there. Didn't happen.

Thinking like this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but start to recall the specific process of this case in the original work——

It seems that using the graphic notes left by the leader of the bandit group as clues, following the shapes pointed by those graphics in order, and the shapes formed by the neon lights that glow at night, you can eventually find the location where the gold coins are hidden.

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan considered whether to directly inform the police of the clues.

However, when I think about the previous Shinkansen bombings and department store robberies, the cases are different from the original work, and I don’t know how this incident will change.

Therefore, Gao Yuan couldn't help but hesitate.

But at this time, Gao Yuan's cell phone rang, and the caller ID showed - Ninagawa Ayako.

Thanks for the reward for just one game

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