Stay away from Conan

Chapter 245 No trace

Chapter 245 No trace

"What! Mr. Akechi! You solved the murderer's alibi!"

Hearing Gao Yuan's words, Gao Mushe said in surprise, and immediately asked, "What on earth is going on?"

In this regard, Gao Yuan calmly began to explain:

"Actually, this method is very simple. You, the police, were all deceived by the deceased."

"Dead by..."


Hearing Gao Yuan's statement, Takagi Wataru and Takayama Ayase were both extremely surprised and said that they had no idea what Gao Yuan meant. In this regard, Takagi Wataru further confirmed:

"Mr. Mingzhi, what you just said is - were we deceived by the deceased?"

Emphasizing the word "dead", Takagi Wataru was obviously in disbelief.

"Yes, it's the deceased."

Gao Yuan said with conviction, "The police got the deceased's death time wrong, so naturally you can't find any loopholes in the suspect's alibi - because, from the beginning, you were deceived by the deceased!"


It seemed that they understood what Gao Yuan meant, but Takagi Wataru and Takayama Ayase obviously couldn't accept this statement, so they asked further:

"what is going on!"

"To put it simply, the deceased used certain means to allow you to misjudge the time of death of the deceased."

Gao Yuan said, "From what Officer Takagi just described about the deceased's itinerary on the day of his death, I discovered something interesting - the time when the deceased's ex-boyfriend came to quarrel with the deceased, the time to eat lunch at lunch, and the time to eat cake in the afternoon. They are nine in the morning, twelve in the afternoon, and three in the afternoon. These three times are exactly three hours apart.”

Hearing this, Takagi Wataru took out the police manual, looked through the contents of the record, confirmed this, and nodded:

"That's right, but what's the problem with it?"

"It's a big problem!"

Gao Yuan said, "I just asked Officer Takagi how the police were able to pinpoint the time of death of the deceased to about seven o'clock in the evening. You mentioned that the range was narrowed down based on the degree of digestion of the gastrointestinal contents of the deceased. Also. That is to say, the forensic doctor determines the time of death by comparing what the deceased ate at different times on that day and the final state in the gastrointestinal tract, right?”

"Yes, the food residues found in the gastrointestinal tract of the deceased by the forensic doctor can match the facts we investigated. There can be no problem with such a result!"

Takagi Wataru said in confusion.

Hearing this, Gao Yuan smiled faintly and finally expressed his thoughts:

"Of course, the following is just my speculation, and there is currently no evidence - I think the time of death of the deceased was not seven o'clock in the evening, but four o'clock in the afternoon!"

Gao Yuan said lightly, then looked at Gao Mushe and added:

"You asked just now, right? Just looking at the changes in the body, the time of death of the deceased was between four o'clock and eight o'clock in the evening. Therefore, the death of the deceased at four o'clock does not violate this point."

"Huh? But why? How do you explain the degree of digestion of the deceased's gastrointestinal contents?"

In this regard, Takagi Wataru asked.

Facing Gao Mushe's question, Gao Yuan also said smoothly:

"About this, it's easy to explain - that is, the deceased ate three hours earlier?"

With that said, Gao Yuan started to explain:

"At nine o'clock in the morning, when the ex-boyfriend came to quarrel with the deceased, the deceased ate a real bento. At twelve o'clock during the lunch break, the deceased ate a cake disguised as a bento. And at three o'clock in the afternoon, the deceased was This cake shop just ordered a cake set, took a photo and uploaded it to 'Twitter', but did not eat the cake. In the end, he returned home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and was killed by the murderer - if this is the case, is it a perfect fit? Here are the results of the autopsy!”

"You mean..."

Hearing this, Takagi Sheba somewhat understood.

"The deceased deliberately advanced the two eating times by three hours and deceived everyone!"

Gao Yuan said.

"The deceased had the habit of taking photos of food and uploading them to Twitter before each meal, so you think that the time when you upload the photos is exactly the time to eat. But in fact, this is not correct, because the deceased could have taken the photos in advance. Then wait until the required time to upload the photos, so the time when the photos are uploaded may not be the time when the deceased eats!”

"But, if that's the case, doesn't that mean she's really..."

Hearing this, Takayama Ayase couldn't believe Takato's speculation.

Gao Yuan followed Takayama Ayase's words and continued:

"Yes, if my idea is correct, it can only mean one thing - Sawaguchi Mayu's death was planned by herself! In other words, the deceased wanted to commit suicide, but she had difficulties in not being able to commit suicide. So she Find the murderer and ask him to kill her. In return, she decides to create an alibi for the murderer!"

"How could such a thing happen! It's simply unreasonable!"

Takayama Ayase could not accept this fact no matter what, and vehemently retorted.

"Teacher Gao Shan, please calm down. I just expressed my speculation. There is no evidence at the moment. The next step depends on the police investigation."

Gao Yuan couldn't help but comfort him, and then said to Gao Mushe:

"However, if this is the case, then there is actually only one candidate for the murderer - Mr. Kazuo Adachi, who went to the deceased's office at nine o'clock in the morning on the day of the crime. I think he should not have been there at four o'clock in the afternoon. There is no proof of absence. Moreover, the deceased’s ‘Twitter’ account also posted photos of the dinner at 7pm, which could only have been posted by the murderer with the deceased’s mobile phone.”

"Okay, I'll immediately investigate in this direction!"

Upon hearing this, Takagi Wataru immediately took action and said goodbye to the two of them for the time being.

Now, only Gao Yuan and Takayama Ayase are left sitting here——

"Well, Teacher Gao Shan, I have a question for you - did the person you mentioned that Professor Sawaguchi always liked really die more than ten years ago? That person, you should Let’s get to know each other too!”

At this moment, Gao Yuan looked at the absent-minded Takayama Ayase and asked the question he had been wanting to ask since just now.

"Why do you ask about this?"

Lowering his head, Takayama Ayase asked softly.

"I just have a feeling that if Professor Sawaguchi really chose his own death, it might have something to do with that person, so I asked."

Gao Yuan said calmly, and then asked the most critical question:

"What's that person's name?"

He lowered his head and was silent for a long time, seemingly hesitant, but in the end, Takayama Ayase gave Gao Yuan the answer:

"His name is Asami Taro, and he was a popular figure in the school back then. Mayu was two years younger than him, but because they had the same instructor, they often did experiments with him. Over time, Mayu fell in love with this senior. ...In the end, I have been in love like this for a lifetime..."

Somewhat helplessly, Takayama Ayase said sadly:

"Detective Akechi, maybe your guess is right. But I really don't know anything about Asami Taro. Everything is just what Mayu told me. After all, there has been no trace of that person since he graduated. And The files about Asami Taro were also lost in a fire many years ago..."

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