Wang Ke has been working in the workplace for eight years. From a young college student who just joined the job, he has now become a veteran in the workplace.

I clock in at work every day, arrive at the company on time, and complete my assigned work no more and no less.

Goji berries and a thermos cup are his standard configuration now, and occasionally a few red dates are added.

Being able to get a stable salary every month is his only pursuit.

In the past, he also had ambitions, ideals, and pursuits, but they all disappeared unconsciously.

The child needs milk powder money at birth, and now he has just entered kindergarten. Of course, he wants to go to a better bilingual kindergarten. He can't give his child the best, but he can give his child the best he can.

So he didn't dare to resign, so he could only complete his work every day and be lazy occasionally.

The days passed like this, life was not very good, but it was passable.

Sometimes he also looks out of the window or the ceiling in a daze in the middle of the night, and he will also feel unwilling for a moment. The vigorous ambition of his youth is buried in the deepest part by the soil called life.

Maybe... it will never sprout.

forever and ever……

It will be buried deep underground forever.

He and his wife drove the family's small boat and let it slowly move forward in this sea called life.

Perhaps one day when he is old, the helm of this small boat will be handed over to his son.

He also imagined what his later life would be like.

Like the old men and women in the parks, I go for a walk every day, dance a square dance, play Tai Chi, and occasionally sign up for a tour group with other old men and women of the same age. If you are older, you can only lie on the sofa at home and watch TV and computer every day, and your children go to work and come back to see yourself during the holidays.

Is this the life you want?

But sometimes he thinks about it and thinks it's pretty good, anyway, it's no different from clocking in to work every day now.

Life... so be it.

However, he didn't expect that five days ago would change his life that he thought would be like this for the rest of his life.

The world outside the window suddenly lost its light five days ago, and endless darkness engulfed the entire city.

When the light returned, many cars collided on the street outside.

He heard many cries and arguments.

He thought of his son who was still in kindergarten. He called the teacher but found that the mobile phone had no signal. He hurried to the manager's office to ask for leave to pick up his son from the kindergarten. He is also an old employee. Be careful on the road.

He took home his son who was a little frightened and refused to let go. When he was leaving, the kindergarten teacher told him that he would have a holiday tomorrow.

He found that his wife hadn't come back either, and he suddenly remembered that his wife seemed to be on a business trip to other cities today.

Only then did he have the mood to check the Book of Summoning.

He summoned a Timber Wolf from the Tome of Summoning.

The ferocious forest wolf scared his son to tears, and he hurriedly called the forest wolf back.

Then he found that his son had summoned a slime to play with him. Wang Ke was a little worried that the slime would hurt his son, so he wanted to snatch the slime over. Corroded away, and when the acid was corroding his chest, the forest wolf was automatically summoned just now.

He was flustered again, and it took him a long time to figure out that these summoned beasts would not harm their master, and they would completely obey their master's orders.

It took him four or five hours to make his son no longer afraid of the forest wolf, and he hugged the forest wolf's head affectionately and called him a big dog.

He found that he was out of breath,

There was also a power outage, and the water flow was much smaller than normal.

He went to the convenience store downstairs and bought some panels, biscuits and mineral water to take home to satisfy his hunger.

Seeing his happy son sitting on the sofa eating snacks, he smiled helplessly.

At night, he lay on the big bed in the bedroom staring at the ceiling in a daze.

He took out his phone and opened the photo album, looking at the photo of himself and his wife in it, he couldn't help but a warm smile appeared on his face.

The next day he tried to go to work but found that the bus was closed and the bus stop was full of people trying to get on the bus.

He was dumbfounded.

Then he took a taxi to the company, but the company's gate was closed, and a notice was posted at the gate that he would not go to work for the time being.

He suddenly became anxious, how could he do without a job! This home is going to last!

When he went downstairs with a heavy heart, he found that several of the companies downstairs were temporarily off work.

He noticed something strange.

When he got home, he saw his son secretly finished eating all the snacks.

He thought the power outage, water supply, and gas supply were only short-lived, but there was no electricity or water for several days in a row.

There are fewer and fewer food-related shops outside, and the prices are getting more and more expensive. On the third day, he even saw a box of Xiaolu biscuits being sold at a price of 300 yuan a box!

The price of biscuits sold at 9.9 in the original price supermarket has increased by 30 times.

In four days, people from the neighborhood committee came to every household to notify the news. It was not until this time that he knew what happened outside the city.

No wonder the price of food is so expensive now. It turns out that the entire city is surrounded by a super large forest without borders, and all the passages leading to the outside world are covered by forests.

In other words, six million people in the entire city are trapped in this city.

There are also monsters in the suburbs and more monsters, wild fruits and vegetables, and various animals in the forest. People from the neighborhood committee also pointed out a "clear way" for people in the city who are gradually falling into food difficulties.

They can get food from the forest.

Transfer the contradictory issues to the outside of the city.

He's not stupid, but he can't do it any other way either.

There is still a little food left at home, which was bought by my wife before the business trip, and there is not much left.

It was enough for him and his son to eat for another two days.

So he joined the community's hunting team on the first day.

But what happened afterwards made him despair, the leader of the hunting team in the community was a fool.

Take them for a walk in the suburbs, the suburbs are full of people! There are people everywhere! Where are there any monsters?

Some men in the team discussed going to the forest to hunt monsters. He wanted to go too, but he was worried about his son... If something happened to him, the only pillar of the family would collapse!

Besides... besides, there is still some food at home.

In the end, he walked around the suburbs with these people for a day, and the leader didn't dare to go into the forest at all.

After returning to the community, he swore that he would be an idiot if he went out with these people to waste time tomorrow.

There is not much food left at home today, Wang Ke is very panicked.

He knew that he couldn't wait to get the food after eating, otherwise it was unknown whether he would be able to get the food if he didn't have the strength at that time.

Today he and five other men from the community formed a team to go to the edge of the forest.

Their so-called border is the area within 1,000 meters deep into the forest. This area is full of people. I don’t know how many people have searched it, but they dare not go deeper. I heard that many people died.

Then I searched all day in the morning and found more than a dozen wild fruits, a snake, and a few handfuls of unknown wild vegetables.

In the afternoon, they ventured deeper into the forest, and found a quagmire where slimes gathered, but this quagmire was occupied by another team with more people, and they dared not fight for it with fewer people.

The deeper you go, the thinner you go, but also the more dangerous it is...

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