Starting Out As A Goblin Summoner

Chapter 27: Five Belly Pork

With such a big incident, not only the people in this building, but also the whole community may not be able to sleep. This is a gun, especially in the strictly controlled Yan country.

Although the situation is not clear now, most people in this city are still fooling around, and some people have guessed the truth, but most people are still confused, they thought they were still on Mercury.

They are looking forward to rescue from the outside world or waiting for the notice from the Municipal Administration, but they don't know that the Municipal Administration is also in a state of distress...

A large number of monsters invaded the city from the suburbs and caused a lot of damage and casualties.

Although the hardest-hit areas are mainly in the suburbs, it is only a matter of time before the situation continues to deteriorate and spread to the entire city.

It's not that the IAM doesn't want to take care of it, it's just that it's powerless.

Without the modern communication technology that has been relied on for a long time, how efficient can such a large city with a permanent population of 6 million rely solely on verbal notifications.

Fortunately, the municipal government found that the walkie-talkie can still be used, but Shanshui City currently does not have a walkie-talkie production factory, so they are currently working on a two-pronged approach. The guards are stationed at the entrances of several main roads in the city to hunt and kill monsters...

The Municipal Administration also has its own ideas. It has been a truth since ancient times that only guns have the right to speak. Summoned beasts are new weapons to replace guns!

To master the new right to speak, one must be in the leading position in summoned beasts, so the major garrison troops are also hunting monsters efficiently.

As for the interior of the city, it can only be left in a state of laissez-faire temporarily.

The current situation in the city is still delicate. The long-standing concept of the legal system makes these city residents even if they suddenly have supernatural abilities such as summoning beasts, they are still bound by the previous moral laws in a short period of time.

The gunshots in the neighborhood startled countless people.

Suddenly hearing gunshots, anxiety, panic, and fear spread. People hid behind their windows and carefully searched for the source of the gunshots.

"Brother, what should we do with these five corpses?" Chen Jing summoned two goblins just now, and the goblins were making soy sauce in the back. He took a simple homemade spear and rushed forward to kill the two goblins in the chaos. He was so brave that Chen Yiming almost thought he was a big brother Brin in human skin.

All the summoned beasts that were killed turned into a white light and disappeared. Only five bodies remained in place.

Looking at five corpses. The faces of both of them were not very good-looking.

Although it is comparable to the corpse of a goblin in disgust, the corpse of a goblin will turn into a white light and disappear directly after death.

Chen Yiming covered his nose, the air was filled with the smell of roasted meat.

In all fairness, the smell wasn't bad, but psychologically Chen Yiming couldn't accept it and even felt disgusted.

"Cluck~" The flame chicken turned its head, as if it had noticed something.

The direction the flame chicken was looking at was the door of the landlord's house next door.

Is there someone hiding behind the door?

After thinking for a while, Chen Yiming realized that it was the gunshots just now and the screams of these people that alarmed the landlord's house.

But Chen Yiming didn't care. He saw it when he saw it. He didn't take the initiative to provoke trouble, but someone else came to the door to find trouble. If it wasn't for the flame chicken who heard many footsteps outside the door and reminded him, he might have been given by these people. Sneak attack.

After going through this incident, Chen Yiming's mentality has also undergone some changes.

Strength is the last word.

Some people will reason with you, but some people will not reason with you, they only recognize fists.

Chen Yiming thought for a while, and asked Green Skin to search for the keys on these people.

The original owner next door seems to have gone abroad, and they found two keys in the cabinet. Now that the world has traveled, the original owner can't come back from abroad.

Of course, the boss told Chen Yiming all these words. As for where the original owner went... Chen Yiming didn't bother to delve into it, he was not a detective.

The green skin swallowed. He leaned his head up to smell a few corpses.

"Don't eat." Chen Yiming gave an order to the green skin and the flame chicken.

The green skin blinked, stood up obediently, and moved his eyes away from the corpse on the ground.

When Chen Yiming came to the landlord's house, he vaguely heard rapid breathing behind the door.

Chi Xiaomo hid behind the door, with her right hand on her chest. Her breathing was a little short, and her eyes widened.

what to do? what to do? The big devil came over. In the bottom of Chi Xiaomo's heart, Chen Yiming has been regarded as a big devil.

She is still a high school girl student, and she suddenly saw such a cruel and bloody murder scene, which can be said to have shocked her three views.

On the contrary, the halfling summoned by her is much better, although the halfling is also afraid. But he was not afraid of Chen Yiming's murder, but the goblin warrior.

God! It's actually a Goblin Warrior.

The halfling was terrified.

This is a goblin warrior who is much stronger than the big goblin, and there is also a flame chicken... No, it is just a monster that looks a little like the flame chicken, and it is more terrifying than the flame chicken. It belongs to the flame chicken Is it an evolutionary form?

The landlord hid behind the peephole and looked at the corridor, he patted Chi Xiaomo's head and told her to go back to his room.

There was a knock on the door.

"Landlord, I'm sorry for scaring you just now... I may not be able to explain it for a while, but I don't mean any harm. I just want to ask you to borrow the battery car key to transport things in the corridor." Chen Yiming's gentle voice came from outside the door .

The landlord was silent, feeling extremely entangled in his heart.

outside the door. Seeing that there was no response from the door, Chen Yiming felt that he might have frightened the landlord.

Just when Chen Yiming was about to turn around and leave, the door opened quietly, and a car key was lying on a big hand.

"You guys use my car, there should be half a tank of gas in the car." The landlord's voice came from behind the door.

Chen Yiming took the key and politely said thank you.

"The white SUV on the No. 88 parking space in the E area of ​​the underground garage is my car." The landlord behind the door said.

Borrowed the key. Chen Yiming went back to the room and took two large plastic sheets to wrap the body.

Because it had just died and had been burned, it was still warm and soft.

Suppressing the discomfort, Chen Yiming closed his eyes and hypnotized himself that this is a dead pig, a freshly dead pig, pork belly, tenderloin, pork ribs...

It took a lot of effort to finally load the five corpses into the car, and then took the car to find a nearby unfinished building pit and throw them into it.

Sprinkle some soil and stones on it to make sense.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Yiming also saw another corpse in another pit in the unfinished building.

I don't know who threw it in.

The idea actually coincided with Chen Yiming's.

Chen Yiming smiled embarrassedly, feeling that this unfinished building will become popular in the future...

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