Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 273: : Lu Mingfei: Believe in the old almanac

Jiu De Mai stretched her waist, and the belt around her waist was loosened, revealing the wonderful curve that human spirit envied.

   She looked at Potato Chip Girl with a smile, "Do you think I will be such a low-level aggressive skill?"

   "Isn't this supposed to be a battle for the dignity of the sea king?"

   Su Enxi said with a serious face.

   "Don't talk about this, the boss asked Sanwu Niu to go over that is not what it meant, just to monitor the situation of the little white rabbit in real time, by the way, as a conciliator, don't let the super little white rabbit scare the little white rabbit to death."

   Jiu De Mai is not considered a love master, but he also knows that Lu Mingfei in this state is very difficult to deal with.

   There are people who are cowardly, timid and inferior, but in certain things, they are unexpectedly stubborn. Lu Mingfei is that kind of person.

   After they have identified one thing, they often don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back, or even hit the south wall and don’t look back. In her opinion, the boss is the same in this respect.

   "So, is it possible for Little White Rabbit to confess success? Please Teacher Long Legs tell me the answer."

   Su Enxi knelt down on the bed, looking like a good student listening attentively.

   Jiu De Mai shook his head, "The probability is zero."

   "Maybe there is no success at all? I think the girl named Chen Wenwen among Little White Rabbit's classmates is still good to him, shouldn't she have a good impression?"

   Su Enxi was a little puzzled. She felt that she and Lu Mingfei were empathizing, and she might be moved.

   "You are right. At least Chen Wenwen doesn't hate Lu Mingfei. If only from the relationship between the two parties, if the time and place are right, the success rate of his confession is indeed not zero."

   Jiu De Mai was sitting by the window, not accidentally letting go of the spring, anyway, there were only the two of them.

   "There is always a but, but what?"

   Su Enxi answered.

   "However, the little white rabbit is not in harmony with the right time and place, and even if he can get it together, someone will make him fail."

   Jiu De Mai Tan Shou Tao.

   Su Enxi suddenly sighed: "From this point of view, he is really...pitiful."

   Jiu De Mai means, he understands, in order to make this bad boy make up his mind, even if everyone gives him assists, the time and place are all right, but as long as one person doesn't want him to succeed, he is doomed to fail.

   If Lu Mingfei can’t enroll, the boss’s layout is meaningless. When the boss executes his script, sometimes it can be chilling. Even if the girl named Chen Wenwen dies unexpectedly, it’s not impossible.

   Lu Mingfei can like a girl, and even the boss can help him get a hand, as simple as holding a toy, but the girl cannot be an ordinary person, Lu Mingfei must go to Kassel Academy.

   "Who said no, I was just a little surprised, the super little white rabbit was so pitiful that he didn't directly abduct the little white rabbit."

   Jiu De Mai felt that Lu Chen was a reckless man. The principal instigated him to do this. He thought it was troublesome in his heart, but he was so gentle.

   "If you are tied up, you don’t want to lose your heart. I’ve known it today, why didn’t we let our long legs pretend to enter Shilan Middle School a few years ago, and take our little white rabbits all the way to sing songs."

   Su Enxi felt more and more confused about the boss, and clearly told them to keep paying attention to the personal safety of Little White Rabbit, but did not allow them to interfere in their lives.

   "We can only watch our super white rabbits. I hope the white rabbits can learn from the pain and work hard after the confession fails."

   When Lu Mingfei entered school, the nurses suddenly realized that this matter was more troublesome than dealing with the next generation.

  The topic came to an end, Su Enxi suddenly showed a successful smile on her face, "Since you are all up with long legs, go get me a bottle of Coke."


   Ji Chou Year, Geng Wu Moon, Osi Day.

  Suitable: decoration, opening, marriage, obtaining certificate, starting work, security, engagement, beaming, opening

   Taboo: moving, entering a house, ground breaking, bed setting, traveling, burial, traveling, breaking ground, lifting

   Lu Mingfei put down his comb, straightened his collar, and looked at the handsome boy in his glasses that he had never seen before.


   He is so handsome for the first time in his life. Although it is a cheap suit, he feels that his temperament is immediately different.

   It just rained this morning, and the hot air was dispersed a little. It was a refreshing and good day.

   For today, he also checked the old almanac. When he saw that there were three items of "engagement", "certification", and "marriage" in the items of "Yi", it seemed that even the gods were suggesting his success.

   It is not that he is superstitious, but that the traditional culture of the Chinese nation is truly unique, and I believe it can bring him strength.

   Get engaged, get a certificate, and get married. Isn't this a one-stop process?

   Doesn’t that imply that he can confess his success today and be able to get a smooth engagement, obtain a certificate, and then marry Chen Wenwen! ?

  Before checking the old almanac, Lu Mingfei was still a little nervous, wondering if the days were unlucky, would he consider changing another timetable.

   But after reading it, he slapped his thigh and frightened Lu Mingze who was snoring in bed at noon, and said that it would be the day!


   "Mingfei, go out? Remember to buy a bag of eggs from the supermarket when you come back."

   Before he went out, he heard his aunt's yelling, and graciously replied: "Okay, promise to complete the task."

   also surprised my aunt. Why is this kid so positive today?

   Lu Mingfei was in a very good mood, and kept thinking about the four words in his mind, confession, engagement, certification, and marriage.

   The cinema chosen by the classmates gathering is not far from his home, and it took less than half an hour to get there.

   First, he went to the place where he had stored things in advance, and took out the dandelions he had picked by the river two days ago.

   It's not that he is poor and can't afford roses. The main reason is that Chen Wenwen likes dandelions. Roses paired with literary girls are too tacky. He wants to create a unique romance for each other.

   Uh... he is indeed poor.

   In the TV series, he learned two magic weapons, flower and BGM.

   He used a box of Chinese cigarettes he found in the drawer of his uncle, and then went to the hotel downstairs to change two packs of fake ones, put one of them back, and gave the other one to the uncle projectionist and got the BGM.

   He is only missing what Senior Brother Lu Chen said yesterday, confessing loudly.

  Everything is ready, he confidently pushes open the door of the theater.

   just entered the theater, a nice but piercing voice pierced his ears, "Hahahaha, look at the monkey in a suit..."

   Dozens of literary club members in the screening hall burst into laughter, and Lu Mingfei’s newly rising pride was instantly suppressed.

   At the same time, Lu Chen was watching the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" in the theater next door. Only a few of them were there, and they contracted this theater.

   "Brother Chu, you don't watch the movie seriously, what's so good over there?"

Lu Chen smiled, because Chu Zihang was holding a tablet in his hand. The tablet was connected to the latest eavesdropping equipment provided by the Equipment Department. It can extract human voices in a noisy environment and translate them into text in real time. The translation language range is up to 230. Seven kinds.

And the commissioner can also mark the sound source during the use process. For example, if ten people are speaking, you can mark the name in the sound source after A speaks. Next time there is a translation process, the prefix will add the name of A, which is extremely useful. convenient.

   The commissioners of the equipment department who have carried out secret operations have used it, and they all agreed.

   "After all, it is a junior who may be enrolled, or S-level. Maybe I can help Brother Lu in the future. I want to pay attention to his situation."

   Chu Zihang explained that he is not very interested in watching movies, but pays more attention to Lu Mingfei.

It’s not that he is gossiping. As he said, since the principal attaches so much importance to Lu Mingfei, it means that Lu Mingfei will join the "Dragon Slaying Team" in the future. He must be responsible for inspecting the "new team members" and cannot drag Brother Lu behind leg.

   "What does Muggle mean?"

   Eriyi curiously said that the boys dressed up as nobles in the film always take a bite of a Muggle.

   "Probably just ordinary people without magic."

   Lu Chen explained that it was the first time he watched this movie, but Fingel had read novels in the dormitory and recommended it to himself, so he also knew a little bit.

"Oh, that's how it is."

  Eriyi nodded. She looked at the "Muggle" on the Chinese subtitles, thinking it was some kind of edible "melon".

   These people are so disgusting, how can they be called melons? It sounds silly.

   "It feels similar to our world, except that Hogwood is magic, and our Kassel is the spirit of words."

   Lu Chen said with emotion, should I say that art comes from life? Maybe the author is a senior who graduated from Kassel College.

   Chu Zihang patiently marked the sound source in the opposite theater on the tablet. He didn't know the people from the literature club, but as long as he could mark Lu Mingfei and Chen Wenwen, the others would be marked as ABCD...

   It's not that he doesn't pay attention to movies, it's a trivial thing for him to do two things with one heart.

   Harry Potter is lucky. He went to a world that suits him and opened his own legend.

   And Lu Mingfei next door had similar experiences with Harry Potter before entering school, but it was a bit more miserable.

   Chu Zihang frowned, because Lu Mingfei had just entered the arena, and he felt that the other members were pushing and insulting him.

   There are always people who want to step on someone else's foot, and they will feel comfortable.

   Chu Zihang hated this feeling, and also felt inexplicably upset about Lu Mingfei's incompetence, and felt angrily indisputable.

  Lu Chen watched the movie, chatted with Eriya in a low voice, and sometimes when the plot was boring and stable, he looked at the information on the Chu Zihang tablet on the left.

   The quietest thing there was Zero. She was just staring at the screen with no expression on her face. She didn't know if she was watching the movie seriously or she was distracted.

   As time went by, Harry Potter was so long that it almost ended the screening at the same time as the next door "Robot Story".

  Because they had nothing to do, the few people still cast their eyes on the tablet that Chu Zihang was holding, even Huiliyi was no exception.

  When she was in the academy, Eriya practiced during the day. In addition to playing games at night, she sometimes followed Milan to meet the members of Lionheart Club. She liked the feeling of meeting new friends.

   People are social animals, and communicating with more people can always accelerate people’s mental growth.

   After this period of time, Eriya has gradually become infected with the "bad habits" that every girl will have... gossip.

   Especially after receiving the gift of Milana's full set of photo albums, she often went to Milan to visit her at night to dig out her deeds.

   There is a...wonderful fun.

   At the same time, in the theater on the other side.

   Lu Mingfei straightened his collar, took a deep breath, and walked to the stage.

   He turned his head somewhat puzzled, and looked at the two chubby fat guys, "You two are also speaking?"

   Xu Yanyan said: "We are just as a foil, and group performances. If you have a salary, you don't do it for nothing."

   Lu was obviously puzzled. He glanced at Chen Wenwen. Chen Wenwen smiled and nodded to him. He didn't care about it, guessing it might be a follow-up speech arranged by the president.

   Zhao Menghua came over, pointed to a piece of copy paper in front of the screen, and said to Lu Mingfei: "Just stand there to give a speech, don't block the screen, wait for the picture of the literature club to be put on the screen."

   Lu Mingfei was stunned. This is not right. He has already agreed with the uncle projectionist to wait for the release of a specific clip with a romantic BGM.

   Uncle Chao himself patted his chest to ensure that the "sound and smile" is still emerging in front of him, but now it seems unreliable?

   If there is no BGM and that clip, his confession power can be reduced by half.

  The plan has changed. He can't clamor to step down and ask the uncle again. That might expose his plan, and there will be no sense of surprise.

   The light suddenly dimmed. He was standing on the copy paper. Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao were standing in the other two positions. They just didn't know what they were going to do.

   But Lu Mingfei is ready.

   He repeated his pre-determined confession words over and over in his heart, "Three years..."

   Let’s start with a literary speech and then turn at the end, "... originally these speeches should be for everyone, but I only want to talk to one person."

If someone interrupts at this time, then he will show a tough side he has never had before, saying like a man, "Shut up! I'm not telling you, I just want to tell Chen Wenwen! I like her for three years Yes! I need an answer today!"

   Originally, he wanted to use the lines of Infernal Affairs, but after listening to Senior Brother Lu the day before yesterday, he felt that he was not playing tricks anymore, he just wanted to be direct, so he looked very manly and hard-line!

   In this way, even if he is issued a good person card, he can pretend to be strong and retreat calmly.

   Although the BGM is bad, today’s almanac is very suitable for confession, and dandelions and confession are also ready. At this time, he is in a suit and leather shoes, full of spirits, and is bound to win the favorite girl in a battle!

   He took a deep breath, Brother Lu was right, men should be bolder, I want to speak out loud, I like her!

   But the bright light suddenly lit up, fascinated his eyes, and gave his aura to a halt, not understanding what happened at this time.

   Lu Mingfei heard a boo in the audience, he looked around blankly, Xu Yanyan and Xu Miaomiao still standing there somehow.

   He couldn't help being curious, and looked back at the screen behind him.

   There is a line of big characters on the screen, "Chen Wenwen, Lve, yu!"

   "Don't mess around, the words are inaccurate!"

   Xu Yanyan reminded.

   Lu Mingfei was stunned for a long time before he realized that it was a confession.

   Brother Xu Yanyan are two "o"s, and he is the little "i"

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