Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 169: : Wow, the figure is great~ (Thank you for being your gentle leader)

Angers shook the bell to make everyone regain their senses, "Don't look at it, this thing is dead and can't be used. Moreover, this thing should also screen people. Most people use it for rejuvenation and renewal of life. It’s luck to become a half-blood monarch."

Elizabeth rang the bell, a little puzzled, "By luck?"

In fact, she also regrets a bit now, knowing that these disgusting little things contain such high technology, how can she keep one and take it back during the turmoil of the explosion.

"Yes, according to our research team's sampling and analysis, this thing is different for different people's genetic matching degree, and even though the leech exchange blood looks very primitive, but it contains natural wisdom technology. After research, We discovered that this leech is strictly considered to be a subspecies of the dragon family. There is dragon blood in its body. The core area contains things like dragon blood that has undergone some high-tech processing that we don’t understand. After testing and comparison, We judge that the organization is likely to have a live pure-blood dragon to supply them, and that dragon..."

Angers said, cutting off the head of the cigar in his hand with a cigar cutter, " least the next-generation level."

The school directors heard that this answer was a little horrified, and Angers said that it was at least the next-generation species. That is to say, there is also a possibility... it will be a noble first-generation species!

"Can this technology be restored? After all, we have a sample."

Frost looked at the small bottle on the table, and he asked the question that the school board was concerned about.

Need luck?

How about picking one in a million, or picking one in a hundred?

The Secret Party is the world's largest mixed-race group organization. Although this little thing looks disgusting, but according to Angers, it does not seem to have any side effects. Even if you can't become a mixed-race monarch, it can still strengthen your body and prolong your life.

If the secret party can mass-produce, then the threat of the dragon clan will not be a concern.

The Dragon King is very strong, but what if they have an army of mixed monarchs?

Coupled with modern firepower weapons, the Dragon King can only fall under the frenzy of power, and they will become the new dragon clan by then, becoming the eternal dominators of this land!

"My friend, if Minister Akadullah is here, I am afraid that he will spray saliva on your face. How can a dead thing be called a sample? The reason why the living biotechnology carries the word living means that this thing is only alive. It has research value. Once it dies, the contents in it will lose activity and gradually degrade, and we will get nothing."

Angers looked at Frost with a mentally retarded look, just like the look in the eyes of Minister Akadura a few days ago...He also asked this question.

What he just said is just a retelling of what Akadura once said to him.

"We can increase the investment in the research team's funds and let them continue to research. This technology is very important."

The old man Rosary rang the bell and said, no matter what the result is, a vault is placed in front of them, even if there is no key, they will try to make a key.

"I also said just now that the cultivation technology of leeches is difficult to study. One aspect is that if you want to make this kind of thing, you must first have a pure blood dragon clan of the next generation or more to supply you."

Anger retorted that he was indeed very optimistic about this technology. Unlike the school directors, he was not interested in what new world dragons would do. All dragons, whether born or pretentious, were his enemies.

But the power of the mixed-blood monarch is indeed heart-pounding. Judging from Lu Chen’s report to him, those people are clearly organized and disciplined. Even the strongest Husse showed loyalty and diverse emotions. Obviously, it is not like the thinking that the pure blood dragon should have.

In other words, this technology is relatively controllable, and it is not a way of thinking that you will become a dragon after you use it. Then as the secret party can control this technology, slaying the dragon will not be empty talk.

For all the power that can kill the dragon, whether it is a gift from the devil or not, Angers will be interested.

"As far as I know, we do have one, and even among the next-generation dragons, which are extremely large in size, we have urged you many times to submit a report on the use of the next-generation dragon body, as well as the treatment of the dragon bone cross. ."

Frost looked at Angers and continued: "However, you only replied that it was put in the ice cellar. What is the concept of'good'? This is a next-generation dragon! It is the secret party that has never had it before. The result of the battle should be maximized to digest its value."

This is the second topic of today.

Other school directors also looked at Angers. The next-generation dragons were also valuable treasures. Dragon scales and dragon claws and keels were all top alchemy materials, and no one would be unmoved.

Elizabeth looked at Frost with a smile, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Oh my God, Frost, my old friend, look at you. These years of hard work for the school board, not only the body is getting older, but the head is starting to become dysfunctional? Didn't I just say it, the living body? Biotechnology, the next generation of species are already dead, how can they provide vigorous dragon blood and dragon marrow?"

However, Anger changed the subject with a single sentence and looked at Frost with a look of collapse, exposing the blue veins on the opponent's forehead.

"Anger! Don't change the subject."

Frost is the one who really wants to collapse.

"The dragon body of the next generation is indeed a valuable asset of the Secret Party. Gattuso's manager said it is right. We should receive a detailed handling report."

The old man of Rosary rang the bell and said.

"Isn't what I said before is not detailed enough?"

Angers spread his hands.

Several school directors were a little irritable. This 130-something-year-old man used the Eastern dialect to speak of hob meat. No matter how they asked, the other side was playing rogue.

"We have no intention of interfering with your management of the academy, but the next generation of such a huge dragon body, Dragon Bone Cross should be able to extract many sage stones, we want to know where those things are."

Frost rang the bell and asked after a little meditation.

"Oh, take a look, you need to be a little bit more detailed when you ask about it. If you ask for Dragon Bone Cross, it is gone."

Anger looked stunned, and said something that shocked many school directors, even Elizabeth was a little stern.

"No!? That is the next generation of Dragon Bone Cross, where did you use it?"

Frost was a little unacceptable, and the old Rosary also looked at Anger, hoping that the other party could give them a satisfactory answer.

"My student's knife is plated."

Anger shrugged and looked innocent, meaning why do you look at me like this.


After a long silence, Frost finally rang the bell and took a deep breath, "That's the next-generation keel cross, how can it be used up?"

"That's the truth. Lu Chen's knife is relatively large and wasteful."

Facing many silent school directors, Ange smiled, "Don't be so stingy, let alone this next-generation species is originally Lu Chen's trophy."

"It's also the spoils of the secret party, remember that Lu Chen is also a member of the secret party."

Frost retorted, and the old Rosary nodded.

"Hey, what age is this, Frost, your rhetoric is still reserved for fooling people under the family, don't you want to leave the little family for everyone?"

Angers sneered, "We are neither a slavery society nor a feudal society. Lu Chen is not your courtier. He is just a student. The Secret Party did send him to Japan for a mission, but the content of the mission does not include The next generation who owns the dragon body is right. Strictly speaking, this is outside the scope of his work. He has done it, which is his personal spoils. We have no right to dispose of it. It is better to say that the child is willing to give the dragon body to the academy. The existence of the ice cellar is already very dedicated."

"Then the sage stone he needs is used up now, what about the remaining dragon body alchemy materials?"

The old man of Rosary rang the bell and said.

Angers pretended to be helpless and said: "The kid seems to respect his opponent, and said that he should not dismember the next-generation dragon body. It is also good to put it in the ice cellar as a collection."

Then he looked at Frost, who was about to break out again, and continued before the other party picked up the bell: "Okay, the issue of the next generation dragon body can be over. Everyone sitting here is a person who does great things, the next generation dragon body. It's precious, but it won't make you so obsessed with it, right?"

Seeing that Frost was about to speak again, Angers paused and continued: "Keep your vision a little bit. That kid can kill one, and he can kill the second. Even if the Dragon King recovers and his condition is incomplete, he will It may not be without the power of a battle."

After Angers’ words, Frost’s hand just touched the bell, and a bell rang in advance. It was Elizabeth. "Principal Angers said well. Rather than satisfy selfish desires, use the next-generation dragon body to arm our S-class first. The extreme is the highest priority."

"Look, Lisa can see the situation better."

Anger said with a smile.

At this time Frost finally rang the copper bell successfully, "Let's not mention the next-generation dragon body for the time being. Now that we are talking about our S-level, we will move on to the next topic."

As he said, he pressed the remote control on his hand, and the white light beam hit the white wall behind Angre, on which was a summary of the information.

Some of the Rock Flow Research Institute, some of the streets of Japan, some aerial shots of the islands, various battle screens were played like a slideshow, and the school directors were all attracted.

The final picture was frozen in a photo of Lu Chen and Eden just breaking through the Lake of Respect. The young boy's red eyes and Shura-like posture could feel the surging fighting spirit even through the screen.

"Wow, great figure~"

The fat baby girl couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Miss, be reserved."

The butler standing behind him reminded in a low voice.

Elizabeth glanced at the picture on the wall and smiled: "It seems that our S-class needs more qualified clothing. He is always naked when he fights."

Frost's face was gloomy. He was going to make a serious accusation next, but the atmosphere was disrupted by these two female school directors. Isn't this a meeting to appreciate men's body?

He settled his mind and rang the bell: "According to our investigation, Lu Chen is a little too strong, and he can even face the next generation. This is obviously abnormal. There has never been such a powerful mixed race in history. This is abnormal, and he has shown serious violent tendencies in many missions, bloodthirsty and warlike. We have reason to question his ancestry and what he is."

Anger rang the bell and sneered: "You might as well just say that you suspect that he is a dragon clan."

"It's possible."

Frost has his head, and the other school directors have also become serious. This is the main topic of today.

"No, Lu Chen can't be a dragon."

Elizabeth rang the bell.

"Why is it impossible? The next generation is defeated by him. Even such a powerful mixed-blood monarch looks like a clown in front of him. He is warlike and bloodthirsty. To be honest, there is a great possibility that he is the Dragon King. Angers, you let such a person go to school. Have you conducted detailed investigations and ancestry tests before?"

Frost's analysis is well-founded. In addition to the old man with Rosary, even the man in sportswear nodded rarely, and at the same time carefully glanced at the door, knowing that the young man should be outside the door at this time.

Elizabeth laughed mockingly: "Military and bloodthirsty? Lu Chen is originally a warrior. He is keen to fight against powerful enemies. But where does bloodthirsty start? We are not a peaceful organization. The secret party is a collection of violence. We want Lu Chen to set foot on the battlefield to slay the dragon. Is he not bloodthirsty if he captures every enemy alive?"

Elizabeth looked at Frost and continued, "As for you suspect that he is the Dragon King, just rely on the images and mission records taken out of context? You have never met Lu Chen, so how do you know what kind of person he is?"

At this moment, the ringing bell rang, it was the girl sitting next to her, "What kind of person does the school manager Laurent think he is?"

There was an interested expression on the girl's face. She heard that the elder sister next to her was rescued by Lu Chen single-handedly rushing into the enemy.

Elizabeth thought about it for a smiled and replied: "In my opinion, in addition to being very good at fighting, Lu Chen is also a normal ordinary teenager. Do you feel distressed?"

The girl wanted to ask something more, but was reminded softly by the butler behind her, and immediately put away her gossip heart.

Angers rang the bell, "Look, young people sometimes see it very clearly, Frost, as for your accusation, I don't think there is any need to cover it up. Yes, just shoot it directly, there is no need to get involved with the kid because it is ridiculous."

As he said, Anger’s dazzling pair of golden pupils lit up, and the school manager who was present visually visualized, “It’s meaningless to discuss that child’s ancestry. Still in love."

He paused and looked at Frost mockingly, "It is even more ridiculous to question him in terms of combat effectiveness. We must know that we are the secret party, which is the largest violent organization. We are fighting a war. There are countless enemies, and you are actually complaining that your general is too strong? There should be no more stupid leader in the world, right?"

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