Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 142: :Principal: They want to find you to take over

Text Chapter 142: Principal: They want to find you to take over

"It seems that no matter what era, there are people like this, waiting to divide the fruits of the soldiers in exchange for blood."

Lu Chen smiled mockingly.

Anxiously, "It is not impossible for you to want that girl to come to the college, but my guarantee alone is not enough to suppress their greed. You must stand firm on your own."

Lu Chen was silent for a while, and he only agreed with the principal's words halfway. In fact, as long as the old man in front of him agreed, at least there would be no problem in drawing Li Yi in the academy.

The school board is indeed the person standing at the top of the secret party, but the leader of the secret party is still the principal of Angers. No matter how high his status rises, it is impossible to surpass the old man in front of him in a short time.

It seems that the principal is preparing to push himself onto the big stage of the mixed-race world...

He is not disgusted, this is exactly what he wants, "I see."

Angers smiled, "Actually, personally, I am happy that you met your beloved girl in Japan, because it makes you look more like a person... Young people should be like young people. , Talking about a vigorous love with one's beloved girl, this is youth."

Suddenly the serious atmosphere was broken, but the principal's words made Lu Chen a little cramped, "In love or something..."

Angers picked up the white porcelain cup and narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to be in a good mood. He smiled and said: "Young people are in love, I shouldn't have said anything more, but I still want to remind you of one thing."

Lu Chen was stunned and asked, "What?"

"Be good at contraceptive measures."

Lu Chen:...

Although he had known that the old man in front of him was an old hooligan inside, the sudden reminder made him almost shake his hand and splashed tea on the opponent's face.

Then he smiled bitterly: "Principal, where does this follow?"

However, the principal looked serious again and said: "I'm not kidding, you have to take it to heart, you are all super mixed races who are not enough to give a general introduction. If you have children, it will be very dangerous."

Lu Chen sighed in his heart and said, "Well, I remember, principal, we have been talking for so long, so it's time to get to the point."

He wanted to turn this topic off, especially when the phone in his pocket vibrated, and it seemed that Eriya had just sent him a message, which made him feel inexplicably guilty.

"Then go back to the topic." Angers pushed a document to Lu Chen and said, "This is a joint accusation initiated by the school board."

After Lu Chen took it and looked at it, there were various materials on it, as well as color-printed pictures, including the scene where he and Eden broke through the Jingshentan and confronted each other.

After reading it, he sneered silently, roughly questioning the safety of his blood, and there were more radical accusations that he might be the Dragon King.

"What do you think of the principal, am I like a dragon king?"

Lu Chen looked at the old man.

"Want to hear the truth or lies?"

Anger's expression was meaningful.

"What about lies?"

"The lie is that I don't doubt that you are the Dragon King at all."

"What about the truth?"

"I also suspected that you were the Dragon King, but I overturned my own thoughts. Or even if you are really the Dragon King, now you are standing on the opposite side of the Dragon Clan. It is a good thing for the secret party. The big deal is to kill the Dragon Clan before killing you."

Anger's tone was relaxed and casual.

"Principal, you are really straightforward."

Lu Chen shook his head. If he were to be the Dragon King, he might have turned his face by now.

"But the old cowboy... Oh, it's the vice principal's night watchman, you've seen it. After we talked, the possibility of you being the dragon king is very slim. After all, the dragon king is in human form, without any dragon transformation, and without a dragon body. , The strength does not seem to be as strong as you."

Angers continued: "Your resume is very innocent. The efficiency of performing tasks after entering the school makes me and your tutor very satisfied. We also fully understand your vigilance towards things when you just arrived in an unfamiliar environment. It is also possible to hide your strength. Understand, but now, we can talk frankly and honestly. This is also to help you gain a foothold in the follow-up of the academy."

"What does the principal want to talk about?"

Lu Chen was not surprised by the old man's words. The other party was not a fool. He was holding Hei Xuan and the next generation kind of head-on, and the question of strength was placed on the table.

"Let's start with your words, you should not be an instant, don't be nervous, don't get me wrong, learn more about your strength, and it will be helpful for an old guy to tailor equipment for you."

The old man said with a smile.

Lu Chen was silent and nodded: "Yes, I could run very fast, and the real language is not included in the academy, so I am worried that it will attract attention."

"This is not a problem. There are many words of the Secret Party that have not been included. It is a good thing to have new words. Then what is your real one?"

Speaking of this, Anger also showed a hint of curiosity and expectation in his eyes.

"Yanling King Kong, improve your body's strength in a short time."

Lu Chen's words were rather vague, and did not reveal the specific strength of the spirit of speech.

"Simple and rude speech spirit, very suitable for you, no wonder you mentioned Heixuan so easily."

Angers did not ask too much, and then comforted: "You don't have to worry about your blood, at least it seems to me that you have always been stable. Originally, when I learned that you and that girl had feelings I want to remind you worriedly that you can't be with her because she may be your sister."

Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded. The co-author principal had always regarded himself as the descendant of the master.

"But after I thought about it, I was relieved. That old guy should be the purest of the existing emperor's descent, but he is not as strong as you. You can rest assured to fall in love with that girl, at least there is no ethical problem. ."

Speaking of this, Anger also smiled mockingly, "The old guy once claimed that he wanted to live an ascetic life and would never pass on the blood of the emperor, but now it seems that he has not done it."

Lu Chen was stunned. He didn't realize it until now. According to the principal, the teacher was the only emperor of the eighth family of She Qi! ?

What happened to the brothers Eriyi and Yuan Zhisheng?

If this so-called "only" is true, then in any case, Yuan Zhisheng is definitely related to the master!

There is no problem with Huiyuan's younger brothers, they may be cousins, or even relatives!

"Eriyi... will she be the granddaughter of the master?"

Lu Chen still didn't hold back his doubts, and wanted to ask the details.

Angers shook his head, "It is still unclear, but it is already being investigated. I believe I will know what is going on soon."

This was a small matter for him, but he wanted to see Uesugi's expression when he heard the news.

"Okay, continue with the topic just now. In fact, after reading the report of this mission, your mentor and I have a new inference about your pedigree. You may be something that the secret party has never paid attention to. Since the mythical period Another bloodline that has been handed down is a mixed race different from ours."

Angers paused and said word by word: "You may be the descendant of the gods."

Lu Chen was stunned, and said to his heart that the principals are too good for you, right?

However, he did not refute, saying that he is a descendant of God and there is nothing wrong with it. Judging from the lineage on the space menu, the secret blood warrior has inherited the secret blood of the god, but it is considered the descendant of the god, it is just the source of his lineage. Most of it is an oriental god, and it has nothing to do with those in Norse mythology.

"It sounds a lot taller than the lizardman."

Lu Chen vomited, at least the primitive gods on the murals are in human form, not lizards with wings.

"I feel offended."

Angers smiled, but he liked to hear the boy in front of him say that the dragon was a lizard.

"In short, since the academy has no doubts about my pedigree for the time being, this matter should have been exposed, the principal, shouldn't you just want to understand my current combat power?"

Lu Chen knew that every time the old man in front of him looked for himself, he always wanted to call him.

"Well, there are more important things to tell you, which is more troublesome, and you are only implicated by me."

Angers put a smile away, "You have seen those allegations, and the school board wants to hold a hearing to determine whether your blood is safe."


Lu Chen didn't panic, because the date of the document was very early, and the so-called hearing has never come. He hadn't even heard of such news. Obviously, the old man in front of him had pressed it down.

"This incident was blocked by me, and it was ruled that a mixed race who had just killed the next generation and made great achievements is unreasonable. They also know that this is not realistic. This is just a temptation and warning to me."

"They want the principal to step down?"

Lu Chen felt a little funny. Although he didn't know much about the world of mixed races, the old man in front of him was still the best leader he had ever seen. His strength was superb, his wrists were tyrannical, and his age was not a problem at all. The old man felt as old as he should be.

"Of course they want me to step down, just like the emperor will always worry about the generals who have been in control of the army for a long time. But now that the war is not over, the emperor dare not change the battle. They can't find a suitable person to replace me. Occasionally, using some low-level methods, I think I'm beating me."

Angers smiled mockingly and continued: "I rejected the proposal of the hearing, but the school directors hope to'call' you, the new legendary dragon slayer, at this year's school board meeting."

Lu Chen was not pleased because the principal said that he was a new "legendary dragon slayer", but said: "Then they are looking for second place."

"First come first? No, that is their real goal. Politicians always like to use this set. When negotiating, they first throw out a condition that the opponent can't agree to, and then talk about a normal one. They think that the opponent will just Because of the drop value, I think the new conditions are not bad, and I can barely accept it."

Angers knows these things more clearly. He knows all the tactics used by politicians. If he wants to, he will be a good politician, but he is not happy.

"They want to see me?"

Lu Chen understood that this was the real purpose of the school directors.

"They want to target you at the school board meeting, and they want to beat me through you, but this is still the superficial purpose. Some school managers actually want to win you over. They think you are a solitary teenager. The rising star of the party, you are clean and easier to control than me."

Lu Chen was a little surprised, "Co-authored for a long time, do they want me to usurp you as the principal?"

Angers smiled, the golden pupils lit up, and the boy looked at each other, "Usuring the throne? That's not bad, do you think?"

Lu Chen said frankly: "It's a lie to say that I don't like it at all, but I know it's not that piece of material now. If the so-called secret party leader is like the principal, I would be happy to travel on public funds every day."

"Haha, I always feel that there is a thorn in your words, I often travel, but it is not purely to satisfy personal desires."

Angers firmly stated that he was only on a business trip to contribute to the secret party.

"Just kidding, I don't have that interest now, and I don't want to be a dog of the school board."

Lu Chen could see clearly that the school board would certainly not worship itself just because he killed the next generation. They just saw their current value and wanted to support an obedient puppet to replace Principal Angers.

"Those people often make the methods inferior, but they have to admit that they will still cause trouble for you and me. At least with the temperament of the school managers, they must first strike at you. If you don't have... well, use you. For the new vocabulary in my hometown, if you don’t kneel and lick them, they will ruthlessly use you as a breakthrough to launch impeachment against me."

"It seems that you, the principal, are really idle at ordinary times. Do you still have the time to scan our domestic forums?"

Lu Chen seriously suspected that Principal Angers was not that busy. He began to wonder that it seemed that it was nothing to fish as the president of the Lionheart. The old man in front of him had also been the president of the Lionheart, and now he seems to be the old oil for fishing. son.

Anger's expression stagnated, "...In short, this time they are coming aggressively, you need to make some preparations. Not all school directors are unreasonable. Among them, there are also people who stand firmly on our side. Yours, it should be so."

Lu Chen was a little puzzled. He was not surprised that there was a principal in the school board. Otherwise, the principal would not have been able to sit in this position for so many years. He wondered what was going on that "it was supposed to be like this"? The position has changed?

Angers took a pad, clicked it a few times, and pushed it in front of Lu Chen. On it was a picture of a girl.

The girl in the garden looks exquisite like a sculpture of a famous Greek artist. She is 20 years old, but has eyes in her thirties. She is wearing a white dress and a sun hat on her head. She is slim and has picturesque brows. Western beauties just have a colder expression and a queen-like aura.

"Elizabeth Laurent, the current patriarch of the Laurent family and one of the school board members."

Angers introduced, "She was our solid back-up, but she is missing now."

Lu Chen looked at the **** the screen, feeling that the other party was already the patriarch or one of the school directors at this age. Then he asked his doubts: "What does it mean to be missing?"

This is the top power in the mixed race.

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