Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 134: :Yuan Zhisheng special sunscreen oil!

Text Chapter 134: Yuan Zhisheng provides sunscreen oil!

Lu Chen and Yuan Zhisheng were sitting on the steps in front of the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo, their actions a bit like street slaughter. If passers-by saw them like this, they would never have thought that one of them was a dragon-slaying warrior of the secret party. , One is the supreme underworld in the future.

The service staff at the front desk of the hotel certainly saw this scene, but no one dared to come forward to remind them, because they had been warned by the upper level, and the status of those who stayed in the upper level was so high that they could not imagine.

The two young people were silent for a while, and Lu Chen spoke, "Although I think it's not good to get involved in other people's housework, you can call me if Yuan Jun feels he needs help."

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at Lu Chen and was a little surprised. In his opinion, Lu Chen was definitely not a good-for-nothing person. He could say this, and he really regarded himself as a friend.

He smiled and said, "Then I will take it to heart."

However, Lu Chen changed his voice and said, "By the way, in the next few days we are going to visit the scenic spots all over Japan, do you want to go together?"

The touch that Yuan Zhisheng had just risen immediately disappeared. Seeing Tuqiangdi, he was waiting for him here.

In principle, the previous family's conclusion is that Lu Chen and Eriya can be free to move around in Tokyo, but going out of Tokyo is not in their plan.

But Yuan Zhisheng’s headache is not the point. He thinks that Eriyi’s performance today is quite stable, and there are super hybrids like Lu Chen escorting him. He thinks that no one in the country can hurt this monster duo, fiercely. The ghost crowd should stand aside.

His headache was that Lu Chen wanted to pull him off work again.

To be honest, he also wanted to skip work and play with Lu Chen and the others. He hasn't taken a break for a long time, but there are too many follow-up matters that need to be dealt with recently. The remnant party of fierce ghosts has not been completely wiped out. He is far better than Lu. Chen imagined being busy.

So when he decided to play games with Eriya tonight, he directly turned off all the communication devices on his body.

With the sound of the car moving, a black business Benz stopped on the side of the road, and Ying, wearing a black suit, walked quickly.

"Young Master, I found another gathering spot of fierce ghosts."

Sakura nodded gently.

Yuan Zhisheng stood up helplessly, "Brother Lu, I just yelled like that too..."

He paused, and then said: "I actually want to go together, but you can see that you can't go away. As for the family, I will talk about it, as long as you don't run out of Japan."

Lu Chen glanced at Yuan Zhisheng, who was leaving quickly, and then at the little follower Sakura, and seemed to say with some emotion: "Brother Yuan, sometimes, the one in front of you is the best."

The mistakes of the past cannot be undone, but the girl now is by your side, isn’t it?

Yuan Zhisheng's footsteps stopped slightly invisible, and he raised his hand and shook it as a response.

Lu Chen smiled and got up.

There are nothing more than two kinds of people who have experienced **** in this world. One kind of people hopes that everyone is as miserable as him, as if this way his heart can be balanced.

The other kind of people hope that others will no longer be as miserable as him, as if just watching others happy, they will warm up.

Lu Chen slept in the bathroom tonight. It wasn't that he was guilty of not sleeping on the soft and comfortable bed and preferred the bathtub, nor was it that Eriya's pajamas became more exposed and made him feel uncomfortable.

The air in the bathroom was a bit moist. The water mist condensed on the wall and formed water droplets, and then gradually slipped off. The water droplets on the dome dripped from time to time and landed on the boy’s body. The air seemed to be left behind by the girl after bathing. aroma.

Of course... Lu Chen didn't rest in the bathroom because of this!

At this time, his body surface was constantly draining sweat and dirt, and he gritted his teeth, enduring the tingling and hot sensation in his body.

He injected two dragon blood crystals at once.

In line with the principle of never procrastinating when there is a chance to improve his strength, he still used the reward after all.

Although there should be no more danger in Japan in the future, since he is going to take Eriyi out to play, he always thinks it is better to be safe.

The proportion of gold in the eyes has increased by one point, and the feeling of increased strength is always intoxicating.


In winter, the rare soft wind blows and stretches along the sea level toward the beach. Under the undulating waves, the sun shines through the blue water to reflect the colorful coral reefs and the stingrays and turtles swimming underwater. The wind blows. The girl's long burgundy hair was scraped over coconut trees and other green plants to bring up bursts of green waves.

This is Kerama, Japan's diving mecca, and enjoys a high reputation all over the world.

The Kerama Islands are located in the southern outlying islands off the coast of Okinawa Prefecture, the southernmost part of Japan. They are composed of Zamami Island, Aka Island, Tokashiki Island and the surrounding islands of about 30 large and small.

However, most of the Kerama Islands are uninhabited islands. Without man-made destruction, the seawater has high transparency and rich animal and plant ecosystems.

But in fact, the uninhabited island known to ordinary people may not be the truth. Changing the word "wu" to "private" is the most appropriate way of saying where the young and girls are at this time.

This is a private beach owned by the Sakurai Family of the Saki Bajia Family. Every year, the owner of the Sakurai Family will come here for a holiday. On a sunny day, after applying sunscreen, enjoy a glass of iced champagne on the beach chair and listen. With the sound of nature, watching the openness of the sky, the earth and the sea is really a rare enjoyment of life.

This place is never open to outsiders on weekdays, but today it welcomes more distinguished guests.

It is now late February, and the temperature is about 20 degrees in the rare good weather. Compared to ordinary people, it is still a bit cold to play in this place.

At this time, the girl was wearing a pink and purple swimsuit, plus a short shawl, to set off her excellent figure, and matched with a light blue swim skirt, with long burgundy hair with natural undulations on her shoulders.

Glazed pupils, curved willow eyebrows, and long eyelashes trembling slightly under the blowing of the sea breeze, a faint pink powder came out under the fair and flawless skin, and the petals of the lips were as delicate as cherry blossoms.

Girl Chiguo’s feet stepped on the moist sand, and waves hit from time to time, spreading over the perfectly curved ankle with silver bells.

She looked serious, writhing in the sand, carefully picked up a hermit crab, held it in her hand, and stared at the small eyes. After a while, the little hermit crab retracted her head and just spit out slowly. Bubbles.

As if she had discovered a treasure, the girl got up with a faint light in her eyes, and raised her hand to the teenager beside her, wanting to share this joy with her.

"Eriyi is really amazing, obviously I didn't find anything after looking through it for a long time."

Lu Chen praised that he no longer doubted his luck, and he couldn't find any gadgets when he was tumbling on the pure natural beach. In a sense, is he also quite strong?

He stretched out his hand, squeezed the little hermit crab in Eriyi's hand, and took a look, "This little guy doesn't seem to have much meat, it doesn't look very delicious."

The girl curled her mouth slightly invisible, and raised her hand to grab it. However, the young man's skills became more keen, and she dodged sideways in an instant, and raised her hand high.

So the girl lit her toes, and her five pink and red crystal toes were embedded in the sand, conveying the rising power for her master.

As if feeling that was not enough, the girl jumped up gently and caught the little hermit crab in the air. The boy stepped back and the girl jumped into the air.

Lu Chen smiled, "It's alright, I'm joking."

He said that he was going to return the little hermit crab to Eriyi, but Eriyi had just taken off and rushed towards him. She seemed to have heard his words again, hesitating whether to brake or not. The momentary hesitation made her a little bit lost. Balanced, her hand passed the little hermit crab, and her body fell forward, as if she was about to kiss the natural beach.

But when she was half a meter away from the ground, she felt another round of spinning, and stopped steadily. A pair of broad and powerful arms dragged the girl.

The sunlight passed through the gaps in the young girl’s short hair, and it dimmed a little, but it was cast on the girl’s long burgundy hair, and it reflected a magnificent warm light. The blue sky and layered white clouds reflected in the girl’s pupils. Natural beauty, but this beauty only occupies the small half of the eyes, more of the faces of young people.

Drops of water fell from the moist black hair, dripped between the girl’s delicate neck, and slid down, passing through the mountains wrapped in the pink and purple swimsuit, and across the flat abdomen. The ears were green waves colliding with leaves. The sound and the rolling sound of the waves, time seemed to flow extremely slowly, until the two stopped breathing.

I don't know if it is because of the long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays, the teenager felt that some of his cheeks were hot.

He slowly lifted Eriya up, and gently rebuked: "Be careful."

Then the little hermit crab was placed on the palm of Eriya's palm, and the little guy seemed to vomit more bubbles.

Eriya squatted down, put the little hermit crab back into the moist sand, and then wrote in the sand on the side: "It may be looking for mother."

Lu Chen was stunned, and didn't know what the girl was thinking when she met the little hermit crab before.

Suddenly the sound of breaking the wind rang, breaking Lu Chen's embarrassment, and he instantly raised his hand to take the "hidden weapon".

When I opened it, it was a bottle of fancl sunscreen.

Caesar still smiled and shouted under the shed: "Yuan Zhisheng professionally recommends it for people and girls. Not everyone is as rough as you."

The weather today is indeed very good, and the ultraviolet rays are also exceptionally strong. Before they were just playing, they were all mixed races, and they were a little negligent in this regard.

But... Lu Chen stared blankly at the sunscreen in his hand.

How to wipe this thing?

He had watched some American blockbusters with Fingel. It seemed that everyone would apply sunscreen on the beach, but he only noticed the application process. Where is this small bottle open?

He turned his head to look at Eriyi, and wanted to ask the other person, but he didn't expect that the girl was already lying on the beach slowly, making him put away the embarrassing thought of asking how to open the bottle.

Eriya is very self-conscious. It is better to say that as a girl, she still has concepts about some things, especially since she has an older brother who studies suntan lotion just fine.

Sometimes when my brother came to see her, he would take out some sunscreen oil and let her try it on the back of his hand to express her feelings, but then my brother stopped wearing sunscreen oil.

Perhaps it was because of the momentary loss in her eyes, her brother noticed that she stayed in the small room all day long, and it seemed that she didn't need sunscreen...

Today, Eriyi had a good time and she forgot about suntan oil for a while, but she remembered the knowledge that her brother had used to popularize science. It seems that girls who do not apply suntan oil on the beach will turn black and darken. It doesn't look good.

Eriya doesn't want to look bad.

The girl turned her head, her face was covered with some fine sand, and she looked at the boy, as if she was wondering why you still didn't do it.

I have to say that the movie is very harmful.

As a super house girl who stays in the house all the year round, Eriyi's knowledge of applying sunscreen on the beach is also obtained from movies and animations.

It seems that in the movie and anime, the girls all get down and wait for the boys to help apply sunscreen. This seems to be "rules". Eriya always abides by "rules" when she comes out to play

"Then... I'm starting to apply it."

By now, Lu Chen could only bite the bullet.

But after sitting next to Eriyi, the gentle curve of the girl’s back came into his eyes. Under the shining of the sun, it was so dazzling that he could not be seen. Only now did he know why Fingel always saw this kind of bridge. Very excited, when you realize that you are a beautiful girl in front of you, if you are an invincible S-class, you have to look at He is a little bit unfavorable and tinkering with the small bottle. There is a small mouth on the bottle, which should be opened after touching some kind of "mechanism" in order to control the "water output", but he didn't figure it out after studying for more than ten seconds.

Turning around, he met the girl's eyes again. He was a little embarrassed and couldn't say that he couldn't even open the bottle, so he was cruel and prepared to go hard.

With a slight force on his hand, he unscrewed the entire bottle mouth with a sound of "Boom——".

As the mouth of the bottle separated from the bottle, a large amount of sunscreen oil that was golden in the sun was spilled, and the clear golden liquid dripped like a thread under the girl's neck.


The sudden cold sensation made Eliyi caught off guard. After a scream, the girl's body suddenly became a little stiff, and her pair of slender jade legs were stretched straight.

The gold liquid flows downwards in accordance with the physical rules, converges in the perfect spine groove, traverses the god-like curve like a stream, and finally forms a puddle in the shallow waist, in the sun. Under the shining, the reflected light is like a gem shining brightly.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll wipe it evenly right away."

Lu Chen realized that he had missed it. It seemed that he had fallen too much at one time. He had to hurry up and make up for it.

Eriyi shook her head silently, and then turned her small face toward the beach. In the blind spot of her sight, she couldn't see the girl's expression clearly.

Lu Chen put the small bottle aside, recalling the technique he had learned in the movie. He touched the puddle at the waist of the girl with his hands. At first he started with the coolness of sunscreen, followed by a smooth and greasy touch. With the power of rebound, it tells the firmness of the girl's skin.

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