Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 99: : The 2 goods of Gao Tianyuan

The ninety-ninth chapter of the main text: Gao Tianyuan's two goods

"Shocked! The president of the student council and the president of Lionheart clink glasses and drink in the Japanese Cowboy's shop. Sparks are sparking in their eyes in the dim light!"

This kind of outrageous headline is not impossible for the Ministry of Information to come up with.

"Don't worry, there are only a few of us here, and the news won't be sent back. There is still a tacit understanding between men."

Caesar didn't look worried at all.

"You seem to ignore me."

Yuan Zhisheng raised his forehead and spoke. He felt that agreeing to Lu Chen's invitation today was the stupidest thing he had ever done in his life.

"The young master of the Eighth Family of Sheqi, there shouldn't be any paparazzi complex, right?"

Caesar joked that although he had some opinions about the Japanese branch because of yesterday's incident, he believed that a strong man who could be regarded as a "strong" by Brother Lu should not be as wretched as Fingel.

"Of course not, but I think you were joking when you said that you were going to come to Gao Tianyuan to have a party."

Yuan Zhisheng recalled that when he saw these two goods on the first day, Caesar seemed to say that he was going to book a spot in Gaotianyuan.

In fact, he did it. Gao Tianyuan was only open to the four of them tonight, but many Cowboys didn't come in handy, and these guest officials looked down upon them.

Chu Zihang, who had not spoken at this time, suddenly placed Cun Yu on the table, making Yuan Zhisheng's heart startled. He had observed this group a long time ago. It was this cold-faced teenager who seemed to kill the most embryos. Could it be his own words that angered him? The other party, if you don't agree, you will cut me off?

However, Chu Zihang handed Cun Yu to Yuan Zhisheng, and said, "I heard that you are the young master of the Eighth Snake Family. Can you do me a favor and check the origin of this knife."

Yuan Zhisheng took the village rain, and after pulling it out, it was a bit hard to see under the stroboscopic light, but he could still tell that it was an excellent alchemy knife.

"It may take two days."

With the power of the Shouqi Bajia, it is not a problem to check the origin of this knife. He is also happy to sell the head of the commissioner's face in this matter, as a friendly signal for the renewed cooperation between the college and the Shaqi Bajia.


Chu Zihang nodded. In the past two days, they were mainly recovering from injuries and had no combat mission.

In fact, they should have been in the hospital at this time, but Caesar suddenly proposed to come to Gao Tianyuan for a drink to celebrate their first victory in Japan.

They successfully stolen the secret data of the Rock Flow Research Institute, and also exposed the hidden problems in Japan, and won the initiative for the academy, which is not a great victory.

It's just that he didn't expect Brother Lu to call Yuan Zhisheng together. This Japanese is as bored as Chu Zihang in many cases, meaningless.

With Chu Zihang, Caesar's hostility towards Yuan Zhisheng has also decreased. The Japanese branch has indeed shown an intention to cooperate, so he does not need to be aggressive as the winner's academy.

"Brother Lu, what are you doing?"

Caesar saw Lu Chen taking out his mobile phone and playing tricks.

Lu Chen shook his hand, looking embarrassed like a student who was caught playing on a mobile phone in class.

"Replied a message with Senior Brother Fingel. He sent me the game I wanted."

Lu Chen's eyes were erratic, and he drank a glass of champagne.

Chu Zihang Caesar was even naive, and the three of them had their eyes crossed, revealing an expression of unbelief.

Afterwards, Chu Zihang and Caesar showed some kind of stunned expressions. Caesar got up and sat down to Lu Chen's side with a grin, and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder like a life mentor, "The girl's words are of course the first thing. Time back."

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed. He did receive a message from the girl just now.

He glanced at the time. It was nine o'clock in the evening, which can be said to be no difference in one second. Eriya sent him a message on time.

"Why didn't it go online today?"

He said to the girl that I was talking about 9 o'clock yesterday, and I was on time for the appointment yesterday, but I don't play games with you at 9 o'clock every day.

Obviously he did not do anything wrong, it was Eriya who had misunderstood, but he was inexplicably guilty of breaching the contract.

Because he seemed to see the cute girl sitting in front of the screen expectantly, looking at the wall clock on the wall, waiting for the time to go by, and finally at the moment when the second hand arrived, she was as empty as glass. His eyes waved with joy, and he cast his gaze on the screen again, but his head was still gray...

What kind of expectation is it that the inquiring information will be sent every second?

What kind of loneliness is it that I expect a netizen who has only seen one time and played for two days to come online and play a few games with her every day?

Lu Chen felt a little dazed for a while, not knowing whether it was the drunkenness or some other reason.

"Brother Lu?"

In the end, it was Caesar's voice that awakened Lu Chen, "Go back to them."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at this scene from the side and felt quite weird. He guessed who texted Lu Chen and didn't know what kind of emotion he should have for a while.

Hui Liyi only communicated with him before, but after going out with Lu Chen for two days, she actually took the initiative to send a message to Lu Chen...

He didn't know whether he should admire his father's foresight or his frustration as a elder brother.

And Lu Chen’s performance surprised him even more. He thought that the other party only regarded Eliyi as a young girl who had run away from home. As a "thrucky" in the department, he would not be attracted by any of the characteristics of Eliyi. .

Seeing his performance just now, and the urging of Caesar, a second classmate, Chu Zihang's eyes were staring...

Although it is very awkward, this scene is like someone secretly texting with a girl in middle and high school and being caught by a bad friend, and then hooking his shoulders to tease each other. In the laughter, I took the advice of friends who had never been in love but were arrogant, and plucked up the courage to reply to the girl.

Of course, in Yuan Zhisheng's opinion, Lu Chen is not shy, just a bit cramped, but he caught Lu Chen's trance look just now. Although there is nothing at present, it looks like...there is a scene.

Now, it’s okay to let Lu Chen know that Eliyi is the Uesugi Patriarch of the Sheqi Bajia. After all, with the father nodding, the college can intervene in the matter of slaughtering the gods. When the great cause is completed, perhaps the college is in view of the Sheqi Bajia. This time the cooperation will enter a short "honeymoon period" and it is not necessarily true.

Then can he consider letting her come out to play with Lu Chen during this period of time if Eliyi's situation is stable?

Otherwise, when this matter is over, most of these commissioners will return to the college.

As the elder brother of Eriyi, he does not want Eriyi to spend her life alone in that seemingly warm cage. Even if her life is not too long, he also hopes that Eriyi can have a normal girl. The happiness...even if it is short-lived.

But a person like Lu Chen, who is obsessed with fighting for strength, is obsessed with fighting against the strong. Does he... really know how to love others?

Finally, at the urging of several people, Lu Chen returned a message to Eliyi.

"I'm outside today, don't wait for me."

After Lu Chen returned, he seemed to be a little worried. After thinking about it, he added: "In the future, if I have time to play at night, I will send you a message in advance."



Huili sent a happy expression, and Lu Chen smiled and put away the phone.

Caesar smiled beside him, "Brother Lu, talk about it, how about it?"

Chu Zihang still had that paralyzed face, but there were gossips in his eyes.

Even Yuan Zhisheng leaned forward curiously, leaning in Lu Chen's direction, wanting to know what Lu Chen's attitude was.

"How about what?"

Lu Chen didn't know if he was pretending to be confused or really didn't understand the meaning of Caesar's words.

"That girl, you went out with her for two days. You would never tell me that you are just helping netizens who run away from home?"

Caesar has always been straightforward.

"Huh? That's it."

Lu Chen said so, but he didn't know why his eyes were a little evasive.

He settled down, shifted the target of the fire, and looked at Caesar: "Brother Caesar, what about you? If you don’t go to accompany your new girlfriend on a great vacation, but you have to come to Japan to take a dip in the muddy waters, won’t she be unhappy? ."

Of course he knew that Caesar had a girlfriend. It's better to say that Caesar's character, after he chased a certain girl, wanted to show off like the whole world, so everyone at Kassel College knew it.

Lu Chen still remembered that she seemed to be the girl named Chen Motong, but she did not expect to capture the "heart" of a man like Brother Caesar.

"You said Nono, she ran away as soon as she was on vacation, and I rarely got in touch with her."

When Caesar mentioned Nono, his eyes were full of different looks.

"Brother Caesar, wouldn't you worry?"

Lu Chen was curious. Even with his lack of common sense, he felt that this was not what a serious love couple should have.

Sitting across from him, Chu Zihang was hesitant to say something, but he actually wanted to remind Caesar enthusiastically, "His girlfriend is missing on vacation, usually he may be green."

But he couldn't say it in the end. Think about it, although his relationship with Caesar has improved a lot in the past few days, it is far from enough to make him make such an "enthusiastic" reminder.

After a few people, they were drinking and chatting. Most of them were Caesar telling (showing off) his relationship history. In his dictation, Nono was a little witch with unlimited charm. If every woman is a book, Every time he reread the book of Nanno, he is different, and it always surprises him.

I have to say that many times it is not unreasonable for people to talk about things at the wine table. After drinking for three rounds, the words of several people began to increase. Even Yuan Zhisheng did not know when to intervene in the conversation.

"It seems that the college now is much more lively than I was back then, and sometimes I really want to go back to the school days."

Yuan Zhisheng sighed, his eyes trance.

Yuan Zhisheng’s words directly refer to the Kassel Academy, but Lu Chen and the people inexplicably feel that Gao Tianyuan’s stroboscopic light casts in the dark eyes, reflecting a more distant time, even far away. To childhood.

"Then you may be able to apply for a retake. Our student will have a dead dog. He has been in the academy for seven years and has not graduated. If you go back and retake it, you will find that the senior of the year is still your senior."

Caesar also drank a lot, and joked after talking.

However, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly became a little drunk, looking at the champagne in his hand that was shining like glass and gold under the five-color lights, and whispered: "I can't go back."

Then he toasted again, "We can only live in the present and move into the future."

It’s clear that I just talked about some joking topics, but the look in Yuan Zhisheng’s toasting glass seemed to have made a certain decision. It was like the look of a general before he went out. Because the solemn atmosphere came instantly, Lu Chen and the others were stunned for a while.

But then, several people also raised their glasses.

The clinking of glasses resounded in the air for a long time.

The more and more they drank, the conversation among them began to change.

Yuan Zhisheng said a little bit madly: "Have you seen FateZero?"

Caesar questioned: "What is that?"

Chu Zihang thought for a moment. He seemed to be familiar with the name, "It seems that there was an animation that resembled this name two years ago."

Yuan Zhisheng explained: "That's fattestaynight, it's a series, there are games, light novels, and anime. FateZero is a prequel. I read light novels."

"Unexpectedly you, the underworld boss, would still watch this kind of stuff. I have seen FSN, and it's pretty good."

Lu Chen laughed and said, he felt that this was only watched at the house mentioned by Senior Brother Fingel, but he was okay to watch the and he felt too tired.

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at Lu Chen speechlessly, saying that I don’t really want to see these things, but Hui Liyi likes it. He always wants to talk more about his sister when he sees his sister, and he thinks after seeing the work. It's really good.

"Since you will mention that Brother Lu has also seen related works, it seems to be a good I will take a look at the boring hospitalization these days."

When Caesar took the call, he basically never watched anime, but he didn't want to be excluded from any topic. Moreover, as he said, the animation that Brother Lu and the underworld leader would watch is really good.

"Probably what kind of story is it?"

Chu Zihang asked intimately. He knew that after a person started a certain topic, he found the embarrassment that no one knew, so he asked Yuan Zhisheng to tell him.

Yuan Zhisheng glanced at Chu Zihang gratefully and continued: "Probably it is about the prequel of FSN. Brother Lu, you have seen FSN. You should know Shiro Wimiya. The protagonist of the prequel is his adoptive father, Keiji Eomiya."

No one interrupted Yuan Zhisheng, all holding their wine glasses, listening to him slowly.

"Eimiya Kirisu has dreamed of being a righteous partner since he was a child. This is a noble and childish dream. Basically all the protagonists of traditional royal roads want to be a righteous partner, but he is not the same. More pure and more extreme, this work exposes many things that will not be discussed in detail in the passionate manga."

"For example, what counts as justice, and to what extent you can do it for justice. The original story tells that when Eimiya Keiji was a child, because of an accident in the experiment of his father’s death, Xia Li, who had been his father’s assistant, turned into a corpse cannibal. Ghost, disaster broke out on the small island. He didn't want this kind of tragedy to happen elsewhere, so he personally shot and killed his beloved father, and also killed the childhood sweetheart Xiali who was close to him..."

Under the dim stroboscopic lights, a heavy story came slowly from Yuan Zhisheng's mouth. Several other people seemed to smell the heavy weight and drank silently.

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