Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 274 The trace of the dragon egg is bound to be obtained 【Subscription】

early morning.

The eastern sky is full of fish maw and white clouds.

In the white clouds, strands of golden rays of light complement each other, making it look very beautiful.

This is the harbinger of the rising sun.

This weather also indicates that today will continue to be a sunny day.

in the cold and long winter.

Such weather is rare.

This means that some homeless people and poor people at the bottom of King's Landing can endure more time.

It has been sunny for several days in a row.

No wonder the original Targaryen I chose to build the capital in King's Landing.

Noble district.

The castle mansion of the former Prime Minister Eddard Stark.

On the second floor, in the small garden square.

Morgan was standing on the edge of the pavilion in the small garden, fascinated by the beautiful sunrise in the east.

At this time.

Suddenly there were footsteps from behind.

Morgan turned around slowly and saw Arya Stark, who was dressed in tight clothes like a boy, appear in the small garden.

"You're late Arya"

"From now on, you will be here on time every day at dawn."

Morgan said that he came forward with an iron and a wooden sword in his hand, and Arya Stark, who looked at the boy, said calmly.

"I see."

Arya Stark said immediately, but was interrupted by Morgan's cold voice: "Say it again!"

The unprecedented cold tone made Arya Stark's heart skip a beat, and she immediately said seriously, "I see, teacher."


Morgan nodded, his face as old as ever.

In his few memories, he still had a very good impression of Arya as a child.

This is known as the only serious child in the Stark family.

It also felt good after Morgan actually got in touch.

Although rebellious and rude, he still has humanity and kindness in his heart.

This is extremely rare to be born in a powerful and aristocratic family such as the Stark family, the guardian of the North.

Morgan taught three people in Middle-earth.

But only one real student was accepted, that is, the nephew of Thorin Oakenshield, the king of the dwarf kingdom of Erebor of the Lonely Mountain, and the future king of the Lonely Mountain: Kili.

As for the Hobbit Frodo and Sam Morgan, although they have also mentored a lot, they can only be regarded as registered students.

Westeros underfoot.

Morgan came into this world less than half a year ago.

For special reasons, he taught Brandon Stark and Rickon Stark, the two children of the Stark family.

Morgan had a good impression of the kid Brandon Stark.

The opponent's talent is average, but he is willing to endure hardship.

So Morgan is willing to regard Brandon Stark as a registered student.

But for Rickon Stark, he didn't like it. At most, the other party could only be regarded as the child he had instructed, not even the guidance of students.

Morgan has always had a good impression of Arya Stark, a rebellious child.

Compared with the two children Brandon and Rickon, he actually wanted to accept Arya as a student.

But Eddard Stark had no intention in this regard.

Of course he wouldn't talk too much.

This is also the reason why Morgan allowed Arya to take a peek when he taught Brandon Stark, and sometimes even specially showed some sword skills to the other party.

Just yesterday.

Eddard Stark asked Morgan to teach Arya the swordsmanship at the dinner table, but he followed Morgan's wish.

Therefore, he intends to teach Arya well, and naturally he must strictly require Arya.

He had taught Brandon and Rickon much more casually.

This is also the difference between his formal students and registered students or simple guidance students.

The original dwarf Kili was not less reprimanded by Morgan.

"Arya, your father gave you to me."

"You must also know how difficult it is for you to have this opportunity."

"So, don't let yourself down, don't let your father down, don't let me down!"

Morgan watched the child in front of him speak seriously, raised his hand and threw the iron sword with the two swords in his hand.

Although Arya Stark was a little surprised by the sternness of Teacher Morgan in front of her, she didn't have time to think about it. She immediately reached out and took the long sword thrown by her teacher, but she couldn't help but whisper, "It's heavy!"

"This sword was specially forged by me."

"It's lighter than an ordinary iron sword, but it must be a lot heavier than your hidden little sword."

"You can't use that little sword forever, it's the best way to train with it"

Looking at Arya who was holding a sword in both hands, Morgan finished calmly, and said seriously again: "This is not a big sword, let alone an epee, with a sword in one hand, it will make you progress faster."

"Let go!"

Hearing Teacher Morgan's stern voice this time, Arya's subconscious reaction immediately released a hand.

Looking at Arya, who looked a little stubborn, barely holding a sword with one hand.

Morgan said again: "That's it, attack me with all your strength, and attack me with all the swordsmanship you have learned!"

Hearing the teacher's words, Arya looked slightly hesitant. She was holding a real sharp iron sword, while the teacher was holding a wooden sword.

"What are you hesitating about?"

"Do you think you can hurt me?"

"hurry up!"

Taunt and command.

Morgan's voice immediately angered the hesitant Arya.

Arya immediately attacked Morgan frantically regardless of the sword.



The whistling sound of the long sword cutting through the air continued to sound.

Less than a few minutes.

Arya Stark, who was attacking like a mad dog, couldn't even touch a corner of her teacher's clothes, so she was tired and panting.

Morgan, who had a wooden sword in front of him but never resisted, just looked at the girl in front of him and said calmly, "If you want to attack the enemy, you must first stand firm."

"So, the first lesson I teach you today is footsteps"

in the next few days.

Because he became Arya Stark's swordsmanship teacher.

Of course, Morgan was left in the small castle to teach Arya, while taking into account the security responsibilities of guarding the castle and Sansa Stark.

Guard Captain Kelson led the escort team to escort Eddard Stark every day to the safety of the Palace Red Fort.

Although he was thinking of exchanging with Willing Kelsen, the other party looked after the house and led the Red Fort in King's Landing in front of him.

But Morgan knew, in his own capacity and the ability he showed.

And after arriving at King's Landing these days.

Eddard Stark's attention and attitude towards himself.

Morgan knew that the other party must now not only see himself as a mercenary guard.

It is naturally a good thing to get the attention of the former Prime Minister Eddard Stark.

But Morgan wasn't going to stay in the castle and watch the house.

This is not the purpose of his coming to King's Landing.

But he was in no hurry, he was only a swordsman of the Stark family now.

Even with the title of winning the first place in the hunting competition.

But the scale of that game was too small, and it was only held in Winterfell in the bitter cold north.

The reputation is limited, and the people who know it are even more limited.

Unless someone specifically investigates, the average person simply doesn't know about Morgan.

Morgan is waiting now.

He was waiting for the tournament in a month.

A tournament held to celebrate the new "Prime Minister".

The news had already spread from the Palace Red Fort two days ago.

And at a very fast speed, it was transmitted in all directions with King's Landing as the center.

The tournament held by the king was a feast.

It is estimated that the bigger the tournament, the more grand the feast will be.

At that time, not only the residents of the entire King's Landing City would scramble to see and watch.

There are also countless people who came from other cities and towns to watch the fun.

The influx of a large number of people from other places will directly stimulate consumption in King's Landing, causing taxes to rise sharply.

The first-place winner of each competition system of the tournament is also a hot spot for many people to bet on gambling.

That's why winning the first place champion is so rewarding.

In short, every competition held in Junlin City is a feast for the whole people.

If Morgan can take the lead in such a grand event, he will be in the limelight.

Then he will definitely become the brightest star in the entire King's Landing in the next period of time.

Invited by nobles, seduced by ladies, pursued by countless girls, and even pursued by prostitutes in brothels.

These are all things that have happened before.

Of course, all of the above and women-related things have to have a premise.

That is you have to be handsome enough.

To become the star of King's Landing.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are, if you grow into the honor of Sandor Clegane, the hound.

Most of the above are just fantasies.

Morgan didn't want to be a King's Landing star.

He just wanted to boost his reputation, popularity and weight.

So much so that when he jumped out of the limitations of the Stark family, others called him Morgan the marksman, Morgan the champion, etc. instead of Morgan, the swordsman of the Stark family.

Now such an important tournament is coming.

Morgan is bound to seize this opportunity.

in the next time.

Morgan taught Arya Stark swordsmanship in the small castle during the day.

After the early hours of the evening, I will go out to visit the King's Landing from time to time.

that's it.

A week passed quietly.

early morning.

at dawn.

Just when Morgan started training to teach Arya Stark swordsmanship as always.

King's Landing outside the city.

Two figures, one tall and one short, rode horses and appeared in front of the smallest gate of King's Landing.

Behind the two, six heavily armed warriors followed closely behind.

"Madam, this is the smallest and most inconspicuous city gate in Junlin City."

"Going in from here can reduce the sight of some people."

If Morgan was here, he would definitely recognize that the tall, all-white-haired old man in front of him was an old retainer of the Stark family in Winterfell, and his former Stark family coach "Rodrik Kay" Sow".

Next to the old coach, the only person who can be called his wife is the Mistress of the Stark family, the current Prime Minister of the Royal Palace, the wife of Eddard Stark, Duke of Winterfell, Catelyn Tully.

Caitlin Tully, who was wearing a blue robe and covered her head with a blue hood, said, "I haven't been here for nine years."

"No one should recognize us."

Caitlin Tully shook her head calmly.

She came to King's Landing this time to tell her husband.

Fallen from the city wall unconscious son Brandon was assassinated in his own Winterfell.

It was not long after my husband and the Kings team had just left.

This made her have to wonder if there would be any other conspiracy against her husband.

At the same time, because of the timely stop, although the assassin died, but she got the weapon held by the assassin.

This trip to King's Landing is also to find clues behind the weapons.

So here she is.

It was only after the two walked into the gate of King's Landing City with their guards.


Four warriors in King's Landing armor came over immediately on horseback.

When one of the warriors handed a volume of news to Caitlin Tully.

The latter just sat and thought for a while and followed the four soldiers of King's Landing to the depths of King's Landing.

After half an hour.

The guards stopped.

Caitlin Tully and the old coach Roderick Kessel walked into a seemingly ordinary house.

Just walking up to the second floor of the house, the smell of perfume and powder quickly filled their noses. .

Soon, Caitlin Tully saw several scantily clad women walking around, as well as a waiting figure in pajamas.

Catelyn Tully, who realized that this was a brothel almost instantly, became extremely angry when she saw the impolite guy in pajamas in front of her.

"You damn bastard, how dare I bring me to such a place!"

"You are so brave!"

Caitlin Tully snarled angrily and sternly.

The old coach Roderick Kesso, who was behind him, glanced around with sharp eyes, and one hand was already on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"Okay, Arya."

"It's here today."

The Noble Quarter, inside the Stark family castle.

Morgan looked at Arya Stark, whose forehead was covered in fine sweat.

The voice fell.

Arya slumped to the ground in an instant, gasping for breath.

Morgan didn't care about Arya's plight either.

How could his official student be so good.

In memory, the future situation of the Stark family is a bit miserable.

The harder he trains Arya now, the more hope Arya will have to live in the future.

Although Arya, who was being drilled in her mouth, sometimes grumbled with dissatisfaction.

But overall it's pretty good.

This made Morgan a little nasty to regret.

He also thinks that Arya hates overtraining now, and that he will really remember his teacher when he encounters danger and suffering in the future.

The training for Arya was over in the morning.

In the afternoon, Morgan spent the whole afternoon in boredom.

Eddard Stark still hasn't come back today.

That day, the Bianguang group sank to the west.

The sky gradually darkened.

Darkness came again as scheduled.

In the BBQ beer at dinner.

Morgan stayed up late into the night.

When the two young ladies of House Stark went to bed.

Morgan, who had arranged everything, put on a large black robe again and went out.

Today is the deadline that the old man with glasses intelligence said in the underground black market street.

Morgan needs another trip to the black market.

Speaking of which, he's these days, except for the black market of Steel Street and Underground Street.

He also visited some other places in King's Landing where dragon eggs or dragon egg news could appear again, but he didn't get much.

Morgan now counts on the black market and "green forest" shops.

after an hour.

In a dark alley.

Seven or eight black bodies lay on the ground, moaning in pain.

After some exercise, Morgan stepped on one of the bodies and tipped his purse.

Then move on to the next one.

It didn't take long.

Morgan, who had seven or eight more squeaking purses in his hand, turned around two dim alleys, and the underground street appeared in front of him again.

Soon, he was standing in front of the counter of the old man with glasses, who was full of books and materials.

Morgan got a piece of paper that recorded the latest news about dragon eggs: "Accurate news, among the goods shipped by the Black Forest caravan to King's Landing, there is a dragon egg from the Shadow Land of Asshai"

At this moment, Morgan's deep eyes flashed with light.

Ps: It's the end of the month, ask for a few monthly passes~~

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