Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 860: special hobbies

Chapter 860 Special Hobbies

 Sister Ji ran away with the bucket?

How can you run faster than me and not take me with you? Not interesting enough!

 Oh, it turns out I am the leader of the camp, so forget it.

 Gao Gong was not angry about the other party's departure, but was full of curiosity.

In fact, in his opinion, if the existing players can retain half of the new version of the map "Robert Galaxy" after entering it, it is considered a success.

Not to mention the Robert Galaxy, even the map of the Fifth Star Swirl has a diameter of 20,000 light years. It contains civilized forces, mercenary groups, star pirate organizations, interplanetary conglomerates, alien species corps, evolutionary organizations, and various associations. Thousands of them, many of whom have just been promoted and reached the third level of civilization.

After the purple giant mechanical mountain leaves, these emerging third-level civilizations will inevitably expand their star maps crazily, requiring more talents and forces to join, and the benefits will be the same. They may even provide "third-level civilizations" Citizen quota' is such a big killer, it is almost impossible to happen in peacetime.

 This is a turbulent era, and for players, this is a golden period.

 Between the incredibly difficult Novice Village and the hunt for advanced civilizations in the middle and later stages of the plot, this is a version of the game that only a few players are happy with.

To be fair, if it were Gao Gong himself, between a ‘second-level camp force’ with an uncertain future and an ‘emerging third-level civilization’, Gao Gong would choose the latter.

 The only question is, why Sister Ji?

Gaogong gave the other party the business of ‘selling movies’, no, selling ‘virtual spouses’. This was the way Gao made a fortune in the first place.

 After the opponent leaves his own camp, the first problem is that he cannot locate the opponent on the camp map. Another problem is that without face-to-face, he cannot give the opponent a task.

However, Gao Gong was already prepared for this.

  He has sneaked into various high-end elite player groups in the forum in the form of a vest.

 Vest, start!

 ‘Damn it, Sister Ji, you ran away! ? 'steamed stuffed bun

  ? 'Bring it on a rainy night without an umbrella

 ‘Sister Ji, if we say goodbye now, we will be enemies in the future...Hurry up and hand over your hard drive. After my legs become weak and my kidneys are weak and I feel dizzy, you can win without a fight. ’

  ‘What camp? How is the strength? How to join? @jijie’

 ‘What a pity, I still want to find a few old friends to form my own camp’ Big Brother Hui

 ‘Woo woo woo, I will miss you, Sister Ji’pp boss


 In the small group, except for normal female players like the pp leader, most people expressed ridicule, curiosity, and blessings about Sister Ji's "defection".

 It's just a game, and it's an NPC camp. If you really want to be loyal, it's really a bit of a problem, especially for first-line players.

 This attribute of "natural chaos" allows players to be active in various camps and at the same time, they are increasingly ostracized by civilized forces until it is discovered that it is the "fourth natural disaster", and then there is no more.

 ‘Well, I don’t want to go to the sea. Mr. G is my number one candidate for husband reserve, but there is no way. There is a reason why I have to go to the sea.’

With Sister Ji's coquettish explanation, not only the old acquaintances among the players, but also the senior engineers understood why the other party wanted to 'rebellion'.

 There is no other reason than taboo technology.

  It is impossible for civilized forces to develop forbidden technology. They have a better option of ‘ascension technology’.

 As for the ordinary camp, they are unable to light up the technology tree of "Forbidden Technology".

 Only a few special camps can develop "forbidden technology", such as interstellar terrorist organizations, anti-civilization forces and the like.

From a certain perspective, the way to join this underground force is more difficult than joining a serious civilized vassal force.

After all, the Fortune 500 still openly recruits people. Have you ever seen where terrorist organizations conduct induction training?

Ji Ji’s taboo body ‘Parasite Thread’ was very powerful in the early stage, but as the version is updated, players’ levels and equipment will continue to be upgraded, but her taboo transformation can only fall into a long-term stagnation.

 But if she really wanted to give up this powerful method of amplification, she was reluctant to do so.

So Sister Ji can only seize this opportunity to become a member of a promising interstellar terrorist organization and contribute to the various explosions and species extinction in Robert's galaxy.

   That’s it. ’

 Gao Gong understood that it was not his character that was the problem, but his own camp's inability to provide the transformation and professions that players needed.

 As the camp develops, this is probably the main factor that causes players to leave.

 In this case, he knows what to do.

He is also quite curious about the evil **** of the universe behind the ‘Liberation Society’. On a stowaway boat

Sister Ji looked at the mechanical Hydra in the distance with a complicated expression. The black market planet gradually turned into a small dot in her eyes, just like one of the billions of stars she saw when looking up at the sky.

It’s not that she has feelings for this black market, she has feelings for the friends she worked with in the early stages of the game, and she also has a good impression of the Dogo Group that started from scratch and gradually entered the interstellar world - she But the veterans of this camp joined the group during the Sleepless City period.

 But who makes the conflict between camp and personal development.

 She doesn’t want to fall from her position as a first-line player.

Just when she was feeling sad about spring and autumn, the system’s beeping sound sounded—

 ‘You have withdrawn from the secondary force ‘Du High-Tech’’

 ‘Mr. G’s favorable impression of you +2000’

  ? ? ?

 Sister Ji wiped her eyes and confirmed that she saw it correctly. She was increasing her favorable opinion rather than decreasing her favorable opinion.

System problem? Is there a bug in the game? Or is it that my former boss, who seemed very serious on the surface, was actually an NTR enthusiast?

“You ignored me when I was around, but you fell in love with me when she cheated on me?”

 Do you like this tone? !

  [Your character-1]

ˆ “…” Senior Engineer


Some people leave, and naturally some people stay, and some even pull people’s heads.

Just when Sister Ji was doubting her life because of her ex-boss's XP, and when Gao was puzzled by the inexplicable degradation of his character, I, a big muscle tyrant, also fell into a state of confusion.

 Essentially speaking, ‘carbon-based fusion’ is not actually an explosive skill, but an ‘evolutionary skill’.

Every 30 levels, ‘Carbon-Based Fusion’ can evolve once by fusing powerful bloodlines, skills, and equipment.

 So theoretically, every carbon-based powerhouse has unlimited possibilities. In human terms, even the user himself does not know what state his fusion will enter.

I am a big muscle tyrant. After my second turn, I did not choose a high-level radiation beast bloodline for fusion. Instead, I very rarely chose 'Cyber ​​Psychosis' for secondary carbon-based fusion. This kind of trouble-seeking behavior was successful. Make him mentally ill - he gets sick whenever he gets into a fight.

Although the bonus he gets from this kind of 'battlefield psychosis' is far less than that of players who have merged with the blood of S-class radiant beasts, once he enters the sick state, his combat instinct is far better than that of some players with implanted 'biochips' .

 It is said that the senior leaders of the camp are trying to use this "psychosis" as a template to develop the most top-notch combat chips.

I am a big muscle tyrant. In the envious and jealous eyes of the players, I received a series of research tasks with generous rewards - being studied by others.

Although this kind of 'mental illness' is very powerful on the battlefield, it has a disadvantage that is not a disadvantage. Once it enters this state, all my emotions will be thrown into the battle. Except for the enemy, my perception of the outside world is very... Vague.

Before he fell into coma and went offline, he vaguely sensed that he seemed to have saved a black-skinned NPC.

Later, when he asked other people, he also confirmed this view. It was a female NPC. According to those LSPs, she was a beautiful female NPC who pledged herself to save her life.

But what’s with the evil smiles on these guys’ faces, envy, jealousy and hatred? It doesn’t look like it!

 The bold line of "I am a big muscle tyrant" quickly ignored this weirdness and prepared to go online with an expectant look on his face.

He likes this way of repaying a favor with his body. The idea that "a little girl can't repay you and will be a cow or a horse in the next life" is all nonsense and a shameful appearance party!

 Finally, I am a big muscle tyrant is online with great anticipation.

 He would like to take a closer look at what kind of female NPC he wants to marry, Heipi, no problem! Tentacle types are acceptable, but beast girls are even better!

Then, he saw a black-haired orangutan with black eyes, black hands and feet, and a black body, but dressed in women's clothing. He sniffed sharply toward the sky, revealing his teeth, and his facial features were ferocious, but his expression was twisted. He touched himself and spoke softly.

 “This alien hero, you wake up.”

 It’s not black skin, it’s black hair! ?

  I am a big muscle tyrant and collapsed.

  Not a beast mother, but a pure female beast!

 He is really not that kind of person! !

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