Start to live forever, live till the end of time

Chapter 474 Human nature is full of darkness

Cui Ying narrowed her eyes slightly, the world was quiet, and everyone's eyes were on Chen Xun.

This scene is very similar to that of the past, but from the facts, it seems that Tianshou's disciple did not appreciate it later, and his behavior was no different from that in the small world.

I always think that I am the protagonist in the world, I think that I am cautious in doing things, I think that there will be strong people to protect me, and I always think that I will turn disaster into good luck.

A disagreement can lead to killings, the world's most powerful people are regarded as nothing, and everyone's vision and wisdom are regarded as pigs and dogs...

Reality will always give him a painful blow. Not only will he die, but his master will also be implicated.

How ironic that even the disciples of the people he killed can now stand in front of them and talk to them as equals.

This is why Cui Ying said before, "The character of a monk is more elusive than his martial arts."

Yin Tianshou is the biggest victim of this incident. Take it easy, she still doesn't agree with this.

What's more, there was at least a big difference between the realm of Master Weiyue and the realm of Yin Tianshou's disciples.

There was no driving force behind this incident and she didn't believe it at all, but with all the evidence in front of her, his disciple had really gone to a great level to kill the enemy.

But the details were too vague, and the matter was closed. They no longer even had a chance to investigate.

In the final analysis, it was his disciple who gave too many opportunities to others, just like this time.

This man named Chen Xun dared to openly kill ten eight-veined dragons who were working for the Immortal Palace. The arrogance hidden behind it made her heart palpitate.

If Yin Tianshou protects the wrong person again this time, it will be a real disaster, and there will be no hope.

"Cui Ying."


"The Garbage Island needs your care for a while. Lingbao Immortal Pavilion seems to be making some moves against them."

Yin Tianshou's eyes flashed, his white beard fluttering, "I don't know when they will take action, but evacuating the Soul-raising and Weeping Spirit clan in advance will save a lot of trouble."

Cui Ying responded calmly: "Okay, leave it to me to protect them for the last time. If trouble is caused on Lichen Island, I can only act according to the rules."

Yin Tianshou was speechless for a moment, and naturally heard the dissatisfaction and worry in Cui Ying's words. He calmly said: "Okay."

Cui Ying nodded, disappeared in an instant, and appeared directly in the middle of the garbage island sitting cross-legged, her eyes slightly closed, looking like she was in meditation.

When she appeared, the Taobao people on the garbage island felt nervous.

It was as if something had pinched Yuanying and Yuanshen, and they were completely unable to escape from this aura.

Cui Ying's eyebrows trembled slightly: "What kind of residual aura is this..."

The avenue she cultivates is somewhat special. It is the way to enter dreams. It can directly attack the three souls and seven souls of the weak and lead them into big dreams.

However, it has little effect on fellow monks, and it is difficult to have an impact.

Cui Ying's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. This feeling was so strange, but it was difficult to trace its origin. It was faintly scattered between heaven and earth, and it would have been difficult to find it unless she had just fallen into concentration.

"Could it be that a Heavenly Lord has already visited this place, or perhaps a Heavenly Lord has paid attention to this place?"

Cui Ying was inevitably horrified. This breath was too ethereal. Even if the power of the avenue was so sparse, it still made her feel palpitated. "Erase some traces? What is this?"

Her expression instantly became calm, and she couldn't help but look at Chen Xun.

He had automatically ignored Song Heng and Gu Lisheng, who were standing around with dumb faces, and didn't think about them at all.

Cui Ying's eyes were extremely deep, but the worry in her heart became even deeper. I'm afraid Chen Xun's identity is not that simple. I don't know whether this future will be a blessing or a curse.

Even Mahayana venerables cannot foresee even a little bit of the future. They can only see a trace of the future based on their current vision.

There has never been a theory of destiny in this world. There is no destiny or fate, everything comes from the heart. There has never been a cultivator who believed in the so-called destiny, but only in his own strength.

She actually didn't know Yin Tianshou's true deepest thoughts. She just hoped that he wouldn't fall deeper into it, that's all...

Far in the sky.

Yin Tianshou sighed softly. He saw Chen Xun's miserable state in front of his eyes. His bones and flesh were all broken, and there was no fraud. He could only recover as much as possible on the way to the Immortal Prison. It was not a kind place.

It is definitely not a mortal prison, where you can have two meals a day, squat and do hard work until the day of release.

He walked through the air, ripples rippled under his feet, and appeared next to Chen Xun and Da Hei Niu in an instant.

"I've met senior."

"I've met senior."

Everyone around him bowed his head and held his hands. Although he had no power to reveal it, the name of the person and the shadow of the tree were enough to suppress everyone without even daring to breathe.

Yin Tianshou looked calm: "No need to be polite, just follow your factory owner's arrangements. I need to take them away. The matter is not completely settled yet. Today is just a repayment of karma. There is no need to hold grudges. Just practice well."


Everyone responded with difficulty. They had not yet reached such a state of indifference, and the reasons in their hearts were quite simple.

The factory owner's realm is just not as high as that of Lord Jiao. If his realm was the same, how dare he be so presumptuous? !

But they didn't seem to have thought about another level. If Chen Xun really reached such a state, it would no longer be Master Jiao who came forward.

In such a state, there is no chance of survival, and there is no chance of life.

In such a big world, the weak have a greater chance of survival after all.

You won't be looked down upon by others on the street, and you will die casually with just one look. The rules are not so strict for the weak.

In fact, the rules of the Great World impose great constraints on the strong, and even those who commit the most minor crimes will be thrown into disgrace.

The devastation caused by such a strong person is too great, and there is no sign of it.

If the strong are allowed to do whatever they want without respect, the three thousand worlds will have no successors, and all races will wither. This is what a strong man from the boundless world said.

All immortal cultivators born in the great world have been influenced by rules since childhood and were protected by rules when they were weak. Therefore, even if they become strong in the future, they will never become a bloodthirsty madman.

But there are quite a few such people who come from small realms. It doesn't matter that they are weak and ignorant. The key is that they don't follow rules and are unreasonable.

They regard killing people and seizing treasures as the creed of the world of immortality, and treating the weak as the strong as the rules of immortality. The whole world is dark, but I am the only one who is bright, and everyone wants to harm me! Bully me!

Finally, he sneered: Everything is just a lie. I have already seen everything clearly. Everything I created is an illusion. How can the world of immortality be so good?

Human nature is full of darkness, and bullshit rules are just a reason for you to bully hundreds of millions of races in your name!

All the races in the world find this kind of statement quite ridiculous, and neither the small races nor the big races agree with it.

There are hundreds of millions of races, not just the human race, and human nature should not be imposed on them. The vision of monks who come from a small realm is too limited, and it will be difficult to achieve anything.

The most ridiculous thing is when the person involved thinks this is a fallacy and everyone disagrees.

Instead, it was the realm monks who were outsiders who were shouting objections. Quite a few of the great monks didn't know what they were shouting about.

This is also a major reason why the Immortal Palace does not like to see monks from the Small Realm. This is also the real reason why the Nine Heavens Immortal Alliance no longer cares about the hundreds of millions of spiritual lives in the Small Realm.

They believe that the turmoil caused by the creatures in the small realm is too much, and it has reached a disgusting level.

Regardless of the small realm in which they were born, or some of the creatures in the small realm, they all look like mortal bandits.

Not only did he not make any contribution to the Immortal Way of the Great World, he only knew how to be greedy and demanding.

In the end, they have to come up with a conspiracy theory, thinking that the most powerful people in the world are playing low-level tricks for cultivating immortals on them.

The vigorous development of immortality in the Three Thousand Worlds was not caused by that group of people.

All races have experienced countless times more than their ancestors in the small realm, and a single hair of the sacrificed immortal power can crush a small realm.

If it hadn't been for the strongest races in the boundless world to stop them, these small realms should have been completely destroyed when they were first born, so as not to create a large group of extremely vicious people.

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