Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 551: : Zi Wuji's condensed character, move a little bit to be true

Niu Dali's punch with Madman Chu was like a meteorite, and terrifying power poured out.

The surrounding terrain was greatly changed by this terrifying force, and a huge pothole and criss-crossing rift valley appeared.

Madman Chu looked at Niu Dali in front of him, and smiled faintly: "Your physical body is more aggressive than that little snake."

"Little snake?!"

Niu Dali was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed, "I didn't expect you to call the dignified beast Jiuying a little snake. Okay, this temper fits my appetite!!"

As he said, he waved his fists, punch after punch, every punch contained incomparably terrifying power, like a meteorite!

And these countless punches are like a meteor shower.

Facing such an offensive, Madman Chu refused to give up, the body of the supreme saint broke out, and Niu vigorously struck dozens of punches, and the two retreated.

"Really strong!"

Niu vigorously hemorrhages from the corner of his mouth, clutching his chest, feeling two or three broken ribs.

On the other hand, the Madman Chu on the opposite side, still dressed in white, looked the same, patted the dust on his shirt, and he was unscathed.

At this moment, a huge shadow appeared in his sky.

I saw a huge red seal falling from the sky, like a hundred thousand mountains, terrifying.

It is the worship seal of Hongyu!

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, and an extremely tyrannical evil spirit rhyme burst out of his body, and a huge sky evil spirit form instantly formed.

I saw Tiansha Faxiang raised his hand to block the BAI Tian seal.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Ken Daozi and Wang Quan shot instantly.

A biting sword rhyme burst out for a while, and the terrifying sword aura turned into a storm and swept towards the Madman Chu, with incomparable power.

Behind the king, there are five colors of brilliance flowing, and the power of the five elements is transformed, forming a giant hand and grabbing towards the Madman Chu.

Sword Qi, the force of the five elements hit the Madman Chu from left and right.

"Oh, a group of defeated generals, if I can defeat you once, I can keep you under my feet!"

Madman Chu shot a bright light in his eyes.

I saw that he was holding the Baitian Seal in one hand, and the other hand raised the palm to condense spiritual power, and he shot out with one palm, the emperor's mourning palm broke out, and the black palm print hit the five elements torrent!

Immediately afterwards, a sword aura shot out from him, transforming into a sword aura clone.

The sword qi clone slashed out with a single sword, piercing the sky full of sword qi, and then turned into a sword light and rushed towards the sword.

With a sudden explosion, the five elements torrent, the black palm power is all broken!

Madman Chu screamed, the power of the Heavenly Evil Faxiang exploded, and the seal of worship was sent back to the abruptly.

"Sink into the magic eye!!"

Tu Heng cast his magic eyes again, and a magic light shot towards the Madman Chu, once again colliding with the Tiansha method.

Both parties retreated.

Not far away, Niu vigorously shouted in a low voice, and waves of spiritual power emerged, immediately after the body quickly expanded, it turned into the body directly.

A black demon cow that is hundreds of feet long!


The demon cow roared and stepped on his forefoot, and the landslide suddenly fell apart!

This demon cow rushed towards Madman Chu, shaking the mountains and rivers with its terrifying power, as if even a hundred thousand mountains in front of him could be easily crushed.

Madman Chu urged the evil spirit to the extreme, the evil spirit and fighting intent broke out, two hands grabbed it, and directly grabbed the horns of the demon cow.

"I am not afraid of anyone than brute force!"

Madman Chu smiled, and was knocked back by the demon cow by two steps, and then the gods roared fiercely, and actually lifted the demon cow above his head abruptly, and slammed the body of Jiu Yan who rushed up not far away. , The two fierce beasts collided and rolled into the mountain nearby.

"Sure enough, terrible."

High in the sky, a pair of cold purple eyes kept staring at Madman Chu.

It is the Zi Wuji of that Rune Land.

He has been observing, and he has not moved easily.

And just like him, there is cold jade.

"Friend Leng Dao, don't you have any interest in this wood-genus earth vein essence?" Zi Wuji said lightly.

"I don't know what my heart is, but if you ask me if I want this earth vein essence, I want it."

"Then why don't you do it, because this person saved you?"

Zi Wu said very playfully.

"Although I have cultivated the Tao of Forgetfulness, I also understand that ingratitude is not desirable, so I will not participate in this battle."

Condensing Yu said lightly.

At the same time, she was a little surprised when she looked at Madman Chu, because she found that Madden Chu's Aitian Palm was similar to the several emperor arts from Qiqingmen.

"Oh, you won't make a move, but I want to meet this person for a while."

Zi Wuji smiled, and then, he raised his hand and saw a lot of spiritual power gushing out of his palm.

In the void, silver-white lines suddenly appeared, and these lines were intertwined and condensed into a mysterious silver-white rune.

"Space condensed characters!"

Zi Wu let out a very low voice, and the huge rune moved towards the Madman Chu.

Madman Chu noticed the rune fluctuations, and a strange color flashed across his eyes, "Interesting, there are people who can condense characters in this space."

As the Ning character fell, the space around Madman Chu was immediately blocked.

When the rest of the people saw this, their eyes suddenly lit up, "Good opportunity!"

"Baitian Dao Jue!!"

"Five Elements Great Capture!"

"Sink into the magic eye!"

"Water and Fire Supernatural Power, Yan Snake!"

"Bull Demon Fist!"

The five taboo Tianjiao shots almost at the same time, all kinds of completely different Tao Yun broke out, swept out with majestic power.

Such power, I am afraid even the emperor dare not say that it can be easily blocked.

"Heh, now, you can make me move a little bit."

The corners of the madman Chu’s mouth were slightly raised, and the supreme foundation in his body burst out with radiant brilliance. Spiritual power revolved. Unparalleled mighty power!

A wave of spiritual power fluctuations centered on Madman Chu, spread out like a tide.

Space condensed characters, broken!

The Kunwu sword was unsheathed, and a bright purple sword light burst out instantly, containing the supreme foundation of Madman Chu and the supreme mighty power formed by the fusion of the three great bodies!

The blade light of Baitian Sword Art first collided with the purple sword light, and then it was disintegrated in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, it was magic light, water and fire power, five elements power, ox magic boxing power...

The ultimate move issued by Taboo Tianjiao shattered in front of this sword light!

The impact of the collision of several forces spread, and several Taboo Tianjiao bear the brunt, all of them were lifted out, vomiting blood directly ~ Like a bull demon, Jiuyan, a powerful flesh body, was also hit hard!

Worshiping Hongyu, Tu Heng, and Wang Quan needless to say. If they hadn't taken out the treasure of defense at the last moment, they might even fall on the spot.

Not far away, Ken Daozi who was fighting with Jian Qi clone was frightened by this sword, and under the distraction, the clone cut off an arm.

Immediately afterwards, the sword qi clone exploded and turned into a majestic sword shadow directly, cutting the sword in half on the spot!

The clone of Ken Daozi, fell!

The remaining taboo Tianjiao looked at Madman Chu with indescribable horror in their eyes.

With so many taboo Tianjiao's shots, he is still not Chu Madman's opponent!

Even the opponent didn't even have any injuries.

What terrifying combat power is this? !

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