Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 518: : Murongxuan can, large-scale dog food sprinkling scene

"Sorry, I was negligent."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and then removed the aura of his face.

When the aura dissipated, there was a moment of silence on the scene. Everyone stared at Madman Chu blankly for several seconds.

Especially those female luthiers have their eyes brightened.

"The son is picturesque, he is a man of immortals."

"I'm currently composing a song dedicated to praising the heavenly immortals, but I've always lacked a little inspiration, but now it seems that inspiration is there!"

"In this world, there really are such otherworldly people!"

Li Changyin was also stunned.

He asked Madman Chu to remove the aura of his face, but he didn't expect the other party to look so earth-shaking.

The moment the aura dissipated, it completely robbed him of the limelight!

He only understood at this moment why Feng Enchanting would be so obsessed with Madman Chu.

If he changed to be a woman, he would never forget it!

"I don't know what is the name of this young man?"

"Which orthodoxy does the son come from? I don't know what kind of music he is good at?"

The female nuns who had been staring at Li Changyin before could not sit still for a moment, and got up and asked Madman Chu.

In the face of Li Changyin, they can still remain reserved.

But in the face of Madman Chu's level, what kind of reservedness, go to hell, if you don't start, you will be preempted by others.

In the face of a group of enthusiastic female sisters, the madman Chu coped calmly and became more proficient.

That personable appearance made the female cultivators even more emotional.

As for the other monks watching by the side, sour water in their hearts, wishing to kick Madman Chu away and replace him.

at this time.

The ceiling of Yunxuan Pavilion suddenly opened, and a beam of moonlight shone in.

In the moonlight, a woman in a white dress and holding a guqin slowly descended.

The woman has a graceful figure, exquisite features, and a cold temperament, like a bright moon, giving people a feeling of hopelessness.

Seeing this person, the monks present were all bright.

"Fairy Yang is here."

"The guqin in her hands is Shuiyue, one of the seven famous pianos of Xiyinmen."

"Yes, Fairy Yang has finally come."

Yang Xiyun landed on a high platform in the Yunxuan Pavilion, looked around, and then bowed to salute, "I have seen you fellow daoists, this time I invite you to come, mainly because I have a feeling recently and wrote a song, I want Please taste one or two."

"Haha, Fairy Yang's new song, that's really exciting."


"Head. Head..."

Just when Madman Chu was about to find a place to sit down and listen to the music, Shang Qingxue next to him suddenly pulled Madman Chu's sleeve and pointed to somewhere.

Madman Chu looked at him, and was stunned, "It's Murong Xuan."

I saw a man sitting in a position not far from Madman Chu.

This man is Murong Xuan!

The other party should have just entered, otherwise it would be impossible not to notice Madman Chu.

"This guy is here."

Madman Chu just wanted to walk up and ask about the other party's current situation.

But Shang Qingxue stopped him again.

"Head, something is wrong."

"what happened?"

"Look at Murong Xuan and Yang Xiyun, the two of them seem to be a bit...that means."

Madman Chu heard this and observed it carefully.

He found that something was wrong between the two of them.

Yang Xiyun was on the stage and Murong Xuan was off the stage. The two were separated by more than a dozen people, but they looked at each other frequently, and there was a little ambiguity in their eyes.

When Yang Xiyun, who seemed aloof, saw Murong Xuan, his eyes showed tenderness.

"This, this kid Murong Xuan, this is the rhythm of getting out of the singles."

Madman Chu said in amazement, he didn't rush up to disturb the other party.

Shang Qingxue next to him was also very surprised. "In the past few days, I have collected some information about Yang Xiyun. According to the information, this person is very cold, and there is nothing else except Qin Dao. I did not expect that Murong Xuan would have taken it down. , Murong Xuan is fine."

"Qingxue, you said that if Murong is married to Yang Xiyun, what do we have to do with Xuantianzong?"

"Uh, the head, you think too far, right? These characters haven't been written yet."

Shang Qingxue rolled her eyes aside.

Except for Madman Chu and Shang Qingxue, the others also noticed Yang Xiyun and Murong Xuan.

Some men can't help but frown.

"Who is this guy, why does Fairy Yang keep looking at him?"

"Damn it, can Fairy Yang already belong to her heart?"

The male cultivators showed indignation.

To them, Yang Xiyun is the goddess of Qixian City.

Now, this goddess seems to have been stolen by an unknown outsider. How can this be tolerated? ?

At this time, on the high stage, Yang Xiyun began to play her new composition.

The beautiful melody suddenly spread, and the sound of the piano reverberated, revealing a cheerful, more affectionate feeling.

In an instant, everyone's hearts seemed to be filled with sweetness.

With the sound of the piano motivating everyone's emotions, Yang Xiyun's piano skills have reached a very sophisticated level.

It's all right to call a Qin Dao master.

"This piece is really great, it's definitely the best piece I've ever heard."

"Xianzi Yang's piano art has gone further."

After a song was played, everyone looked at Yang Xiyun on the stage in awe.

But seeing that the other party was staring at Murong Xuan in the audience, the eyes of the two of them had indescribable tenderness.

Coupled with the affectionate song just now...

The male repairers felt that their hearts were broken.

"Good guy, where is this to make friends with the piano? This is obviously a large-scale dog food scene. This is to trick the dog into killing."

Madman Chu looked at him and shook his head with emotion.

"Xianzi Yang's song is very different from the previous style, for some reason."

At this time, Li Changyin suddenly couldn't sit still, stood up and asked.

And what he said is what everyone wants to know.

When Yang Xiyun heard this, he seemed to have thought of something, with a rare smile on his face, "I met a person not long ago, and then blessed my soul, and made this song. Maybe this is the resonance between people and music. ."

Hearing this, everyone was almost ready to hammer.

This Yang Xiyun definitely fell in love, otherwise how could he suddenly make such affectionate tunes.

"Xianzi I don't know if the person you are talking about is this Xiongtai."

At this time, another young man stood up and said, pointing to Murong Xuan.

When Yang Xiyun saw this, his face blushed slightly, and then smiled: "This is my savior, fellow Murong Daoist Murong Xuan."

She didn't say it explicitly, but she was basically certain from her expression.

With the addition of the word savior, everyone can brainstorm dozens of scripts for heroes to save the United States.

"Everyone, today I'm meeting friends with the piano, and now I have finished playing, I don't know who would like to show it."

Yang Xiyun smiled, then walked off the platform and sat down beside Murong Xuan.

This scene made everyone more jealous.

But this is Yang Xiyun's personal matter, and they are not Yang Xiyun's people, so it's hard to say anything.

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