Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 514: : Seven Strings City, Shan Jianwei, come to kill you

The latest website: Shadow Sword Guard, this is a hidden unit of the sword clan.

This unit has only one function, and that is to assassinate some monks who are threatening to the Sword Clan, or the arrogance of other forces.

There were three Shadow Sword Guards summoned by the sword clan chieftain this time, and each of them was the top master.

"The goal of your trip is Madman Chu. This person is strong enough to be able to kill the Emperor Zhun. I don't care what you use, kill him, bring back the blue glass magic lamp on his body and give it to Jian Daozi." The clan chief said lightly.


After the three of them got the order, they turned into a black shadow and disappeared in place.

After the three shadow sword guards left, they came to a dense forest.

"What do you want to do?"

A sword guard took off his hood, revealing an old face, pierced in shape, and his eyes were deeply sunken, looking very gloomy.

This person's name calls the Sword Guardian of Resentment, even among the Shadow Sword Guardians, he is a top expert.

The strength is not inferior to those in power of some ancient orthodoxy.

Such a person is a guest of all the great gangs wherever he goes, but he is only one of the shadow sword guards.

One can imagine how terrifying the sword clan's background is.

"In the past, our sword guards were fighting separately, and this time is no exception. To kill the madman of Chu, we all have our own ability."

Another sword guard said lightly.

His voice is very calm.

"This Madman Chu can kill Zhun Emperor, Shan Jianwei, are you really confident?" Yu Jianwei asked curiously.

"Even if I can't kill him and retreat all over, I'm sure."

This Shan Jianwei obviously has extremely high confidence in his own strength.

In addition, he is also using his own calculations. This Madman of Chu possesses the exquisite sword heart of nine orifices. If he can kill him, he will definitely get the approval of the sword clan. The benefits he will get by then are self-evident. Willing to share with others.

Moreover, the patriarch of the sword clan said that he only needs the magic lamp of Qingli.

As for other things, he did not say.

In other words, the sword guards can dispose of the other treasures of Madman Chu.

How many treasures will there be a person who has killed several ancient Taoist masters? ?

The number of that spiritual source alone is enough to make people's hearts excited.

Similarly, he also wants to monopolize this benefit.

"If that's the case, let it be based on your own ability." Yuan Jianwei also had the same idea as Shan Jianwei.

Then, the two looked at the last sword guard.

"Magic Sword Guard, what do you want to do?"

"The two seniors have been in the Shadow Sword Guard for a lot longer than me, and the qualifications are higher than me. Let's do everything as seniors want."

This is a woman's voice, with a touch of femininity.

This can not help but make people wonder what kind of peerless stunner a woman with such a voice is.

"Oh, Charm Sword Guardian joked. With your aptitude, you will definitely be stronger than us in the future. Entering the Shadow Sword Guard is just an experience, but since you have said so, the two of us will act first. If it fails , We will discuss countermeasures."

"Good." Meijianwei nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Shan Jianwei and Yu Jianwei disappeared in place.

The remaining Magic Sword Guard took off his hood, revealing a charming and charming face.

The skin on that face can be broken by blowing, the features are delicate, and the eyebrows are perfect, especially those watery eyes with a soft and charming meaning.

"One or two want to monopolize the credit, so that's good, let you first try to test the strength of that Madman Chu."

Thinking of this, there was a stern look in the eyes of this Charm Sword Guard, "Madman Chu, there can only be one exquisite sword heart in this world, and that is Master Daozi. Any existence that prevents Master Daozi from climbing to the top of the kendo is all right. Going to die!!"

In the sword clan, few people know that this magic sword guard is actually a fanatical pursuer of Ken Daozi.

For Kendozi, she is willing to do anything.

Originally, with her aptitude, she belonged to the top Tianjiao among the sword clan, and could even be said to be second only to Sword Daozi.

But for the sake of Kendozi, she willingly abandons all the honors that she can enjoy as a Tianjiao, and turns into the darkness to become a shadow sword guard, silently giving everything for Kendozi and eradicating all possibilities for Kendozi The arrogant who threatened him.

"It is said that the Shadow Sword Guard is a sword in the hands of the Sword Clan, and I am willing to be the sharpest sword in the hands of Master Tao!"

"Get rid of everything for him!"

Mei Jianwei murmured, and then the figure turned into a black shadow, disappearing instantly.


"Head, is there any news?"

In a tea shop, Shang Qingxue is asking the madman of Chu.

Kuangren Chu shook his head and said, "No, I still can't reach other people."

"Then we can only go to Dishan, there is the end of Dilu, all Tianjiao will go there in the end."

Shang Qingxue said.

"Well, not bad." Madman Chu nodded slightly.

He glanced at the tea bowl in his hand and shouted, "Little Er, add a bowl of tea."


A junior came up and added tea to Madman Chu, and said, "You two are going to Qixian City?"

"Seven Strings City? What do you mean?" Chu Madman asked curiously.

"Hey, don’t you two know? Recently, an imperial soldier’s guqin was found in Qixian City, and several great lines are fighting for it, but no one can make this guqin recognize the master, so a banquet was held to invite the world. The piano master went to see who was destined to be recognized by that guqin."

Xiao Er said that he had finished filling tea.

The madman of Chu became interested when he heard the words, "An imperial soldier Guqin?"

"Yes, it is said that when this guqin appeared, dark clouds covered the sun, lightning and thunder, and thunder sounded for three days and three nights."

"That's really interesting."

Madman Chu came a little interested, "Qixian City, you can go and see, I don't know which way Xiaoer Qixian City is going?"

"Just keep going south here, or you can go to the nearby city to take the Xianzhou. Some of the guests I have received these days are all going to Qixian City. Just now I thought the two of them were going there too." Er smiled, and then left.

"Guqin...master, I remember you can play the piano, right."

"Understand a little." Madman Chu nodded.

He knows the eight-tones of the emperor magic, gods and demons, and the level of the piano is barely enough, and there are few comparables in the sky star.

"After drinking this cup of tea, let's go to Qixian City."

Madman Chu thought of suddenly, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and he noticed a strange fluctuation in the air.

Not far from him, a figure wearing a black robe and unable to see his face came slowly.

Every time this person took a step, there was a dignified breath in the air.

After he arrived in front of Madman Chu, the air around him had become extremely heavy.

The rest of the people in the tea shop had already been crushed on the ground, looking at the black robe figure in horror.

"Are you Madman Chu?"

The black robe figure came in front of Madman Chu and said lightly.

"Ask it knowingly." The madman Chu picked up his tea bowl and took a sip of tea.

"It seems to be the right one, I am the sword guard of the sword clan, come here... to kill you!!"

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