Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 504: : Tianchi Mountain, Tianchi Energy, a terrifying guy

Latest website: In a city, a white-clothed young man's face is covered with aura and he doesn't see it really.

But the slight outline that was exposed was enough to amaze many people.

Many monks secretly looked at him, with curiosity in their eyes, and they also wanted to spy on his cultivation with spiritual thoughts.

It's just that I didn't wait for these people to see why, I felt that my spiritual thoughts were bounced back by an extremely powerful force, and I didn't dare to spy on them.

This young man in white is naturally a madman of Chu.

He slowly came to a restaurant, found a place to sit down at random, and called Xiao Er for a pot of wine.

Many people in the restaurant were talking about what happened in Dilu.

Especially the abnormal movement of that Emperor Mountain, it made everyone very excited, and everyone was talking about who could hope to win the throne.

"I don't know if you have heard about it. Recently, there have been some abnormalities in Tianchi Mountain, and a large amount of Tianchi energy has escaped. It is said that there is a strange treasure."

Suddenly, a monk spoke.

Hearing this, everyone became interested.

"Tianchi Mountain, that place so cold to death?"

"Cut, it is your weak cultivation that makes you feel cold. I don't know how many people are staring at the energy of the day pool. This time, Tianchi Mountain has changed. I don't know how many people sent by the Taoist line to harvest the energy of the Tianchi. The ancient Taoism has been dispatched."

"It is said that a lot of Tianchi ice crystals have appeared this time."

"Tianchi ice crystal, it is rumored that this object can be used to delay the aging speed of monks, purify spiritual power, and contains a strong rhyme of cold attributes."

Not far away, Madman Chu listened to the conversation of those diners, his heart moved slightly.

Tianchi, the cold attribute fluctuates, will this be Shang Qingxue's location?

Madman Chu thought to himself.

It seems that this Tianchi must be visited.

After asking for a pot of wine from the store, Madman Chu didn't stay in the restaurant for a long time, so he left.

Tianchi Mountain.

Tianchi Mountain, which is covered with snow all the year round, has a very peculiar lake on the top of the mountain. The water of this lake is so cold that even monks of the noble level can hardly resist it. Once you step in, there is a risk of freezing .

However, this lake is not frozen, and the lake water is like a mirror, reflecting the sky on the lake.

Therefore, it is known as Tianchi!

In addition, the lake in the Tianchi also contains some energy that can improve spiritual cultivation. Every time a certain period of time, the energy of the Tianchi will escape from the Tianchi and form a tide. That is for most monks. , Is definitely a good luck.

In recent days, the Tianchi energy has been frequent, and the scale of tidal surges far exceeds any previous time.

It can be calculated that there must be some peerless treasure bred in this Tianchi.

And this conjecture also made many monks excited,

For a time, countless monks came to Tianchi to hunt for treasure.

It’s just that these monks haven’t found any treasures, and Tianchi has been sealed off by several nearby ancient Taoist traditions. Some monks with no power and background can pick up some things that others don’t want.

Although many monks were dissatisfied with the practice of several Taoist traditions, no one dared to stand up and criticize them.

After all, people belong to the ancient orthodoxy, so what are the capabilities of their unorganized casual cultivators?

It would be good for others to pick up some soup for them.

Outside Tianchi Mountain, several ancient Taoist monks gathered and jointly blocked the access to the mountain. Only some of the cultivation bases are fairly good, such as the existence of the sage, and the realm of saints can go in and explore, but the core , Still can't get involved.

Madman Chu came here.

Looking at the monk who blocked Tianchi Mountain in front of him, he took the initiative to show his saint cultivation base, and the pressure was overwhelming.

Several monks guarding the mountain could not help but shudder.

They had seen too many saints, but like Madman Chu, it was the first one who shuddered just by power.

This person in front of me is probably not a simple saint.

"Your Excellency can go in, but I still want to mention that the core Tianchi area of ​​Tianchi Mountain is blocked by our Sima Family, Snow Spider Line, Snow Lion Line, and several ancient roads of the Ancient Family. You No entry."

The disciple watching the mountain said solemnly.

Madman Chu chuckled, "I see."

"Go in." The disciple no longer interrupted him, letting Madman Chu enter the Tianchi Mountain.

Amidst the white snow, Madman Chu's figure drifted away.

The disciple Moriyama suddenly felt a trace of anxiety in his heart.

Then he shook his head and smiled, "It's just a saint, what's so disturbing."

They are all ancient orthodoxy, what storm can a saint make in front of them? !

Tianchi Mountain.

Madman Chu was walking on the snow, his spiritual thoughts surged, covering a radius of 100,000 miles.

Most of the sight of Tianchi Mountain is in sight.

At this time, a cloud of white mist swept towards him in the heavy snow, and a woman in white was behind him.

The woman looked seductive and looked at the white air ball with fiery eyes.

The madman Chu's insight eye works.

"Spider Eighteen, the body is Snow Spider, the cultivation base is Supreme Supreme..."

It seemed that after taking a glance at the Snow Spider woman, Madman Chu stopped paying attention, and he set his sights on the white mist that the other party was chasing.

"Is this Tianchi energy?"

Madman Chu's invisible thought power spread between raising his hands, turning into an invisible big hand and grasping it in his hand.

"Who are you who dare to take my things?" The Snow Spider woman changed her face when she saw this, and shouted at Madman Chu.

Madman Chu didn't even look at her. He raised his hand to stimulate the invisible thought power again, and directly lifted the snow spider woman out into the snow like a headed green onion.

After doing all this, Madman Chu carefully looked at the Tianchi energy in his hand.

"It does contain some pure energy fluctuations, and the rhyme of the cold attribute..."

With a thought of Chu Madman, he activated the heaven and earth furnace body, sucking this group of Tianchi energy into the body for refining.

The increase in spiritual power brought to him by this celestial pool energy alone is comparable to that he used the gluttony method to refine a supreme and supreme flesh and blood essence. No wonder this thing is so popular, in his spiritual perception, There are a lot of such Tianchi energy all around.

Especially at the core of Tianchi Mountain, there is countless Tianchi energy.

There are even many Tianchi ice crystals with more advanced energy than Tianchi.

But these are not the main purposes of the Mad Chu came here.

"Shang Qingxue doesn't know if he is there?!"

Madman Chu looked at the core area of ​​Tianchi and muttered.

His spiritual perception cannot penetrate deep into the core of Tianchi, where there is a barrier that isolates his perception.

He raised his foot and walked towards the depths of Tianchi Mountain.

As for that white woman is still stuck in the snow, motionless in the wind and snow, like a sculpture.

Until Kuangren Chu walked away, this man struggled to crawl out of the snow.

She looked at the back of Madman Chu's departure, and said with lingering fear: "What a terrifying guy..."

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