Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 394: : Hurry up, no fight, what nonsense are you talking about

Ling Xiao joined forces with a strong attack, so Xiao Lintian had to give in.

The whole world began to discuss the ownership of this medicine field, but after a long dispute, no one was satisfied with the result.

This medicine field is too precious.

No one is willing to let go easily.

"I said, I want half, and the others, you share, otherwise, whichever shoot you together, I will have to fight with you happily, it won't necessarily be the one who suffers."

Xiao Lintian said domineeringly.

The others were all embarrassed when they heard this.

"Half is too much."

"I am the strongest here, so I should have the most."

Xiao Lintian said, a sentence that made everyone speechless. Whoever is the strongest and who gets the most, there is no problem with this.

"Oh, who is the strongest and who gets the most?"

At this time, an indifferent voice floated into everyone's ears.

"That's natural."

Before Xiao Lintian noticed anything, he subconsciously responded, but in the next instant, his face suddenly became extremely stiff.

The complexion of the rest of the world changed greatly.

The crowd gave out one after another in exclamation, looking behind them.

I don't know when, a peerless young man in white has come to the medicine field, standing behind everyone.

"Madman Chu!"

Ling Xiao's face solemnly read the name of the person, while the rest of the world walked with solemn eyes and pain in his heart.

"Why is this guy here."

"Just let the saints from outside let him in? Fight with this person for chance? This is too high for us, right."

The people walking around the world laughed bitterly, especially Xiao Lintian, his face changed even more, and there was a faint fright in his eyes.

At the beginning of the battle at Tianyu Peak, Madman Chu left him too much psychological shadow. His dignified Huang Tianzun body was defeated by the opponent with one move. He still can't believe this kind of thing.

Madman Chu walked slowly towards the crowds of people walking around the world.

The crowd consciously made way for him.

Everyone looked at the white dress with complex eyes, panic, fear, yearning, and fanatical worship.

But more, it is helpless.

"This person is here, what are we fighting over?"

"Forget it, just treat it as a tourist."

"Too sad."

In the eyes of everyone, Madman Chu slowly walked to the medicinal field and smiled: "Whoever is the strongest, who gets the most, I also think it makes sense, so I want all of this medicinal field!"

After speaking, he raised his hand to urge the Qiankun ring in his hand.

He took the large-scale treasure medicine in.

This scene changed the expressions of all the people walking in the world, and one of them couldn't help but shout: "Madman Chu, don't go too far!"

But Madman Chu completely ignored him.

Seeing that he was being ignored, the face of the walking world suddenly sank, and then he rushed towards the Madman Chu, trying to stop him.

But he saw Madman Chu wave his hand gently.

A surging Taoist rhyme burst out, gathering the earth's energy, turning into a sacred mountain and smashing out, banging on the body that was walking on that day.

Walking around the world dignified, in front of Madman Chu's palm, without the slightest ability to resist, he was bombed out on the spot.

"Mad Chu, do you really want to monopolize this medicine field?"

"Don't go too far!"

Xiao Lintian couldn't help asking.

Madman Chu looked at him and said lightly: "Who is the strongest and who gets the most, isn't that what you said? Why, do you have an opinion?"

"You..." Xiao Lintian was swallowed and speechless.

Yes, he said this.

Whoever is stronger is better, no problem.

But you have taken away all the treasures! !

"Ling Xiao, let's go together."

Xiao Lintian secretly spoke to Ling Xiao and others.

He motioned to each other with his eyes.

It's time to use your cohesive strategy!

But seeing Ling Xiao step back silently.

Is it strong?

Then you have to have a chance to win!

Are these people strong against Chu Madman?

Haha, I'm afraid I will be taken away by a wave.

"Damn it!" Seeing Ling Xiao flinched, Xiao Lintian couldn't help cursing inwardly, staring at Madman Chu with unwillingness in his eyes.

He was looking at other people.

But seeing these people, none of them are willing to come forward.

They all knew the strength of Madman Chu very well, and some of them who hadn't played against him, after seeing the palm of the hand and the reaction of Ling Xiao and others, all guessed something, and did not dare to move forward.

"Why, do you want to fight?"

Chu madman's playful way.

"Damn, Madman Chu, don't be too arrogant!" Xiao Lintian said coldly, and his heart was so suffocated. For a long time, he was the only arrogant person, but after meeting Madman Chu, he repeatedly deflated.

It was originally what other people said to him, but now he was using him as someone else. This feeling made him unwilling to reach the extreme.

"Hurry up, fight, or not fight!"

Madman Chu's eyes were cold, and he let out a cold drink.

He shouted, and the fighting spirit was flying.

Everyone walking around the world was taken aback, and after a few steps back, Xiao Lintian couldn't help but scream.

Looking directly at the madman of Chu, Xiao Lintian only felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet.

"No no, no fight..."

Xiao Lintian gritted his teeth and said, his tone trembling slightly.

The rest of the world walked looking at Xiao Lintian with some pity. The opponent was the Xuanhuang Tianzun body, and he was the strongest person in the world, but in front of the Madman Chu, Lian Zhan didn't have the courage.

This is really ironic.

"If you don't fight, then what are you talking nonsense."

Madman Chu curled his lips and suppressed his fighting spirit.

When he said that, Xiao Lintian couldn't refute half a word.

When Ling Xiao and others met, he felt even more pity.

"Hey, knowing that Madman Chu can't afford to offend him, he just went to touch him. Isn't this asking for trouble?"

"Tsk, the dignified Xuanhuang Tianzun's body was almost scolded by someone pointing his nose, and he didn't dare to move it. Who would believe it if he said it."

The whole world walked around and was amazed. Soon, Madman Chu packed all the treasures on the scene into Qiankun Ring and took away.

"Goodbye, everyone."

Before leaving, Madman Chu also greeted everyone.

Everyone forced a smile.

Hemp egg.

Goodbye ghost, better not goodbye.

After separating from Madman Chu, everyone continued to explore in the imperial palace.

As the residence of the emperor, and the emperor seems to have deliberately left a lot of opportunities here, and soon everyone found a new opportunity!

That is a huge stone monument.

On the stone tablet, engraved with mysterious lines, intertwined into a picture, there is a person who is screaming at the sky, making a fist gesture, and a terrifying Taoist rhyme flows in it.

There are a few lines of fine print on the stele.

Hit the stele with the method of the stele to get a chance!

When everyone saw this, their eyes lit up.

"The meaning of this stele is to allow us to comprehend the practice recorded in the stele, and then use this practice to get the opportunity in the The method recorded in the stele seems to be some kind of boxing method, ha, my best I'm good at boxing, this opportunity, I deserve it!"

"Huh, it's still unknown who first enlightened."

The crowd sat in front of the stele and began to comprehend.

Then they discovered that the practice method recorded in this stele was very mysterious and more obscure than most of the holy kings' methods.

"This is probably a quasi-imperial technique!"

Ling Xiao shook his head and said.

"Well, it is indeed a quasi-imperial technique."

At this moment, there was a voice in Ling Xiao's ear. Hearing this voice, his face became stiff, and he turned his head to look away with tears.

"Friend Chu, why are you here again."

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