Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 376: : On the cusp of wind and waves, like walking on thin ice, the madman of Chu visits th

"Dare they?!"

Madman Chu gave a soft drink, with a cold light in his eyes.

Xue Zheng, who was next to him, saw him, and couldn't help being a little frightened. Could this Madman of Chu really have the ability to deal with the unknown? !

"I'm sorry, but I lost my temper."

Madman Chu reduced his chill and said with a faint smile.

He was very good-looking, and his smile made people feel like a spring breeze. Upon seeing this, Xue Zheng felt relieved and slowly relaxed.

"Friend Chu, let's continue on our way."

"it is good."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

He secretly gave himself a thumbs-up.

It seems that I have successfully scared Xue Zheng just now, and when the other party returns, he will definitely report to him, and he will also have some scruples about himself.

Xuan Tianzong, or is Chu Madman now capable of dealing with the unknown? To be honest, this is very difficult.

No one knows the background of the Unknowable Land, but one thing is beyond doubt, that is, it is definitely stronger than any sage orthodoxy ever seen by the madman Chu, many...

Xuan Tianzong has made rapid progress in the past few years, but compared with these unknowable places that are tens of thousands or even 100,000 years old, there is still a certain gap.

Recklessly, that will definitely not work.

The madman of Chu dared to cut the spiritual incarnation of Saint King Changguang, and dared to threaten Xuanhuang Divine Palace. In fact, he was betting!

And the biggest reliance is the headless woman!

He let out a word, revealing that he has a certain connection with the headless woman, that is, he will be afraid of the other party in the gambling of the Xuanhuang Temple, and he dare not act rashly, so as to buy the Xuan Tianzong time to improve his strength.

In that situation, he could only do this!

If he showed any timidity or hesitation, then he absolutely had reason to believe that Xuanhuang Divine Palace and even other unknown places would attack him and Xuantianzong.

Because the existence of his Chu Madman has blocked an unknowable place from competing for the opportunity to become an emperor!

"I'm on the cusp of the storm right now, and I may be targeted at any time." Madman Chu looked at the sky in the distance with deep eyes.

Outsiders saw him with infinite beauty and majesty, but the Madman Chu himself knew that he was walking on thin ice now. If he was not careful, he and Xuan Tianzong would be invincible!

But he has no retreat! !

That being the case, he simply went forward and broke his wrist with these unknowable places.


Soon, Madman Chu followed Xue Zheng to a mountain peak.

The ethereal sky is actually a secret realm, and a secret realm that moves at any time, illusory and difficult to find.

Only the ethereal sect has some sort of search method.


Xue Zheng took out a jade order and threw it into the air, and saw the jade order blooming, opening a space channel.

"Friend Chu, please."


The two stepped into the space channel and came to the ethereal sky.

As soon as you enter it, you will see a large cloud-covered mountain range. The mountains are covered with exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals.

"Here is the ethereal sky, really like a fairyland."

Madman Chu admired.

"Friend Chu is utterly praised." Xue Zheng smiled.

Then, he took the Madman Chu to the main peak of the ethereal sky, and along the way, he also met many disciples of the ethereal sky.

And under the observation of the Madman Chu, these ethereal disciples are all top geniuses, take out one at random, and put it in the outside world as true disciples or even Taoists of the great sages.

"Brother Xue."

A female disciple came up and saluted Xue Zheng.

She glanced at Chu Madman curiously.

As a walk in the ethereal world, Xue Zheng's prestige is very high among his disciples. At this time, seeing him bring outsiders back, curiosity is inevitable.

"Senior Brother Xue, who is this fellow Taoist?"

This female disciple looked at Madman Chu with a bit of confusion in her eyes. She only felt that the man in front of her was exceptionally good-looking, much better than everyone she had seen, including Senior Brother Xue Zheng.

"The madman in Xia Chu is polite."

"I have seen Fellow Daoist Chu. My name is Caiyun. Did Fellow Daoist Chu come to my ethereal guest?" Female disciple Cai Yun said enthusiastically.

"Almost yes."

"Then Daoist Chu will have to stay for a few more days. There are many interesting places in my ethereal days. I will take you for a walk when the time comes."

"That's a lot of work."

Next to him, the corners of Xue Zheng's mouth couldn't help but twitch twice, he felt that he, the ethereal master of Zhengpai, seemed to be ignored.

He glanced at Madman Chu, feeling a little acidic in his heart.

Isn’t it just a little more handsome than me?

Is it necessary to be so passionate about him?

Not only Caiyun, Xue Zheng also noticed that he didn't know when there were many more disciples around.

And most of them are female monks, all of them are looking at Madman Chu, their eyes glowing, and some are swallowing.

I didn't know that I thought a group of extremely hungry wolves had seen the lamb.

"There is such a good-looking man in this world?"

"I originally thought Senior Brother Xue Zheng was already Young Master Pianpian, but I didn't expect that there are so many people in this world who look better than him."

"who is he?"

"Mysterious Sky hasn't had any guests for so many years. Is he the new disciple who Brother Xue brought back to Mysterious Sky?"

"Is it true? That's really great. If it's really a younger brother, then I will definitely guide him in practice every day."

Looking at the crowd of enthusiastic female monks, the male cultivators were a little bit tasteful.

They looked at Madman Chu with a little unkindness in their eyes.

But watching, they took it.

"Damn, there is such a good-looking man in this world. If I were a woman, I would also like to sleep with him."

"Actually, I think it doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman, mainly because I like to look good."


Xue Zheng listened to the discussion of the disciples around him, and only felt that Madman Chu's appearance was even more terrifying than his cultivation.

"Okay, Caiyun, this is the guest of the head, we have to go to see the head, let's not talk to you."

Xue Zheng said.

"Guest of the head?"

Caiyun was taken aback for a moment, shouldn't the head of the guests be those saints and the like, all of them are quite old.

How could such a young and good-looking brother have something to do with a bad old man like the head?

Of course, she dared not say these words.

And when she was thinking about it, Xue Zheng and Chu Madman had already left and came to a palace on the top of the mountain.

Inside the palace there are several old men, the middle one is wearing a blue and white Taoist robe, holding a whisk, and looks like a fairy bone.

This person is the head of the ethereal sky, the Taoist Yuntao.

Like the Changguang Saint King, his cultivation base is also a Saint King.

After seeing Madman Chu, Taoist Yuntao's eyes lit up and said with a faint smile: "Little friend Chu is visiting, the ethereal canopy shines."

The other elders looked at Madman Chu with different expressions.

In fact, they have no grudges against Madman Chu, but the other side's existence has affected the fight for the emperor's opportunity in the unknowable places, and this makes them have no favor with Madman Chu.

It's just that the other party came to visit Misty Sky and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. They naturally didn't do anything to each other.

"I have seen Fellow Yuntao." Madman Chu smiled faintly.

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