Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 373: : Stealing the sky, defeating the body of Tianzun, the defeated Xiao Lintian

Madman Chu was stunned by the punch from a distance, and then he raised his hand to gather the fierce fighting spirit, and it was also a punch mark.

Two violent forces collided and exploded with a blast!

The storm rolled up, and several world walks were all set off.

"Who is this? There is such a power!"

"What did he just say? Xuanhuang Tianzun's body! Xuanhuang Tianzun's body ranked second among 3,000 physiques!!"

"Damn, what kind of arrogant is this again."

Everyone exclaimed, looking at the source of the punch.

I saw a young man standing on a mountain not far away. He was dressed in a black robe, his face was tough, with sharp edges and corners, and his body was even more powerful and indescribably domineering!

When everyone saw this person, they couldn't help but think of surrender.

The black-clothed youth stepped forward, spanning thousands of feet in a blink of an eye, and came to the sky above Madman Chu, and looked at him condescendingly, "Madman Chu, if you want to be the number one in the world, you have to ask me if I agree!"

Madman Chu looked at each other, his eyes of insight moving.

"Walking in the world of Xuanhuang Divine Palace, Xiao Lintian, with the body of Xuanhuang Tianzun behind him, repairing the Emperor Jing Xuanhuang Seven Steps Jue, emperor..."

"This person's combat power is comparable to the Great Sage..."

The feedback from the Eye of Insight caused Madman Chu to narrow his eyes slightly, "Hou Tian Xuan Huang Tian Zun body, oh, it's interesting."

Not far away, Ling Xiao and other Tianjiao looked at each other.

"Xuanhuang Tianzun's body, I didn't expect to have such a peerless physique in this life. From which unknown place did this person come from?"

Ye Xin, Zhanlong and others were a little confused.

"If I guessed correctly, this person should come from Xuanhuang Shrine!"

At this time, Xue Zheng took a deep breath and said: "I heard the elders in the Taoism mentioned that the Xuanhuang Temple is one of the most profound among the many unknown places, and there was a Xuanhuang in their history. Tianzun body has been amazing for an entire era!"

"But later, in order to become an emperor, the Xuanhuang Tianzun body followed a group of powerful people into the misty sea in the ten forbidden areas. Since then, there is no news. In order to continue the glory of the Xuanhuang Tianzun body, the Xuanhuang Temple has been for tens of thousands of years. After studying this physique, trying to pass the acquired formation, now it seems that they may have succeeded..."

Hearing this, I took a breath of air when I walked around the world.

The supreme Taoist body is very rare, let alone the Xuanhuang Tianzun body, the second supreme Taoist body. In addition to being bestowed by the heavens, it is no longer difficult to describe the formation of such a physique.

This is simply stealing the good fortune of heaven and earth!

This is an act of stealing the sky!

Not only are the sages walking around the world, the saints who secretly observe are also stunned secretly, and are shocked by the operation of the Xuanhuang Shrine.

"I thought Xuanhuang Divine Palace had been doing useless work for tens of thousands of years, but I didn't expect that they actually succeeded."

"It is absolutely difficult to form this kind of physique, and I don't know how much resources are consumed."

"Now, someone can finally compete with Madman Chu!"

The spiritual thoughts of the saints are secretly communicating.

They watched this upcoming battle and couldn't help but look forward to it.

One is carrying the Xuan Huang Tianzun body, and the other is sitting on the three supreme Taoist bodies. When the two sides fight, who can be better?

"Chu madman, I think you just fought with those stray fishes, I will give you a certain amount of time to recover your spiritual power, and then fight with me as much as you can.

Xiao Lintian stood with his hands behind and said proudly.

Upon hearing his words, Ling Xiao and the others couldn't help but twitch their mouths, looking at Xiao Lintian, extremely annoyed.

Trash fish? !

They walked around the world and they were said to be trash fish!

If they had not been severely injured by Madman Chu, even if they knew that they were not Xiao Lintian's opponent, they would still fight against each other.

"Oh, they are trash fish, so you are just a little fat trash fish. To deal with you, even if I have less than half of my spiritual power, it is enough to make you lie on the ground."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"Huh, arrogant and ignorant!"

Xiao Lintian snorted coldly, then raised his hand and punched the Madman Chu, a golden fist exploded like a torrent.

It is an emperor skill of Xuanhuang Shrine, Jinguang Shenquan!

Moreover, Xiao Lintian intends to defeat the Madman Chu with an absolute attitude, so there is no hand left in this punch, and his spiritual power is moved to the extreme!

Even the Great Sage had to be cautious in facing this punch.

"Angry Fist!"

Madman Chu also punched, punch to punch!

The two energies collided and Dao Yun swept out.

I saw both of them standing still, but the ground around them was also disintegrated, and a huge pothole was sunken.

"You are the first person who can be unscathed under my fist, Madman Chu, you deserve all my strength to defeat you!"

There was a solemn look in Xiao Lintian's eyes.

A powerful aura suddenly broke out in his body, and Dao Yun soared into the sky, once again condensing a heavenly figure in the void.

This is the vision of Xuanhuang Tianzun's body, Tianzun's Faxiang!

When the madman of Chu saw this, the three supreme Taoists opened together!

"Come on, let me see if your Three Great Dao Body is stronger, or my Xuantian Tianzun body is stronger!" Xiao Lintian roared.

He punched out, and the golden light fist was used again.

It's just that this time with the blessing of Tianzun's Faxiang, his boxing strength has become more supreme and domineering!

The power of this punch is even stronger!

When Madman Chu saw this, he shook his head slightly.

The guqin around the beam was in front of him.

Suddenly, the silent Qin Yindao Yun broke out!

The void rippled in circles.

The final song of the Eight Tones of Gods and Demons, the loudest sound!

The sound of Qin Yin Dao Yun that had never been seen before walking around the world spread in the void, violently hitting Xiao Lintian's fist strength.

The shock of the terrifying force caused a huge seam reaching a depth of thousands of feet to appear on the earth, which was shocked for thousands of miles.

However, Xiao Lintian's boxing strength quickly fell apart under the impact of the loud sound, and that day the Buddha's face also burst!

Xiao Lintian spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out.

The Xuanhuang Tianzun's body, ranked second in 3,000 physiques, can be broken by only one piano sound in front of the Madman Chu! !

This scene shocked everyone.

The saints who were observing secretly were also dumbfounded.

"How is it possible? How could Xuanhuang Tianzun's body be so weak? It doesn't make sense. This is the second supreme Taoist body!"

"Even if Madman Chu sits on the three supreme Taoist bodies, none of them can be stronger than the Xuantian Heavenly Venerable Body, how could this be?!"

"The gap is a bit big."

The saints communicated incredibly.

Especially the saints of Xuanhuang Shrine, even more shocking.

You know, Xiao Lintian is the Xuanhuang Tianzun body that they spent countless efforts to cultivate!

They count on the other side to make a name for Taoism to become emperor, and then protect the Xuanhuang Shrine to suppress the world!

But now, the Xuanhuang Tianzun body that they had great expectations was defeated by the madman Chu with a piano sound! !

Others walking around the world can fight against Madman Chu back and forth. How could the stronger Xiao Lintian be so vulnerable?

"When he fought with us, he didn't do his best!"

Ling Xiao swallowed, feeling incredible.

Xiao Lintian, who was lying on the ground, was blasted by the sound of a piano and looked at Madman Chu with unstoppable panic in his eyes.

"How is it possible, how is it possible...My Xuanhuang Tianzun body is invincible, how could I be defeated..."

"And so...a complete defeat!!"

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