Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 334: : Anger Fist, Avoid Water Drops, Inner Gate Competition

Chapter 334 Anger Fist, Avoiding Water Drops, Contrasting Inner Door

Compared with the scroll that the madman of Chu had enlightened in the Heavenly Palace, this scroll did not contain that kind of weird evil.

Come to think of it, this has something to do with the emperor technique recorded in the scroll.

Jue Xin pointed out that this emperor art itself has the effect of targeting Dao Xin, with evil nature, it will affect both the user and the user.

With the experience of comprehending Jue Xinzhi, the Madman Chu comprehended the scroll much faster this time, and it only took more than three hours.

Comprehending an emperor skill for more than three hours?

The spread of this kind of thing is simply a fantasy, even the emperor does not have such a terrifying comprehension.

But for the Madman Chu, who sits and forgets me, all the ways are all together, this impossible thing has let him do it.

"Angry Fist!"

The name of this emperor skill is Anger Fist!

This is a fist technique, a very terrifying fist technique, which emphasizes a word of anger, but the more anger the user becomes, the more terrifying the power of this imperial technique.

Kuangren Chu realized that after the emperor's operation, he only felt that there was an anger in his heart being ignited, and he wanted to find someone to fight on the spot.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. With a rocky heart, he quickly suppressed this anger.

After comprehending the imperial arts, Madman Chu stretched his waist, then opened the fantasy roulette and started today's lottery.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a star-level item to avoid water drops!"

Avoid water drops?

Madman Chu looked at the information about this thing.

As the name suggests, it is a bead that allows users to walk freely under the water, and even to a certain extent, is immune to water attacks.

"Well, it's a good treasure."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with this lottery. Such treasures with special functions could be used at some point, just like a ban.

After breaking through the Supreme Supreme, Madman Chu stayed in Xuantian Sect for the rest of the time, and did not go out to make waves.

He did not discuss the internal affairs of the sect with Elder Ruyan and others, or went to the Saint Qingshuang to discuss the expansion of the cultivation of spiritual rice, and when he had time, he would give the group of Nangong Huang a hard drill...

As time passed in an orderly manner, the Madman Chu's background in the Supreme Realm became more and more profound, and the progress of Nangong Huang, Murong Xuan and others became more and more obvious.

And what surprised him was that in this training, none of Nangong Huang, Murong Xuan and others complained, all of them clenched their teeth, as if holding a breath in their hearts.

This made the Mad Chu not embarrassed to be ruthless.

In addition to Nangong Huang, Murong Xuan and others, Lan Yu also took the initiative to join the training camp, and he worked harder than the others. Every time he looked scarred, Mad Chu couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Xiaobing, did you say that Lan Yu and Nangong Huang were stimulated by something, and suddenly became so hard?"

On the mountain peak, Madman Chu looked at Lan Yu who were competing with his sword qi clone, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Everyone wants to be stronger," Xiaobing said.

"Nonsense, training so hard is of course to become stronger, but why do you suddenly become so obsessed with becoming stronger?"

Madman Chu rolled his eyes and said.

"I'm afraid this head will ask them to come by themselves."

Xiaobing smiled faintly.

She has also trained with Lan Yu and others these days, and she can guess one or two of everyone's thoughts.

It was nothing more than City One that gave them a lot of excitement.

They wanted to follow in the footsteps of Madman Chu, and they wanted to be able to fight alongside him in the future, at least not to stay behind Madman Chu, watching him take on everything alone and face all the enemies.

"Forget it, it's always a good thing to want to become stronger, so I won't ask more." Madman Chu thought for a while, then ignored it.

Rather, the current state of Nangong Huang and others is what he likes to see. He needs these people to grow up quickly, and when they can be alone, he can retire with peace of mind.

Madman Chu felt a lot easier thinking about it, thinking that he could quickly unload the burden of the boss and no longer deal with that bunch of housework.

"By the way, son, tomorrow is the inner gate competition, are you interested in going to see it?" Xiaobing said suddenly.

"Inner Sect Big Competition, I just discussed this matter with Elder Ruyan and the others yesterday. It's okay to go and have a look."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

The Inner Sect Contest is something that is common in many Taoist traditions. It is nothing more than gathering a group of Inner Sect disciples together and then competing. The winner wins the reward and then becomes the true disciple.

the next day.

There are huge crowds in front of the Xuantianzong Changsheng Hall.

Countless disciples gathered together for the inner gate competition.

With the improvement of Xuan Tianzong's background, the gold content of competitions like this type is also increasing. The elites selected are all the elites, and the ones who can become true in the end, the worst must be Yuan Ying.

Moreover, after becoming a true biography disciple, it is not easy to sit back and relax. The true biography disciple will hold a competition every once in a while, and the true biography disciple with the worst ranking will be reduced to an inner disciple.

Only in this way can Xuan Tianzong's disciples maintain a competitive relationship forever, be tempered and promoted in the competition.

As time passed, the Inner Gate Competition went on for three consecutive days.

In the end, the Inner Sect Competition selected four winners, who will also receive rewards and be promoted as true disciples.

But according to the usual practice, Madman Chu, the head in charge, had to take the stage to present prizes to the four disciples, and by the way, he was encouraging.

Madman Chu came outside the Hall of Longevity. Outside the door, a group of disciples from the outer door and inner door were already looking forward to it, and they were suddenly extremely excited when they saw him appear.

"Look, look, it's the master."

"Wow, the boss is really getting more and more handsome. No matter how many times I look at this face, I won't get tired."

"Yeah, it's so good."

"I heard that the head of the city had to make a noise in the first city a few days ago for the Taoists, and forced the first city, and the Heavenly King Palace had to apologize publicly. It is too powerful."

"The leader is not only good-looking, but also very strong. It would be nice if you can get in close contact with him."

"I envy those four inner disciples who can stand so close to the head."

Outside the Hall of Longevity, the disciples talked a lot.

An elder stood up, looked at the disciples majesticly, and said loudly, "Quiet!!"

Everyone gradually calmed down.

Then, Madman Chu handed out prizes to the four disciples who won the Inner Sect Competition.

"The inner disciples are like flowers, please come to the stage to accept the award."

Madman Chu said lightly.

A woman in a red dress came Maybe she was too excited, her face was red when she approached Madman Chu.

My God, the headmaster is only one step away from me now.

The breath on his body smells so good.

Madman Chu didn't know what Hua Ruyu was thinking, so he handed her the prize and smiled faintly: "I hope you can continue to work hard in the future."

"Yes, head, I, I will definitely work hard."

Hua Ruyu said excitedly.


Madman Chu took a look at the other party with insight. He was quite talented, and his growth potential was among the top disciples.

Then, he presented awards to the other three disciples.

When giving an award to a disciple named Zhao Tianlong, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a strange look.

(End of this chapter)

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