Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 232: : Team Yunxiao, the rumored treasure of Lou Guo

"Friend Chu, I know that maybe I can't dissuade you, but I still want to say that the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield is very scary, and even the saints must be jealous. Please consider carefully."

"Oh, I'll be clear below."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Then, he looked at the sword in Leng Changkong's hand and smiled: "Friend Leng, can you give me the sword in your hand?"

Leng Changkong was a little confused, but still took out his sword.

The Madman Chu took the sword, his fingers condensed, and lightly slashed across the sword body, filling it with Dao Yun and Jian Qi.

"This sword has my sword aura. If Daoist Fellow Leng encounters any danger when he returns, he can arouse it." Chu Madman laughed.

"Thank you." Fellow Daoist Leng said solemnly.

The two sides are separated.

Madman Chu led Lan Yu to explore the depths of the inner circle.

Relying on the treasure hunting technique, Madman Chu found a lot of treasures in the ancient battlefield. Although most of them were inconspicuous, taking them back to Xuan Tianzong and handing them to Elder Ruyan for disposal was another significant income.

These can be used as the daily expenses for the operation of the sect.


"A broken sacred artifact, this one is okay, there should be an 800,000 high-grade spirit stone after it is sold."

Madman Chu said with a broken armor in his hand.

This armor was just taken off from a skeleton.

And the skeleton had been dead for many years, but the bones were still extremely tough, glowing with gold and iron color, obviously very extraordinary during his lifetime.

At least the supreme supreme cultivation base.

The Supreme Supreme also died here, which shows how many cruel wars this ancient battlefield has experienced during these long years.

How about the inner circle, let alone the core area.

Madman Chu put the broken armor into the Universe Ring and just wanted to leave.

But at this time, a violent Dao Yun suddenly broke out and attacked from not far away. Chu Kuangren frowned slightly. Before he could take a shot, Lan Yu took the lead to disperse the Dao Yun.

She looked at the void not far away coldly, "Come out!"

There was a circle of ripples in the void.

A man wearing black leather armor with a scar on his face looked at the two Madman Chu and smiled, "Is there some strength."

"Killing for treasure?"

Madman Chu's face showed an interesting color.

It is not uncommon to kill people to win treasures in the spiritual world, but it is the first time Madman Chu has encountered such a thing.

"Boy, hand over the incomplete sacred artifact in your hand, I can consider sparing your life, and not fruit..."

"What about the result?"

Before the man with the scarred face finished speaking, Madman Chu took the lead and said, "Is it going to let me die without a corpse, or is it better to die?"

Scar face raised his eyebrows, looking at the calm Madman Chu, he couldn't help playing drums in his heart. This kid looks weird!

He glanced at Lan Yu.

Just now, the little girl easily smashed his attack. Obviously, his strength should not be underestimated. There is also a Madman Chu with unknown strength.

It's really hard to fight, he probably won't be pleased.

After thinking about it carefully and weighing it over and over again, Scarface snorted without saying anything before turning around and swept away towards the distance.

Madman Chu and Lan Yu were taken aback.

Is this gone?

"Where is this trouble? Is this gone?"

Madman Chu wondered.

This seems to be different from what I thought.

Lan Yu also shook his head, "I don't know."

"Forget it, ignore him, let's go."


Scarface ran all the way and came to a team.

There are a lot of people in this team, and all of them are fierce, obviously they are not simple roles.

If there are people from Tuyang City here, they will definitely recognize them.

This team is one of the most elite teams in Tuyang City, and its captain is the tenth highest sword repairer in the 100 swordsman spectrum.

This team is called Team Yunxiao!

"Old Qi, what's wrong with you?" asked a monk with a spear when he saw Scarface hurried back.

The scar face said: "Four brother, call some good hands and follow me to find two people. They have a broken sacred artifact in their hands."

"Huh? Broken sacred artifact?"

Fourth brother's eyes lit up.

Broken saints, this is a good thing.

"Two people, how strong are they?"

"I don't know." Scarface shook his head.

Hearing what he said, the fourth brother almost vomited blood and looked at him with the expression that you were playing with me, "I don't even know what to do when I come back."

Scarface continued: "Although there is no official match, I feel that these two people are very strong, and I will not be an opponent alone, so I came back to you and hoped that we could grab things together."

Hearing Scarface's words, the fourth brother showed a pensive expression.

They have been in the ancient battlefield for many years, living a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife, and they have long developed a keen sense of danger.

Since Scarface said so, then the other party is probably really not easy to provoke, but the incomplete sacred artifact is indeed very exciting.

"Lao Qi, you're back, go ahead."

At this time, the boss of Team Yunxiao, the ninth sword repairman in the hundred swords spectrum, Li Xiaoyun walked over and said lightly.

Hearing what he said, Scarface and the fourth brother looked at each other.

They recounted the incomplete sacred object.

Li Yunxiao frowned slightly and said, "Forget it, it's just a sacred artifact. It's better to complete the employer's entrustment now."

He glanced at a young man behind him.

The young man was sitting on a rock with his eyes closed slightly. Although there was no power to look at, everyone looked at him with fear.

Even Li Yunxiao was very afraid of the other party.

Because the other party is one of the top arrogances in the world, the young emperor of the Shang clan from the Vermillion Bird Territory...Shang Han!

Shang Han slowly opened his eyes, and said lightly towards Li Yunxiao who was not far away: "Now you can continue on the road."

"of course."

Li Yunxiao nodded, and then said: "It's just that we have been looking for seven days. Young Emperor, are you sure this is the direction?"

"It can't be wrong."

Shang Han took out an ancient bronze sword, "I can clearly feel that the resonance between this Lou's ancient sword and that Louguo ancient city is getting stronger and stronger, and you can definitely find the ancient city in this direction!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes showed expectation.

Lou Guo, this is a dynasty tens of thousands of years ago, and it is said that the inner strength is more than that of the Qingyun dynasty today.

But such a country was destroyed in a great battle for tens of thousands of years, and the capital of the dynasty was directly buried in the sand.

For many years, some people have been looking for the ancient city of Louguo, hoping to find the rumored treasure that is more terrifying than the saints and humanity.

It's just that no one can do it but this time, they may be successful.

Thinking of this, even a supreme supreme like Li Xiaoyun felt extremely excited, let alone the rest of the team.

"If I can get the treasure of Lou Guo, then I really don't have to worry about it in my life, haha, I will leave here when that happens."

"Tsk tusk, Lou National Treasure, don't say anything else, there should be no shortage of resources such as the supreme tool and Baodan."

"No one has found it for so many years. In the end, it was not found by our Yunxiao team."

Shang Han glanced at the team members and curled his lips. These were just his tools for finding treasures.

Still want to share the treasure with him? It's funny!

"As long as I get that thing from Lou Guozhong, who among the younger generation can compare with me?!"

"Even Madman Chu, I can compete with him!"

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