Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 215: : The reaction of all parties, the lucky halo is superb, and the research came

"What, Madman Chu killed the Murong family saint!!"

When the news reached those Taoist masters in the Azure Dragon Region, everyone was dumbfounded, and some of them were so scared that Tao Xin almost collapsed.

Who is the saint?

That is the top existence of the sky star!

Now, the masters of the saints on the bright surface of the sky are also the supreme supreme level, and the saints are behind the scenes.

But Madman Chu, this guy who had just been in charge of Xuantianzong for a few days actually ran to Xuanwu Region and killed the two saints of Murong's family? !

This news is so shocking!

The Vermillion Bird Territory, White Tiger Territory, and Xuanwu Territory were okay. Although they were shocked, they did not take any action.

But Ziyang Valley, Lingxu Holy Land, and Leiyin Temple, which are in the same domain as Xuan Tianzong, all panicked.

The same goes for the saint behind them.

Madman Chu can actually beheaded! !

After that, if you accidentally fall out with Xuan Tianzong, if those saints don't take action, Chu Kuangren alone is enough to subvert an orthodoxy!

Who can stop this? !

All Taoist traditions sent their own spies to detect intelligence.

Soon, specific information about the madman Chu killing the second sage of Murong's family was placed in front of the masters of the great tracts.

When it was learned that Madman Chu was seeking justice for a disciple in the door, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. When they knew that the disciple had become waste and worthless, everyone was even more straightforward.

For a **** that was worthless to the sect, he did not hesitate to break the battle with Murong's family and killed two saints!

I rely on!

I'm afraid this madman is not a lunatic!

But it is precisely because of this that everyone is even more jealous of Chu Kuang's talents, because they don't know that Chu Kuangren will do something for a certain day and for what reason.

This guy doesn't play cards according to the routine at all!

"In the future, try not to conflict with the people of Xuan Tianzong."

"Yeah, Madman Chu can still do such a thing for a deposed disciple. Who knows what kind of crazy behavior Madman Chu will do if he really provokes Xuan Tianzong."

"Madan, how can there be such a lunatic in this world!"

"The lunatic is not terrible. The horrible thing is that this lunatic still has the ability to kill saints. Madman Chu, this name is really correct."

"Isn't Xuantianzong fighting with us for the spiritual stone mine to the south? Order to go down, stop fighting, let them go."

"What is this called?"

In the Azure Dragon Realm, all the major saints have moved.

Their jealousy of Chu Madman has reached its limit!

Even the saints are the same.

In addition to the Azure Dragon Territory, the Demon Dao organizations in the Xuanwu Territory also knew that Madman Chu had destroyed the Ghost Street enchantment and destroyed the Black Feather Tower.

But these magic cultivators were afraid of Chu Madman's strength and did not dare to do it.

They cast their eyes on the underworld, the largest and most mysterious Demon Dao organization in the sky star, hoping that the other party would have an idea.

But for several days, the underworld did not respond.

This attitude made everyone understand.

The underworld is also afraid of Madman Chu!

For a time, Madman Chu became a taboo for the entire magic way!

Even the Xuan Tianzong where he is located and a group of affiliated forces have become a forbidden place that cannot be easily touched in the eyes of the entire Demon Dao.


The mirage sails above the sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, Kuangren Chu and others were already on their way back.

"This mirage is really magnificent."

The second ancestor Xuantian was naturally also on the mirage. He looked at the pavilions and palaces one after another, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

"This mirage is really a little guy."

"Yes, it was obtained by coincidence before."

Lan Yu nodded slightly and said as taught by the madman Chu.

Although she felt that the rhetoric was similar to nothing.


Hearing her explanation, the second ancestor Xuantian rolled his eyes.

by chance?

Which time is not a coincidence.

Glancing with Venerable Xuanqi, Elder Ruyan and the others, the second ancestor Xuantian couldn't help but want to complain, but he didn't continue to question.

Inside a pavilion of a mirage.

Madman Chu is sitting cross-legged and practicing.

When he came to Murong's house this time, he even cut two saints, which was extremely costly to him, and he borrowed hatred from the Demon Dao of the Xuanwu Domain.

But in his opinion, all this is worthwhile.

On the one hand, he sought justice for Murong Xuan, on the other hand, it frightened all the forces, and on the third, he refined the body of two saints, making his cultivation base of the Venerable who just broke through more stable, and even made breakthroughs.

Today, he is in the middle stage of the Venerable.

"The body of two saints only allowed me to increase by a small level. The more I get to the back, the harder it is to increase."

"Especially for my foundation, breaking through requires more spiritual power and resources than ordinary monks. It is really not easy."

It is indeed a good thing for the Mad Chu to build the supreme foundation.

But the only drawback is that he wants to break through, it needs to consume more than ten times or even dozens of times more spiritual power than ordinary monks.

However, every breakthrough can get a terrifying increase in combat power.

Compared to this, that little malpractice is nothing at all, let alone, Madman Chu still imagines that a plug-in like roulette is in his hands, and others will lack resources, but he has never been lacking along the way.

"Now think about how to repair Murong Xuan's spiritual ruins, the colorful nebula flowers, where should I find these holy medicines."

Madman Chu whispered.

"It's better to try a treasure hunt."

Thinking about it, Madman Chu launched a treasure hunt.

He had no hope.

Although treasure hunting can find treasures in the world, it also has a range limit. It is impossible that this holy medicine is near him.

Sure enough, searching for the first time.

He didn't gain much, but he found a few common treasures, but he didn't care about it and didn't get it.

The mirage sailed for a while.

He urged the treasure hunt to find it again.

This time, there was also no hope.

"Thirty thousand li in the south, there is a supreme-level treasure medicine, six migratory grass..."

"Thirty thousand li in the south, there is a supreme treasure medicine Panlonghua..."

"Thirty thousand and one hundred li in the south, there are quasi-sage-level treasures... thirty-one thousand li in the south, there are seven-color nebula flowers that are holy-level treasure..."

Feedback from the treasure hunt came.

Madman Chu's face suddenly became a little weird.

I rely on.

There are really colorful nebula flowers!

This lucky point is full!

Lucky halo cattle batch!

According to the feedback of the treasure hunt, not only the Colorful Nebula Flower, but also a large number of other treasure medicines, all gathered in the same place, about 30,000 miles in the south.

"Thirty thousand miles south, is there anything special?"

Madman Chu whispered But anyway, since there is news about Colorful Nebula Flowers, Madman Chu has to go and see it anyway.

So he immediately turned the direction of the mirage.

On the mirage, the second ancestor Xuantian also noticed the turning of the mirage. At this moment, Madman Chu just walked out of the pavilion.

"My son, where are we going?"

"Go to the south and look for medicinal materials for Murong Xuan."

Beside, the second ancestor Xuantian showed an unexpected look, "Do you know how to treat the wounds of the Lingxu?"


The second ancestor Xuantian was shocked, "Aren't you at a loss two days ago and said you want to study it hard?"

"Yes, it's researched out."

"So fast?" Second Ancestor Xuantian was stunned.

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