Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 213: : Tianyan Pill Code, Ghost Street, Horror of the Black Feather

Lan Yu gave instructions from Madman Chu to Murong's house.

Murong Feng pondered for a while, "Okay."

For the Madman Chu's request, they did not have the qualifications to refuse, and soon they had people to collect information about Heiyulou.

the next day.

In the mirage suspended high in the sky, the Madman Chu who had studied alchemy for a night opened his eyes leisurely, feeling a little pain in his temple.

"This study of Danfang is really not what people do. If this goes on, your head will be bald." He rubbed his eyebrows and said.

But Murong Xuan was his junior, so he couldn't ignore it.

"Forget it, draw a prize and relax."

Madman Chu said, opening the roulette.

Without even looking at it, he turned it around.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary item Tian Yan Dandian!"


Tian Yan Dandian?

Dan? !

Kuangren Chu's eyes lit up, and he quickly extracted the Tianyan Pill Code, only to see a Rubik's Cube suddenly appeared in front of him.

Yes, it is a Rubik's Cube.

A simple and simple shape, with runes entwined with a magic cube.

"Isn't it a good alchemy? Why is there a Rubik's Cube."

Madman Chu muttered.

As soon as his voice fell, the Rubik's Cube began to turn, and then a light burst from the Rubik's Cube, turning into a child with a big palm.

The child looked only five or six years old, wearing a bellyband, crocheted braids, with red lips and white teeth, and a chubby face.

"Hello Master, Tian Yan Dandian is here for you."

The child said as Madman Chu floated in midair.

"Are you... a tool spirit?"

"It is the spirit of the Tianyan Pill Code that has collected the great alchemy from ancient times. Master, you can call me Xiaotian."

There was a smug look on Xiaotian's face.

Madman Chu was quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, there will be a weapon spirit in the Yan Dandian on this day. This weapon spirit is too rare, even if it is an emperor.

He had seen weapons with complete intelligence, and only Kunwu who had merged with the sword soul, and now there was another Tianyan Pill Code.

"Xiaotian, I want to repair the Lingxu, can you help me?"

"Master Lingxu is damaged?"

"No, it's a friend of mine."

"Okay, no problem, I'll help the master find it."

Xiao Tian got into the Rubik's Cube, and the whole Rubik's Cube turned quickly. After a while, Xiao Tian got out again.

"Master, I found it!" Xiao Tian waved his hand, and countless characters appeared in the void, which was a kind of elixir of elixir called tonic.

This pill can be used to repair the Lingxu!


Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, the problem that had troubled him all night was solved by Xiaotian. The Yan Dandian was really too powerful this day.

Oh no……

It should be said that the lucky aura is too powerful.

It just so happened that he got the Yan Dandian on this day.

Madman Chu took a closer look at the pill and found that he could find most of the medicinal materials above, only that it was a bit tricky blindly.

"Colorful Nebula Flower...This is a holy medicine!"

"You have to waste some time searching."

Madman Chu whispered, after taking down the Danfang, he held the Tianyan Dandian and played with it for a while.

In his opinion, this pill code is a Rubik's Cube, and the nine square grids on it are designed to be similar to Rubik's Cube.

There are six patterns, nine of each are distributed in each small grid.

"You can still play around when you are bored."

Madman Chu smiled and put it away.


"My son, this is the information about Heiyu Tower." Lan Yu held a piece of information that he had just received from Murong's house.

A cold look appeared in Madman Chu's eyes, "The Murong family has already paid the price, and this Black Feather Tower should also be cleaned up."

As he said, no one can insult the Xuantianzong without paying any price, and Heiyulou is no exception.

After reading the information, Madman Chu made a decision in his heart.

"Go, go to this Black Feather Tower for a while."

Madman Chu said, taking Lan Yu down to the mirage.

When they came to the ground, many monks looked at them, their hearts and souls trembled, and there was a look of fear in their eyes.

"Wow, this young man is so good-looking." There were also female sisters who didn't know much about what happened in Murong's house.

Some monks next to them heard this and their eyes became more complicated.

Good-looking is good-looking.

But this guy is so scary!

The two saints of Murong's family died in each other's hands.

In the street, a monk wearing a black robe saw the Madman Chu, a touch of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and when he saw the direction the opponent was going with Lan Yu, his face changed slightly, and he quickly left.

The black-robed monk came to a deserted street, took out a token, and saw ripples in the space in front of him.

The black robe monk hurriedly walked in and came to a creepy and gloomy street, all around it was extremely dark, like a ghost street.

The pedestrians here also wear masks.

The black robe monk also took out a mask and put it on, and then hurried to a palace at the end of the street.

Inside, there is a monk sitting on the throne, wearing a grimace mask, looking through various books.

What is recorded in these brochures are all kinds of shameful businesses, and of course, they are also businesses that Kurobaru depends on for a living.

"Back to the original poster, Madman Chu has already got off the immortal boat."

Hearing this, the host's hand trembled slightly.

"anything else?"

"He also has a woman coming in the direction of Ghost Street."

"Well, I got it."

"Owner, that Madman Chu came to Ghost Street, should we avoid it first, so as not to conflict with him."

"What's the conflict between us and him."

The poster of the Black Feather Tower said disapprovingly.

"But the outside world is saying that the madman Chu has upset Murong's house because of one of his juniors."

"Oh, interesting, this Madman of Chu is still a man of love and justice, but does this have anything to do with us?"

Hei Yu still didn't notice anything.

The black-robed monk bit his scalp and said, "His junior brother seems to be the Murong Yu whom the Murong family wanted us to destroy some time ago."

Hearing this, a booklet in the hands of the Lord Kuroba fell directly to the ground, and said incredulously: "You say it again!"

"Murong Yu, we abolished it! He is Madman Chu's junior, and Madman Chu made a riot at Murong's family because of him."

"Quickly, close the ghost street! Give me an immortal boat, and I will leave now." The original poster Hei Yu was scared to death.

Chu Kuangren made a noise at Murong's and he didn't care much. After all, he was doing some shameful business. No matter how these saints' orthodoxy made trouble, it didn't matter to him.

Unexpectedly, this matter is actually related to Kurobaru!

Just when the host of Hei Yu was so scared that he was about to run away, suddenly the whole ghost street shook severely.

A crack began to appear in the dim sky of Ghost Street, and the dazzling sunlight began to flood into the ghost street, which had not seen light all the year round.

Everyone in Ghost Street changed their faces and looked at the sky above.

"The barrier of Ghost Street is broken!"

"Who did it?"

"Under what circumstances, it actually came to destroy the ghost street enchantment. Is this going to be an enemy of the entire Xuanwu realm?"

"Who is so bold."

I saw that the crack grew bigger and bigger, spreading directly to the entire sky, and finally, the dim sky collapsed!

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