Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 202: : The enemy? I want to die together, no chance

"Mad Chu, die for me!!"

With a roar, the five senses king's body and rhyme boiled, and the spiritual power mixed with the soul power of the three-headed dog surged wildly.

Like a devil but not a devil, like a man but not a man!

"Absolute Yin finger!" As soon as he pointed it out, the powerful and monstrous **** burst instantly, and a cold and domineering Taoist rhyme locked onto Madman Chu.

Madman Chu stood still on the spot, surrounded by white lotuses, and his energy was disintegrated one by one when it fell on the white lotus.

The white lotus sage in the white lotus was slightly surprised.

"This Madman of Chu has actually mastered the Bailian Jingshi Chapter to such an extent, I am afraid it has reached the level of the holy king in the past."

Madman Chu's understanding of the Bai Lian Jing Shi chapter is enough to match the White Lotus Saint King. What he is worse now is only his cultivation.

"Is that so?" A touch of disappointment flashed across Chu Madman's eyes.

He was enough to kill the Supreme in the late War King, and now he is only half a step away from the Supreme, even in the state where he can cross at any time if he wants to cross, the Supreme is nothing to him.

At this time, the king of five sense organs burned the soul power of the three-headed dog, and the combat power was doubled, but he still failed to break through the category of supreme supreme.

"Could it be that the wound is too small, and the soul power you have absorbed is not enough?" Madman Chu said as he walked up to the three-headed dog, grabbed the soul eater, and pressed it in.

With a chuckle, the flesh and blood was torn apart, and the Soul Devouring Dagger penetrated into the body of the three-headed dog, and the wound suddenly enlarged tenfold.

He felt the power of his own soul flow faster.

"I **** you numb!!"

The three-headed dog roared and glared at Chu Madman.

Even the King of Five Senses and the White Lotus Sage was stunned by the operation of Madman Chu, and looked at him dumbfounded.

What is he doing?

Is it a rival?

And the influx of a large amount of soul power made the thin body of the king of five sense organs swell up like a balloon.

The face of the king of five sense organs changed, and he quickly activated his spiritual power, igniting the power of the soul that ignited these craziness, and once again made his own strength skyrocket.

The unprecedented power made the king of five sense organs feel as if he could control everything, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Power, endless power!!"

"Mad Chu, you are too arrogant! Today, you are going to pay for your arrogance!" the king of five sense organs said loudly.

He pointed out again, the saint Fa Jueyin fingers exploded, and the majestic rhyme and spiritual power converged to form a huge black finger that looked like a substance, wrapped in the shadow and wind and pressed against the madman of Chu.

This power is terrifying!

Even the Supreme Supreme could not resist this blow!

"This blow already has quasi-sage combat power."

Bailian teaches the sage with solemn eyes.

The Madman Chu still looked calm when facing this finger. The blossoming white lotus was all around him. When he collided with the finger, the white lotus continued to shatter and wither. He himself was shaken back by this finger.

"Ha, it looks a little bit like this!"

"Come, see this!"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and took out the Green Spirit Sword Box.

With one shot of the sword box, four swords flew out, engulfing the majestic sword aura around the body of the king of five sense organs, forming the Four Seasons Sword Formation.

"What is this? Sword formation?"

"Huh, the little sword formation also wants to block me now?"

The king of five sense organs sneered, then pointed out.

Rage Daoyun bombarded the sword formation.

Void was turbulent, entangled with the sword aura, but the power of the king of five sense organs was superb, but he still couldn't break the sword formation.

"This sword formation is so strong!"

The King of Five Senses was surprised, but his hands kept on, finger after finger, violent fingers constantly impacting the sword formation.

The Four Seasons Sword Array is turbulent.

Madman Chu met and took a few more shots of the sword box.

Another eight long swords swept out.

The twelve swords circling in the void made the sword formation more powerful, and the turbulent sword formation became more stable.

"This sword formation can actually be strengthened?"

"Damn it!"

The face of the king of five sense organs sank.

The white lotus sage was amazed, "This Madman Chu's methods are really endless. I really don't know how many cards he has."

She had never heard of Chu Madman knowing how to make sword formations before.

There is no such rumor.

The madman Chu urged the sword formation, and could only kill the king of five sense organs, but in this case, the power of the soul of the three-headed dog was fading rapidly.

Gradually, the three-headed dog felt that his sanity was a little confused, "Boy, you hurry up and kill this guy!"

Madman Chu glanced at him, but he didn't move much.

"Do you want to wait for him to drain my soul power before doing it?" The three-headed dog and three heads roared in unison.

"Why not?"


The three-headed dog was anxious, and a cruel expression burst into his eyes, "If this is the case, then we shall die together!!"

I saw that he actually took the initiative to burn the power of the soul and increase the magic energy!

The turbulent magic energy was boiling, madly impacting Bailian.

"No, this monster wants to die with us!"

The face of the white lotus sage couldn't help changing.

The white lotus condensed by countless lines began to appear cracks under the impact of the violent demon energy.

Within the sword formation, the king of five sense organs also noticed the strangeness of the three-headed dog. He who was suffering from unable to break through the sword formation laughed loudly, "Madman Chu, let's get rid of it now, let me see what you do!!!"

"Rather than worry about us, worry about you."

Madman Chu's heart moved.

Within the sword formation, the power of the four seasons converges and turns into a huge sword shadow, which is wrapped in a majestic force and hits the king of five sense organs.

"no no!!"

Under this force, the king of five sense organs has no resistance at all.

In an instant, he was blasted into a cloud of blood and exploded!

"It's no use killing him!"

"Once the method of burning souls is activated, it cannot be stopped. I just want to drag you and the nations in the south to bury them together!"

The three-headed dog had red eyes, roared frantically, and the horror devilish energy hit the white lotus, making the white lotus saint's face pale.

"No, I can't suppress it!"

"Once you get him out of trouble, in his state, it doesn't take an hour, the entire creatures of the Great Moon Kingdom will be killed by him!"

The white lotus saint was extremely anxious.

"He didn't have this opportunity!" Madman Chu said lightly, and suddenly a dark chain filled with gloom appeared in his hand.

It's ecstasy!

"To burn the power of the soul, then there must be a soul to burn!" Hunhunsu threw out directly into the body of the three-headed dog.

"Come out!"

Madman Chu gave a low drink, and his spiritual power was continuously poured into the ecstasy cord, only to see the soul of the three-headed dog being slowly pulled out of the body.

Different from the souls that have been drawn in the past, the souls of these three-headed dogs seem to have an invisible fire burning, and a large amount of soul power continues to escape.

Don't need to do anything by Madman Chu, it won't take long before this soul will burn all by itself.

If the soul of the three-headed dog is still in the body, it is okay to say that the power of the burning soul can be turned into a catalyst for devil energy, causing him to burst out of terrifying power.

But now, he can only watch the power of the soul being continuously burned by himself, but he can't get the slightest benefit.


"What the **** is this!"

The soul of the three-headed dog looked at the chains on his body, and all three heads and six eyeballs showed a panic.

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