Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 195: : This is the feeling of being hit by a beast

One hundred swords score first, one hundred swords score second, both of them are the top swordsmen under the current saints.

   The rhyme of the two swords instantly collided together, and the impact formed like a storm lifted the surrounding mountains, rocks, and trees.

   And Murong Feng's face changed at the moment Jian Zhi Dao Yun collided with Madman Chu, revealing a panic.

   Chu Madman’s Tao Yun completely suppressed him!

   "His Taoist rhyme is so strong?!"

   Murong Feng couldn't believe it.

   But he forgot, Chu Madman can discuss the Tao with the saint, how strong is his sword rhyme, how can it be comparable to the Venerable Realm?

   Even the Supreme Supreme is the same.

   "Today is the day of my Xuantian Sect's great rejoicing. I don't want to be a swordsman during this day. You have to challenge me. Yes, you can choose another day." Chu Kuangren said lightly.

   Murong Feng heard about the Chu Kuangren taking over as the head of Xuan Tianzong, and he knew what the big day of joy in the other party's mouth meant.

   "I came from a long way, just want to see your kendo. I didn't achieve my goal today, I won't stop."

   "Your Excellency, please let me know!"

   Murong Feng's eyes burst out with a burst of light, and he didn't care about the identity of the Chu Madman junior, and the sword energy in his body burst out!

   The sword spirit is like a tornado, madly rolling towards the Madman Chu!

   "Ask for trouble!" Chu Kuangren raised his eyebrows, raised his hand to gather the majestic air, and shot out with a palm, the power of the sacred mountain broke out!

   Sword-qi earth-qi collision, the earth burst instantly!

   Two completely different Taoist rhymes are entangled with each other, Murong Feng's eyes flashed with war intent, and he admired: "Good palm technique!"

   He is worthy of being the second in the hundred swordsman spectrum. The supreme supreme Supreme is under the palm of Madman Chu, and he will be shaken back no matter what, but he doesn't move at all, the sword in his hand is full of bright sword light.

   That is a holy sword!

  The second in the sword spectrum, second only to Kunwu's Jingri sword!

   "Cut!" Murong Feng leaped into the air, the Taoist rhyme of the whole body was condensed, and a large amount of sword energy was concentrated in one point.

   A huge sword shadow was formed out of thin air, engulfing a majestic Taoist rhyme, like a meteor, it abruptly slashed towards the Madman Chu.

   The terrifying sword pressure directly caused the entire mountain gate of Xuan Tianzong to be turbulent, and the monks who came around were also surprised.

   "Good Kendo!"

   "It is worthy of being the second existence in the sword spectrum, this sword, even the Supreme Supreme, is difficult to resist."

   "Murong Feng deserves to be the first swordsman in Murong's family besides the saint. With this sword alone, he can even be called the first swordsman under the saint in the entire sky star."

   Venerable Xuanqi was also in the crowd. He looked at the sword that fell from the sky with a little dignity in his eyes.

   Even if he was promoted to the quasi-sage at this time, he still felt a huge pressure in the face of this sword.

  Before he passed the catastrophe, it was not unreasonable that Murong Feng was ranked higher than him in the Hundred Swords.

   "Madman..." Venerable Xuanqi's sword swirled, staring at this sword, ready to help Madman Chu at any time.

   However, he saw a terrifying Taoist rhyme burst out of the Madman Chu, and the Kunwu sword burst out with a clear sword light on his waist.

   Cut out with a sword, and an imperial power emerges!

   The Tao Yun contained in Murong Feng's sword was actually suppressed! This is... one emperor suppresses all things! !

   "Slashing the sky and drawing swordsmanship!" The madman Chu gave a soft cry.

   Kunwu sword, cut out in the air!

   The dazzling purple sword light almost obscured the sky, and the majestic swordsmanship rushed into the void like a tsunami.

   Murong Feng’s sword shattered on the spot!

   The terrifying sword light fell on him, blasted him a thousand feet away, hit a mountain in the distance, vomiting blood, and then was buried by countless gravel, no movement, no one knows whether it is life or death.

   Everyone quickly released their spiritual perception.

   I saw that Murong Feng was buried under the pile of rocks, his chest was slightly undulating, and his breath languished. Although he was not dead, he also lost consciousness.

   He was stunned by a sword!

   Everyone swallowed, feeling a little horrified.

   Murong Feng's strength is very powerful. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first swordsman under the saint. He was stunned by Chu Madman with a sword?

   This strength is too powerful!

   Even if it is the Supreme Supreme, I can't help but feel palpitations.

   "Unexpectedly, he was already so strong."

   "Hey, evildoer!"

Madman Chu retracted the Kunwu sword into the scabbard, and muttered: "As I said, I don't want to use swords and swords, so why do I have to force me? It's all right now. I can't even take a sword. What a shame. "

  His voice is not loud, but everyone present, even if they are not those with advanced cultivation, can hear them clearly.

   Everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed.

   Not to mention Murong Feng.

   This sword, there are really few under the saint who can take it.

   "Everyone, the ceremony of passing the position is now over, I have let someone prepare the banquet, please, please." Venerable Xuan Qi laughed.

   After hearing this, everyone no longer paid attention to that Murong Feng.

   came to the palace, the banquet was ready.

   The crowds scrambled and exchanged cups, and the host and the guest enjoyed themselves.

   "Friend Xuanqi, now you have removed the burden of being in charge. Next, you have to hide behind the scenes and accumulate your knowledge and become a holy."

   said a supreme enviously too imaginary.

   "Haha, I really want to live in seclusion, but when will I become holy, this is still unknown."

   Venerable Xuan Qi laughed.

   Generally speaking, once you become a quasi saint, as long as you accumulate your background, your future sanctification is almost a certainty.

   But each monk has different enlightenment and different aptitudes, so the time of sanctification is also different, ranging from a hundred years to a thousand years.

   "With the qualifications of a mysterious Taoist fellow, sanctification has been a matter of nearly a hundred years." Said the supreme imaginary.

   Venerable Xuan Qi was also a great arrogant when he was young. With his qualifications, since he successfully overcomes the calamity, it is not impossible to become a saint in a hundred years.

"hope so."

   After the banquet was over, the people of various orthodoxy also gradually left.

   But this time the ceremony of passing the throne, everyone did not count it in vain, and seeing the true face of the divine phoenix is ​​already the three lives fortunate ~ The ceremony of passing the throne is over.


   Ling Tiandao Palace.

  Venerable Xuanqi and the others are gathering together, and in front of them is a blood-colored Divine Phoenix standing.

   The Divine Phoenix was pecking at the feathers on his body, and from time to time he looked up at Venerable Xuanqi and the others, and then ignored it.

   "Divine Phoenix, I didn't expect to be able to bump into such a divine beast during my lifetime. I was so lucky."

   "Yes, it's the first time I have seen each other. I don't know what it would be like to touch it."

   "I heard that a madman even rode her. I don't know what it is like to ride a Divine Phoenix. I really want to give it a try."

   "Don't be kidding, this is a mythical beast, so noble. Unless it is someone she approves, no one else will touch it."

   Everyone was talking babbledly, looking at the Divine Phoenix in surprise.

   At this time Madman Chu came over.

   The Divine Phoenix saw him rushing over, knocking several elders to each other along the way, but instead of the slightest dissatisfaction, the elders were all smiles.

   "Haha, I was hit by a beast."

   "So it feels like being hit by a beast."

   "Brother." Divine Phoenix touched Madman Chu's body affectionately.

   The madman of Chu touched her neck, and then solemnly said: "You are rampant, how decent you are, I won't be like this in the future."

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