Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 164: : You are threatening me, using Ecstasy for the first time

   "Unexpectedly, Fellow Daoist Chu is still a great master of alchemy. He is so versatile." Wang Gan walked over and said.

   The monks behind him also gathered around to compliment.

   "Chu Daoist friend Tianzi is peerless, and he also knows how to make alchemy. It is really amazing, and I admire him."

   "Yes, old man, I also know a little bit of alchemy, but compared to the Taoist friends of Chu, I am really insignificant and laugh generous."

   "Friend Chu, I have a daughter in my family, who is 20 years old, and I admire him very much. When will you meet?"

   The monks were talking babbledly.

  Some have even begun to sell their daughters.

   The King Qian looked at this group of monks, his mouth twitched twice, these shameful guys didn't know how reserved!

   "Friends of Chu Daoist, there is a woman under the knee of the widow, who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but do you need a widow to ask her to accompany you to relieve your boredom?"

   Qianwang smiled lightly.

   A group of monks: "…………"

   It's no wonder they are, it's really that the abilities displayed by Madman Chu are too shocking.

   Not talking about combat power, just talking about this alchemy ability, who can guarantee that you don't have a headache?

  Who can guarantee that he will not enter the five decays?

   Chu Madman, the great master of alchemy, is too precious. As long as he wants to, he can extend the lives of most monks!

   Based on this alone, no one would dare to offend Chu Kuang, even if he had no power to bind the chicken. On the contrary, he wanted to make a lot of friends.

   Facing the enthusiastic Lord Gan and the cultivators, Chu Kuang kept a smile on his face, and then dealt with them one by one.

   After a while, he looked at Li Xingchen next to him, "Brother Li, yesterday you have done a lot to clear away the evil, and you worked hard."

   "Yes, but Brother Chu gave me a surprise today. I didn't expect you to know how to make alchemy."

   "Ha, you can't mix without life skills these days."

   Chu madman laughed.

   "Brother Chu said and laughed." Li Xingchen said.

  The madman of Chu looked at Li Xingchen, his eyebrows frowned, he felt that something was wrong with Li Xingchen today, but he didn't know what was wrong.

   With a thought in his heart, he directly opened the eyes of insight.

   But this look made his pupils shrink slightly.

   "Sage King of Absolute Heart, in the state of seizing the house, has existed in the state of remnant spirit after the death of his body 50,000 years ago, and he has cultivated the method of removing the heart and soul..."

   "Li Xingchen, my soul is sleeping..."

  In the field of vision, the information about the King of Heartbreaking Heart passed by one by one.

   As for Li Xingchen, he only resolved to a state of sleep.

   However, Madman Chu was relieved that the other party was not dead, and then he calmly said, "Brother Li, how about let me go for a walk?"

   "Brother Chu invited me, how dare I refuse, please."

   The two left the side hall and wandered in the palace.

   Along the way, the maidservants came and went, and when they saw Madman Chu, Li Xingchen both paid tribute to each other and looked pleasant.

   "I have seen Gongzi Chu, Gongzi Li."


   After a pair of maids passed by, Chu Kuang said, "Brother Li has changed. Now I don't even look at these pretty people."

   Hearing this, Li Xingchen's heart trembled.

   He just remembered when he was here, the original Li Xingchen was a pretty dog, and he couldn't help but look more when he saw good-looking people.

   But now there are so many beautiful ladies in the palace, he doesn't even give a straight eye, which makes Madman Chu suspicious?

   "Brother Chu is joking. If you say it is good-looking, Brother Chu is the most beautiful in this world. You are here, how can the rest of you win my eyes."

   Li Xingchen laughed and stopped.

   "This is so terrifying to say."

   The Chu Madman gave Li Xingchen a weird look.

   "Brother Chu, don't get me wrong, I'm not as good as Long Yang."

The two and Lan Yu came all the way to a garden. Seeing that there was no one around, the Madman Chu said lightly: "In the battle last night, the demon cultivator came to the demon heart, but the demon heart disappeared. Who does it."

   "How do I know."

   "Oh, it is beating inside you, don't you know?"

   As soon as he said this, Li Xingchen's face became stiff.

   How did this madman of Chu see that he has a devilish heart?

   "Brother Chu, I didn't deliberately lie to you, but the devil's mind is very important. I'm afraid you think I've strayed into the devil's way. At this moment, I didn't think about how to tell you to hide it." Li Xingchen explained quickly.

   "Okay, don't pretend, Sage King!"

   The Madman Chu had a direct showdown, and with a thought, the King of War Realm had been directly locked in Li Xingchen's body, suppressing him.

   Even if he is a holy king, he is still in a state of incomplete spirit. Although he has taken Li Xingchen away, the Madman Chu's domain still makes him feel extremely pressured. The whole person is like a mortal entering the mud and it is difficult to move.

   But the pressure in the domain is not worth mentioning compared to the pressure in his heart. The Heartless Saint King looked at Madman Chu in shock, wondering how the other party saw through his identity.

   He just finished the house win last night!

   How did someone see through today?

   This is too fast!

   "Brother Chu, what are you talking about, why am I..."

   Li Xingchen, no, the King of Heartless Heart wanted to say something, but the power of that domain suddenly increased, pressing him to the ground.

   "Get out of Li Xingchen's body!"

   Chu Madman said indifferently. r/>

   The Saint King of Absolute Heart was very frustrated, dignified Saint King, he has never bowed his head to anyone, let alone lie in front of a person like a dog like this.

   Although he didn't know what method was used, he knew that Madman Chu was so decisive that he really saw his identity.

   "Madman Chu, you better be careful. This body belongs to Li Xingchen now. I am one with him now, regardless of each other. If I die, he must die too!" The Desolate Saint King said in a cold tone.

   "Oh, you are threatening me."

"Huh, so what, what can you do with me? Although I don't know how you saw my, if you don't want Li Xingchen to die, you'd better let me go. "Sacred Heart King sneered.

   The Soul Transfer Technique is very powerful. His remnant spirit is attached to Li Xingchen's body, and he has merged his own demon heart. The spirit and the body blend perfectly, and no one can separate the two.

   "Just right, let you try this thing."

   A ray of light flashed in the hand of the madman Chu, and a dark chain appeared suddenly, and a burst of incomparable darkness suddenly spread.

   This breath caused the pupils of the King of Heartless Sage to shrink slightly, and a very uneasy feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

   "What is this?" The Heartless Saint King asked in surprise.

   The madman Chu did not answer him, and threw the hooked end of the chain, only to see that the chain suddenly became a little illusory, and it directly penetrated the body of the King of Hearts.

   At that moment, the face of the King of Heartless Sage became extremely frightened, "What are you doing!!!"

   His remnant spirit began to tremble uncontrollably, as if it had encountered some natural enemy.

   "Hmph, come out for me!" Madman Chu snorted coldly, then violently pulled, the chain flew out of Li Xingchen's body, and at the same time he pulled out a gray-robed and white-haired old man.

   The old man was hooked by the hook of the iron chain, tightly entangled, unable to move, it was the remnant spirit of the Unstoppable Saint King!

   "How could it be, how could it be like this..."

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