Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 147: : Rock Daoxin, Baimeishan, the overbearing thunder sky

   "Congratulations to the host for getting the legendary attribute... Rock Daoxin!"

this day.

   The madman of Chu draws a lottery on the Xianzhou as usual.

   When he saw the prize, he was slightly surprised. Even if he has the blessing of the lucky halo now, it is still rare to draw legendary prizes. The last time he was drawn to the god-level undead Divine Phoenix was already a sign of luck.

   After extracting the Daoxin of Rock, Madman Chu didn't feel any obvious changes, and only got some information about this attribute.

  Panshi Daoxin, as the name implies, Daoxin is as solid as a rock, immovable!

   This is a very useful attribute. There is a saying in the spiritual world that the method is easy to learn, but the Taoist mind is difficult to cultivate.

   Dao Xin is very important to monks. A monk with a strong Dao Xin may not be able to reach the peak in the future, but every powerful monk who stands on the top will definitely have a tough Dao Xin.

   "Seven Patriarch, do you know anything about this white-browed saint?" On the immortal boat, Madman Chu asked.

   The Seventh Ancestor appeared in shape and nodded slightly, "The white-browed saint has a lot of fame in the sky star, I naturally understand it."

   "This person does not belong to any orthodoxy, but he will preach to all beings every once in a while and has accumulated a lot of merit."

   "Nowadays, many powerful monks have heard this man preach. It can be said that the whole world is full of peaches and plums. It is no small thing."

   The madman of Chu heard the words, noticed a word in the mouth of the Seventh Patriarch, and said: "Preaching for all beings can accumulate merit?"

   The Seventh Ancestor nodded slightly, "Naturally, but only the first preaching has the most significant effect. Therefore, many saints will preach for the common people when they are sanctified, accumulating merits, and then they will be less."

   "Sages like the white-browed saints who preach at intervals are very rare among saints, and he is the only one in the world."

   The madman of Chu nodded slightly, "It's interesting. Is it possible that he accumulates merits because he has no purpose?"

   "Although merit is a lot of mystery, but for the saints, unless it is a great merit, otherwise the general merits are of no use to them. The white-browed saint probably just likes to collect it."


   Chu Madman no longer thinks about it.


   The dojo where Baimei preached is located in a mountain range. Because of the presence of the Baimei Saint, this mountain is also called Baimei Mountain.

   The current Baimei Mountain is crowded with people, and it is very lively. Compared with the competition, it is several grades worse.

   After all, the Sword Capture Conference only attracts sword repairs, but this time the saint preaching attracts all monks in the world.

   This even includes many supreme-level characters.

   "Look, it's the proud Cang of the Holy Land of Lingxu."

   At this time, an immortal boat arrived and attracted the attention of many people.

   Everyone looked, and a few monks from the Holy Land of Spiritual Void came down on the Xianzhou, headed by Shaodi Ao Cang.

  As a young emperor, Ao Cang's reputation is even stronger than that of some supreme lords, and when he appeared, he attracted the attention of many people.

   "Not only Ao Cang, but also Gu Changge and Yuan Hong."

   "Lin Batian of Ziyang Valley is also here."

  Several young emperors of the sage tradition have appeared one after another.

   Many people suddenly started talking.

   "Unexpectedly, these young emperors would also come to listen to the preaching of the saint."

   "This is normal, the saint preached. Even the young emperor would not miss this opportunity."

   "Aren't they from the saints? There should be a saint sitting behind them, so why come here to listen to the holy brow's preaching."

   "Stupid, haven't you heard a word? The stone of the mountain can be used for jade. Whoever stipulates that there is a saint in his orthodoxy, he can't listen to other saints?"

   "That's right."


   At this moment, there was a thunder light not far away, turning into a blue-haired young man in a white robe.

   An incredibly powerful aura instantly spread, and there was a fine arc beating in the void, which scared many monks.

   "Who is this, such an arrogant appearance?"

   "Hush, keep your voice down, this person is the ancient arrogant thundering sky of the Thunder Falcon clan. He is also the young emperor, and he is the first young emperor to gain imperial energy. His combat power is stronger than Ao Cang and others."

   "Yes, don't offend him. This person is very domineering and has a saint background, so it's not easy to provoke him."

   At this time, a **** light suddenly burst out of the crowd, and a young man in a blood robe slowly walked to the thundering sky under the gaze of everyone.

   The two looked at each other, **** for tat!

   The appearance of this person surprised many people.

   "The Young Emperor's Blood Spirit of the Yasha Clan!"

   "Hey, among the young emperors of the Azure Dragon Region, the only one who can be compared with Lei Mingtian is probably only this blood spirit."

   "It is rumored that the two men fought a match last year. Although I don't know who will lose and who will win, it seems that the relationship is not very harmonious."

   The monks around are all watching the lively posture, and some supreme beings are also very curious about what level these young emperors can reach.

   "Why, do you want to fight another fight?"

   said thundering coldly.

   Xue Lingzi Xie Mei's face showed a smile, "I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so domineering, Thundering Heaven."

   "If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end!"

   The aura on Xue Lingzi's body climbed, and he didn't retreat in the slightest.

   "Two fellow Taoists, this place is Baimei Mountain, where the saint is, please converge." At this time, Wuchenzi faintly said.

   Xue Lingzi heard the words, his eyes flickered, although he still didn't mean to retreat, but he didn't go any further.

   was thunderous instead, and he glanced at Wuchenzi coldly, "Only you, what right do you have to make irresponsible remarks to me?"

   "I'm just reminding fellow Daoists, don't you think it's a bit too much for fellow Daoists to speak like this?" Wuchenzi was also a little angry.

   "Oh, isn't it?" Lei Mingtian suddenly raised his hand, and the violent Thunder Dao Yun broke out. Without saying anything, he punched directly Wuchenzi's face changed slightly, running spiritual resistance.

   But the two forces collided, Wuchenzi was abruptly repulsed by dozens of feet, there was a fine arc beating on his body, and he was injured by a single move!

   The strength of the thundering sky shocked everyone.

   Even Wuchenzi was very surprised. As Young Emperor, Lei Mingtian's strength was at least one grade higher than him!

   Gu Changge, Yuan Hong, Ao Cang and other young emperors' eyes condensed, and their expressions gradually became extremely solemn.

   "The strength of this thundering sky should not be underestimated. I am afraid it can be compared with the supreme. If I compete with him, my winning rate is not high."

   "As expected, he was the first young emperor to obtain the emperor's energy. His insight into Taoism is probably not comparable to that of young emperors."

   Aocang and others thought to themselves.

   After Lei Mingtian hit Wuchenzi with one stroke, his expression became more arrogant, "Just like you, you are also worthy of being a young emperor with me? Xuanhuangdi Qi is on you, it is a waste."

   His words were not only aimed at Wuchenzi, but also included Ao Cang, Yuan Hong and others.

   The face of a few young emperors brushed, and it became very difficult to look. Looking at the thundering sky, there was anger in his eyes.

   Even the guardians behind them are equally angry, but this is a matter for the younger generation, the guardians are not easy to take action, and the thundering guardians are also secretly staring at them.

   "Madan, I really hope someone can come out to teach this thunderous sky, it's so irritating." A guardian cursed in the void.

   The other guardians couldn't help but smile when they heard the words. Even if they couldn't understand the thundering sky, they still had to admit that the other party was powerful. In the presence of Tianjiao, the blood spirit could contend with the other party.

   But it's just contending, and teaching the other party can't do it.


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