Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 111: : The ancient Tianjiao will wake up, what else to experience

   "Curious?" Madman Chu was a little surprised.

   "In the lower reaches of the world, I have met all kinds of people, such as the emperor's posture, the general talent, and the spiritual talent..."

   "I asked myself, but who is in front of me, even the superior saint, I can see the way."

   "However, your Excellency is an exception."

   Speaking of this, Tian Jizi stared at Madman Chu with uncontrollable curiosity in his eyes, "You are an anomaly. I can't see your past and future. It seems that it doesn't exist in the long river. It's too strange."

   Chu Madman frowned.

   Didn't you exist in the long river of time?

   Is it because I am not from this world?

   Thinking of this, Madman Chu felt a little strange in his heart.

   "Is it good or bad?"

"I don't know." Tianjizi shook his head, "But if you can't be found in the long river, then any deduction is of no use to you. From a certain aspect, you don't have to worry that someone will take advantage of this. Calculate you, this is also a good thing."

   "Yeah." Madman Chu nodded, even if he didn't take it to heart, he would settle for what he had come. Whatever the time, cause and effect, etc., are too unpredictable for him now.

   If I think too much, my brain hurts, it's better not to think.

   "Lan Yu, prepare tea for seniors."


   Lan Yu poured a cup of tea for Tianjizi.

   And Tian Jizi glanced at Lan Yu, and was amazed, "This girl is extraordinary, and I am afraid that her future achievements will not be weaker than the ancient emperor."

   Tianjizi's words frightened the Seventh Patriarch and other protectors.

   is not weaker than the ancient emperor?

   What does this mean, at least it is also the meaning of Chengdi!

   Lan Yu will become an emperor in the future? !

   Fuck me!

   They know that Lan Yu's Tianzi is very good, not weaker than any Tianjiao in the world, but they did not expect to get such a comment from Tianjizi!

   The madman of Chu was also quite surprised, and then he smiled and said, "Ha, it's my Lan Yu, and I will be my son when I become an emperor in the future."

   Lan Yu nodded solemnly, "Whether he becomes an emperor or not, Lan Yu will always follow the son."

   For her, whether she can become an emperor is second, the most important thing is to follow Madman Chu, of course, if she can become an emperor, she will definitely be able to help her in the future.

   Chu Madman smiled, and then continued to talk to Tianjizi. The other party is a big-time figure of this era, and he must know a lot of secrets. Taking this opportunity to find out how many are.

   It's just a pity. When Madman Chu asked about the key points, the other party came up with a secret secret, which blocked his mouth.

   The Master of Physics spoke with clouds covering the mist, making Madman Chu depressed for a while.

   "Meeting is fate, so I will reveal a little, but it is not a disclosure. After all, this matter will not take long, and the world will know."

   "Oh, seniors please say."

"About half a month later, when the Dao manifests itself, forty-nine Dao Xuan Huang Di Qi will be derived. Those who gain the emperor Qi can increase the chance of becoming an emperor by comprehending the emperor Qi, and the appearance of the Xuan Huang Di Qi also indicates the battle The world has completely kicked off, and all kinds of Tianjiao will emerge in endlessly."

   "Including the ancient dormant Tianjiao will also be awakened one by one. At that time, little friend Chu, you are afraid that you will have an opponent."

   Tianjizi smiled lightly.

   Seven ancestors and others secretly wrote down his words, preparing to report to the Dao Tong.

   This matter is about Chengdi, it is too important.

   "Xuan Huang Di Qi, I heard it."

  Thinking flashed in the eyes of the madman Chu.

   If Hongmeng Purple Qi is the foundation of sanctification, then this Xuanhuang Emperor Qi is the foundation of becoming emperor, very precious.

   But having the Xuanhuang Emperor Qi does not mean that you will become an emperor, but the chance of becoming an emperor is much greater than that of a monk without Emperor Qi.

   In any case, Emperor Qi is much more precious than Hongmeng Purple Qi.

   One Magnificent Purple Qi is enough to provoke competition among the Dadao, not to mention the Xuanhuang Di Qi, and it is still forty-nine!

   The world of great controversy is so extraordinary.

   "Heh, the emperor's spirit, I am lucky to have it, but I lose my life. As for the ancient Tianjiao that the predecessors said, if they are like Ao Cang, they may not be enough to be my opponent." Chu Madman smiled lightly.

   Ao Cang, it is estimated that he can't stop him with a single sword now. As for the other ancient Tianjiao, but no matter how strong they are, where can they be stronger?

   Seeing the disdain of the madman of Chu, Tianjizi said: "Ancient Tianjiao is more than Ao Cang. The age of Ao Cang was 30,000 years ago. The Tianjiao at that time was not much stronger than this era."

   "But the older, the closer to the emperor era, the more terrifying the Tianjiao. At that time, they even had a complete inheritance of the emperor. Those Tianjiao are not the same as the current ones!"

   Hearing this, Madman Chu showed a little interest, "Then I'm a little bit looking forward to it. I hope I don't let me down too much."

   Talking with Tianjizi, although the other party has concealed a lot of things, some of the information revealed is surprising enough.

   At least the guardians of the Seventh Ancestor were very scared.

   After sending away the Tianjizi, the Seventh Ancestor and the three came out of the void.

   "After half a month, the Great Dao manifests itself, and forty-nine Dao Xuan Huang Di Qi will emerge. This matter is not trivial. You must report to the Dao Tong and let the masters prepare them early." Seventh Ancestor said solemnly.

   "Well, then send the message to Master and them, and by the way, tell them that I will return to Xuan Tianzong in a few days."

   Chu mad and human.

   The Seventh Ancestor said in surprise: "Little guy, are you unexperienced?"

   "No, there is nothing to experience anymore." The Madman Chu shook his head, his eyes revealed a touch of disappointment, "No one in the world is an enemy of my sword, so there is nothing to experience."

   The seven ancestors glanced at each other, their mouths twitched.

   This kind of words, it is estimated that only Chu Kuang can say it.

   is so irrefutable!

  Especially he is now promoted to the king of war is estimated that let alone the arrogance, even if the Venerable comes, he may not be able to resist the next sword.

   The Seventh Ancestor felt that it would not be long before the Mad Chu didn't need them to guard them. Thinking of this, their hearts were shocked.

   How long has it taken for the other party to enter the WTO to reach this point!


   Two days later, the evil of Beiling Province has almost eliminated.

   During this process, the monks sent out by Madman Chu almost encountered no obstacles.

   As soon as the news that he killed one hundred thousand magic cultivators spread out, let alone Beiling Dao State, all the magic cultivators in the world were scared to death. Where would those magic cultivators dare to come to Beiling Dao State?

   And those who are still in Daozhou, can't wait for their parents to have two more legs, so that they can escape from this place quickly.

   Kill 100,000 demons?

   Is this something a younger generation can do?

   "It's terrible, this Madman Chu is terrible."

   "Madan, this state can't stay."

   "This evil is basically solved by Madman Chu with his own power, this monster!"

   The monks of the Demon Dao are extremely fearful, the monks of the righteous Dao are in awe, and ordinary people are even more respectful to the Madman Chu.

   Even in Shanhe City, some literati have begun to write books and biography for Chu Madman.

   As for the mountain range where the madman of Chu killed a hundred thousand demons, it was called by many people as...the mountain of magic cry!

   means, the place where magic repairs cry.

   Someone in later generations has read such a record...

  Emperor Zun Chu madman once killed one hundred thousand magic repairs in Moku Mountain, saving hundreds of millions of lives in Beiling Daozhou from water and fire. Some people wrote books for them and passed them on from generation to generation. Others established ancestral halls and worshipped them for generations...


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