“Why isn’t this sissy being ridiculed like me?” Jiu Xinnai looked at Watergate angrily, angry that he didn’t get the same treatment as him in Watergate, but he had a good impression of Chenbei, who had just laughed the most, because from the words of those people just now, she learned that Chenbei was Watergate’s brother, and Chenbei was also very protective, and several people who wanted to tease Watergate were about to be shadowed by Chenbei.

There were also several people who were infected by Watergate’s smile and chose to support him, and the fanatical eyes made Dechenbei couldn’t help but feel a little cold.

Because Kushina was born in the country of Uzumaki, a member of the Uzumaki clan, with long and beautiful red hair, and his personality is exactly the same as Naruto. At that time, during the Shinobi War, Kushina lived in miserable war every day, and finally unfortunately witnessed the demise of the Vortex Country. It can be said that Jiu Xinnai is also a war orphan, so she is well aware of the pain of losing her country and family, and longs for a peaceful and stable life.

Therefore, she is very envious of Chenbei’s behavior of caring for her younger brother, because she has no relatives, and the only person who is still a relative is her grandmother who is a human pillar of power, and as for the other clansmen, they have not yet been found, and if they find it, she will definitely treat them like family.

Jiu Shinna has possessed a very powerful Chakra since she was born, and that Chakra is able to suppress the tailed beast very well – just like her “grandmother” Uzumaki Mito. Since Mito, who was the first Nine-Tails Pillar Force at that time, was about to die, Konoha, out of strategic needs, discovered and selected her as the new Nine-Tails Pillar Force out of strategic needs, and secretly brought her to Konoha.

When Jiu Shinnai learns that she is about to be a container for the Nine Tails, according to her, “The depressing feeling of loneliness that comes with it is about to suffocate me.” “I don’t want to, but I have to accept this harsh reality.” And when Kushina was most helpless, Grandma Mito enlightened her with a smile: “In the end, we were all brought here and became containers of the Nine Tails… But before the tailed beast is placed, we fill it with love. It is precisely this sentence that allows Jiu Xinnai to let go of his ideological baggage, face life with an optimistic attitude, and finally successfully become a new human pillar force.

Because only Konoha’s leadership knows about this change of power (not even Sanshin), Kyusina has hardly been discriminated against and ostracized by the villagers like Naruto in Konoha Village.


Finally, everyone else finished speaking, and before Chenbei finished introducing himself, Chenbei walked up to the podium slowly, and then wrote his name on the blackboard.

“My name is Chenbei, and the name of the thing I hate is Ant.” After speaking, he also looked at several people from the Uchiha family in the audience mischievously.

“Damn, you see what we mean.” A person from the Uchiha family, who had already seen Chenbei unhappy and had not seen Chenbei’s true strength, roared angrily at Chenbei, if it weren’t for the fact that several people who were present that day were here to hold him, they might have been beaten up by Chenbei.

“Hey, why is your brother so badly beaten!” Vortex Jiu Xinnai elbowed the wave feng shui gate behind him and asked him.

“… Brother, he has always been like this! “This time, even the character of the good old man in Watergate couldn’t bear it, so he was ready to report the black history of Chenbei when he was a child to Vortex Jiu Xinnai.


Just when Watergate wanted to speak, Chenbei had already come to the position and did it, completely ignoring the angry eyes around him, Chenbei’s position was next to Watergate, directly behind Vortex Jiu Xinnai.

“Naa, Vortex-san, do you have time in the afternoon?” Chenbei asked to Vortex Jiu Xinnai, but unlike what Chenbei thought, Vortex Jiu Xinnai’s whole face immediately turned red as if it were burning.

“Ahhhh… Although… Although, I… I’m right… To you you… You… Some good feelings, but… Over this… Isn’t that too fast. Vortex Jiu Xinnai stammered and ran out after finishing a sentence.

“What’s the matter, I asked her if she wanted to train with us, what did she run!” Sure enough, women are the most troublesome, you say yes! Watergate. Chenbei didn’t understand why Vortex Jiu Xinnai was running, nor did he hear the meaning of her words.

“Ah! Brother, you can say whatever you want! The corner of Watergate’s mouth twitched fiercely, feelings you didn’t even hear what she said clearly, because since childhood has been accompanied by Chenbei, so Watergate is not alone, and there is no pity for Vortex Jiu Xinnai, let alone give birth to any feelings or good feelings and the like, and his impression of Vortex Jiu Xinnai is still good, and he also has a blessed attitude towards Chenbei, I have to say that the children in this world are really precocious!

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