Start Making Weird Stories From Sadako

Chapter 18: 0 Flowers - Narcissus

"Welcome, sir." The welcome at the door led Qin Ge to the seat with a standard smile, "This is the menu, you can take a look first, and you can ask me to order if you need it."

"Don't look at it, wait for someone, just serve two glasses of boiled water first, and wait for someone named Narcissus to come over."

Qin Ge looked at the time, and it was five minutes before twelve o'clock. There were already many people sitting in the restaurant. The sweet smell of coconut chicken permeated the entire space, but there was still no sign of the narcissus.

He was not in a hurry, and drank water slowly. This restaurant was in the same shopping mall as the supermarket where he bought snacks last time.

The five minutes of stupor was over. A girl with short white hair came in just as the bell rang at twelve o'clock. A light blue long skirt stretched to her ankles and swayed with brisk steps. He walked in this direction with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Cola, I'm the Narcissus of Baihua, my real name is Wang Chenshi, I didn't make you wait for a long time, right?" The girl stretched out her right hand with a little surprise on her face, then smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so young."

"I just came here, and I didn't expect such a beautiful girl behind the aggressiveness on the Internet." Qin Ge is also not a cowardly person. He has two generations, and he will certainly not be disrespectful if he is proficient in business etiquette.

so skinny.

This was the first thought that popped into Qin Ge's heart after he held his hand. It felt like he was holding a handful of bones. There was almost no meat on it, and the blood vessels on the back of the hand were clearly visible.

Looking closely at the girl in front of her, she found that her condition was not very good. Although she put on thick makeup to cover her eyes, she could still see dark circles and bloodshot eyes. I'm afraid she hadn't slept well for a long time. .

"Call me Qin Ge, don't call me Teacher Cola, I can't bear the title of teacher." Qin Ge touched his nose and said straight to the point: "What's the matter with you wanting to ask me out so much? About malicious scoring How much do you know about it?"

"Mr. Qin is so direct, it's really not easy to ask you out." Wang Chenshi stuck out his tongue, took out a book from his bag and smiled: "Actually, it's a coincidence, someone offered me a high price last night to invite me to make a "Sadako" "… critical draft, at the time I was very curious as to how the horror dreams of always poor quality were worth so much investment."

"So adhering to the principle of objectivity and fairness that Baihua has always adhered to, I also entered the game of "Sadako". To be honest, the meticulous scene construction at the beginning surprised me, and the scene of Sadako in the quilt made me even more I was too scared to go home after spending the night at the Golden Arches."

Having said that, Wang Chenshi gave Qin Ge an irritated look and continued: "I think this is a rare horror novel, so I pushed the draft, and I want to invite you out for a chat and an interview."

Qin Ge sips her saliva and thinks about it. She has a clearer understanding of this editor from Baihua. When she said what she was tweeting about, she just wanted to accept her favor. What would she ask her next? Not a good excuse either.

The other man behind the scenes was also ruthless, and he directly contacted Baihua, who could decide life and death in one sentence.

"So it turns out, Baihua must be very proud to have an employee like you who is dedicated to upholding the company's philosophy, and did not let Baihua's brand be ashamed." Although Qin Ge was angry, he didn't show it on the surface, and kicked the favor ball back. Instead of maintaining herself, she tried her best to maintain the company's sign.

Wang Chenshi raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him looked young and troubled, "Mr. Qin, you asked me to eat, why don't we talk about why you choose to create horror dreams and "Sadako" while we eat What's the follow-up arrangement?"

"The water here isn't cheap." Qin Ge tapped Liang Baikai in front of him, and said with a big white-toothed smile, "I'm very curious about who pays so much attention to my work."

time is money.

In order to find out the news, he spent nearly an hour preparing to come here. It would be a great loss if he couldn't find any valuable information.

"Due to the principle of confidentiality, we cannot disclose the relevant information of our customers." Wang Chenshi took a deep breath and thoughtfully said: "I believe you also know the influence of our Baihua, so I don't know why you are so resistant? This interview can help "Sadako" reverses bad reviews."

"It's very simple." Qin Ge leaned on the back of the chair and said lightly: "Bad comments? I can delete them by reporting to the Xinghai system, although it will take some time, heat? I don't need it, now the popularity of "Sadako" is booming, here you are That news is all I need."

"But it may affect your recommendation position next week."

"Then it's just next week." Qin Ge looked at her with a half-smile, and those bright eyes seemed to see her right through. "You should be the one who is anxious."

"After you became a new star of Baihua five years ago, you almost never gave any good recommendations. As far as I know, Baihua is an organization with extremely fierce competition in the family. It is updated once a day, and there are ten reports in it. The better the editor. The more reports that come out.”

"Five years ago, you could publish an article almost every day, but in the last week, you may not be able to publish an article. It has been half a month since you last published a report."

"So you urgently need to dig out a dream that may become a hit, so as to gain the right to speak and resources for you. Although "Sadako" is becoming more and more popular, it is still a niche, so you like it."

"And a dream maker who can create excellent dreams will definitely not be bad, and the follow-up works are also worth following up, am I right?

Wang Chenshi opened his mouth for a while, and even forgot to close the strands of hair that were hanging in front of him. After a long time, he smiled bitterly: "You are right, but our cooperation may be a win-win situation. Big fire, you gained fame, and I also gained the right to speak in Baihua."

"No." Qin Ge shook his head, the information he checked before departure came in handy, "I won't beat around the bush, your interview may not be able to be released, so it is likely to waste my precious hours. , and I believe that "Sadako" will be a big hit as long as no one makes trouble, and there will be a series of works that are not inferior to "Sadako"."

"A series? The "Urban Strange Story" series?" Wang Chenshi's eyes lit up, and his voice was slightly amplified: "I really can't reveal the client behind it, but I can guarantee that I will try to release the interview with my superiors."

"Then we have nothing to talk about. It's not very kind for you to deceive me with this news." Qin Ge stood up and was about to leave.

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