StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 316: Eliminate the remnant enemy

   Speaking of shock, Otto swears that he has never been so shocked in his life.

Although it is invisible to the naked eye due to the invisibility of gamma rays, it can be clearly seen through tactical images and real-time images of the battlefield that there is no one in the center of the swarm, that is, above the rays of gamma rays. Alive, almost 12 billion fighting insects just disappeared into the void, leaving no trace!

Except for the 12 billion fighting worms that were directly hit, about 2 billion fighting worms near the edge of the ray were only affected by the aftermath, and they were already in a state of severe injury. The outer shell of the body was shattered, and the green blood was in it. Floating everywhere in the surrounding void.

   Just one blow caused the swarm to lose 14 billion fighting insects.

   However, things are not over yet, the more terrifying things have not yet begun!

   "Report, the continuous output mode of the gamma ray cannon is stable!"

   "Okay, adjust the angle of the irradiation port and continue to attack!"


   Today's gamma-ray cannon is no longer the starry sky cannon of Shanhaiguan. With the strong support of zero-point energy, it can be irradiated for a longer time and reach the level of continuous irradiation.

  Using this point, the Federation modified the former gamma-ray cannon so that its irradiation port can be deflected at a certain angle, so that it forms a more terrifying killing range during the irradiation process.

   After Lin Fan's order was issued, the shelling commander in the bridge immediately began to command.

   "The deflection safety device of the gamma ray cannon is released!"


   "Start lateral deflection, angle 37!"

   "Understand, the angle 37 has been set, and the lateral deflection begins!"

   Suddenly, the gamma-ray cannon irradiated in the abdomen of Gonggong, while maintaining the irradiation, began to deflect laterally!

   Due to design limitations, it can only deflect laterally but not omnidirectionally. After all, this is installed on the abdomen of the battleship. If it is upward, it will directly attack its hull.

  Of course, if you want to deflect up and down, there is no way. The easiest way is to use the auxiliary propeller of the battleship to raise or sink the bow during the irradiation process. This can also achieve the corresponding effect.

In the distance, as the deflection of the gamma-ray cannon began, the irradiation path also moved, and the severely wounded bugs that had been affected by the aftermath and finally escaped a catastrophe were instantly swallowed by the gamma-ray irradiation range. Turned into the dust of the universe, well, in fact, even the dust can't stay!

   This scene stunned Otto.

   What the hell, gamma ray cannon can still play like this? Keep irradiating and move the irradiating path to directly become a blast?

   This is too scary, I am afraid of a caterpillar with this weapon!

   Indeed, what Zerg is afraid of with this weapon, but the premise is that you can use it uninterruptedly, otherwise, in the face of the huge and endless scale of the Zerg, how much can you kill?

   Obviously, this kind of big killer cannot be used continuously, not because of energy problems, but the gamma-ray irradiation port, which needs to be replaced after each attack, and the replacement time is at least 1 hour!

In other words, this irradiation port is a one-time item, and Lin Fan’s Titan-class battleship only carries ten spare irradiation ports. It is okay to bully the next single insect swarm, and want to deal with the entire attached insect swarm. , Even the entire Zerg, it’s not dark yet, so let’s dream less!

   "Report, the exposure limit has been reached, and the attack has ended!"

   One minute later, the irradiation port of the gamma-ray cannon reached its limit, and the bombarding commander in the bridge had to stop the irradiation and ended the attack!

   "Okay, immediately calculate the remaining combat power of the swarm!"

   Lin Fan nodded to the shelling commander, then turned to order to Liang Xue!


   "According to the scan, according to our attack just now, a total of 35.2 billion fighting worms were eliminated and 5.5 billion were seriously injured. The number of fighting worms that can maintain full combat effectiveness is 3.2 billion!"

   "Okay, start the sub-light speed engine, Gonggong begins to move forward, the target insect swarm's position, and at the same time notify the commander in the defense area, let them follow our ship and eliminate all the enemies!"


   Not far away, inside the flagship bridge of the A211 defense zone defender.

   Otto is still staring at the tactical video at the moment, a little sluggish!

   More than 35 billion fighting worms are so gone?

   Just in this minute?

   And more than 5 billion were seriously injured, only more than 3 billion left?

   "Commander Otto, a message from the warship of the Human Federation!"

   "Read it!"

   The adjutant's report awakened Otto from the lack of consciousness!

   "Follow my ship and clear out the remnant enemies!"

   has only eight characters, no extra words.

   After hearing the adjutant's transmission, Otto immediately turned his head and looked at the position of the Gonggong in the tactical video, only to find that it had already begun to advance, and the speed was quite fast!

   "Quickly, order the entire army to follow the Titan-class warships of the Human Federation and eliminate all the remnant enemies!"

   Otto suddenly yelled a little excitedly!

   has always been the defense line of the Zerg assaulting the galaxy coalition forces, and the fleet in that defense area has never taken the initiative to rush to eliminate the worms. After all, the defense is already very difficult, let alone attacking?

   And now, as soon as the Human Federation arrives, Otto immediately gets a special treatment that no other civilization has enjoyed before, attacking and completely eradicating the insect swarm!

   After waiting for today, after I retired and rested, I can definitely beat other civilized people for several years.

   In the next moment, nearly 200 million warships on the entire defense line also started to move, following the Gonggong to begin to advance toward the Swarm, while throwing firepower wildly!

   "Tell them, don't deliberately avoid our warships when projecting firepower!"


   Speaking of, since just now, the Gonggong number and the surrounding area have been listed by Beodo as a prohibited area!

   What should I do if I accidentally hit the Gonggong account?

Otto said he was flustered and did not dare to fire at the area where Gonggong was Not to mention the area where Gonggong was located, even within 50,000 kilometers of the side, Otto did not dare to fire at all. Order to fire!

   However, the message from Lin Fan after that made him a little embarrassed!

   "When your fleet delivers firepower, you don't need to deliberately evade this ship!"

   After seeing this message, Otto suddenly rang out. He is a fifth-level civilization!

  And what is the most iconic aspect of the fifth-level civilization?

   is naturally a space shield, not to mention their third-level civilization, even the fourth-level civilization cannot break the defense of the space shield. Therefore, my own worries are purely redundant!

   Who are you looking down on?

   The other party must be saying this in his heart now!

   "Notify the entire army to lift all the restrictions on the attack area. There is no need to avoid the warships of the Human Federation. We can't hurt it at all!"

   "Yes, Commander Otto!"

   has the beginning of the Gonggong number and attracts insect swarms, while the nearly 200 million garrison warships keep sending firepower behind.

   In less than an hour, even before the Federation's main fleet arrived, the remnants of the Zerg had been completely wiped out.

   The void of the entire A211 defense zone has once again returned to calm!


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