StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 1165: Phase 2 operations unfold

Federal Fleet Headquarters.

"Marshal, Wang Hai reports that the first phase of the operation has been completed, and we are ready to cooperate with the second phase of the operation!"

"Notify Lin Yu that the second phase of the battle has officially started!"


At the same time, the entrance to the only passage into the Heimang Empire was only a hundred standard black cavity distances away.

The main legions of the three federations have already assembled here.

"Admiral Lin Yu, the fleet has received the command of the marshal, and the second phase of the operation will start immediately!"

"Understood, order all fleets to start the attack according to the predetermined plan!"

"Yes, Admiral!"

The three legions that had been standing still here for several days, at this moment, all moved.

They only have one mission this time, to completely defeat the ten main legions and twenty secondary legions of the Heimang Empire blocked at the other end of the passage.


Drive straight in, completely destroying the Heimang Empire!

As for why the Federation only sent three legions.

It's not because the federal troops are not enough, but in that narrow passage, even a legion cannot pass at the same time.

So, sending more fleets simply doesn't make sense.

Another reason is that, with the current performance of the Federation's warships, three legions are enough to defeat the Heimang Empire.

Not to mention, behind the defense line of the Heimang Empire, there are still 5,000 people, at least the second-level powerhouses are on standby, and they can cooperate with the fleet at any time, or attack back and forth!

It can be said that this battle has no pressure on the Federation at all.


The artificially-made black cavity collapsed area, like an energy shield, firmly wrapped the Heimang Empire, leaving only a narrow passage for passage inside and out.

At the inner passage, the Heimang Empire has spent hundreds of years operating, deploying countless defense systems, plus ten main legions and 20 secondary legions stationed here all year round.

It can be said that even a mosquito can't fly in, although mosquitoes can't come here at all.

Well, back to the topic.

"Supreme Commander Bennett has detected that a large number of fleets are entering the channel of life, and the intention cannot be determined!"

"The opponent's speed is very fast. According to the analysis, 99.92% are the fleet of the Canglong Alliance!"

Just when Bennett was about to let his deputy replace him and go to rest for a while, the report that suddenly sounded in the command room made him frown.

"The fleet of the Blue Dragon Alliance? Have you confirmed it?"

"Yes, Supreme Commander Bennett, his travel speed is estimated to be 1,200 black chamber units per day, and as far as we know at present, only the battleships of the Azure Dragon Alliance can reach this speed in the entire Kunsa world!"

"Distance, contact time?"

"There are currently 75 standard black cavity units away, and it is expected to contact in ten minutes!"

"Sound the battle alarm, and at the same time order all the soldiers on vacation to return to their respective battleships immediately!"

"Yes, the battle alert has been turned on, and the order has been communicated to the legions!"

"Report me the latest situation every ten minutes after that, and at the same time, help me get in touch with His Majesty's communication!"

Bennett then ordered when the battle alarm sounded in all the battleships.

Soon, under the operation of his subordinates, Sharet's figure appeared in the bridge.

"Bennett, what's your situation, why did you remember the battle alarm?"

As soon as the communication was connected, Sharet heard the battle alarm in the bridge and asked immediately.

"Your Majesty, the fleet of the Canglong Alliance is here. At present, it is 75 standard black-cavity units away from us. It is expected that they will contact our defense line in 90 minutes!"

"What, so fast, can you hold on?"

"Your Majesty, to be honest, I have no confidence. After all, it is the Blue Dragon Alliance, which directly crushes our existence in technology. However, even if we can't hold it, we can destroy the fault channel and completely block the entrance before we fall. This can still be done. of!"

Shaking his head, Bennett said.

To resist the fleet of the Canglong Alliance head-on, don't be kidding, I'm afraid that all the god-level civilizations in the entire Kunsa world can't do it.

If Bennett could make his own decisions, he would have ordered the destruction of the fault channel now.

Knowing that I can't keep it, I still have to take that step after the name, but I have to give up the fleet to try it out, and only after being wiped out...

From this point of view, Bennett's opinion on Sharet is still quite big.

And Sharet naturally knew what Bennett meant, but to be honest, if he didn't keep a try, he was really unwilling to block the entrance directly.

After all, of the fifteen civilizations in the plan, only one has come in now, okay?

If the entrance is sealed at this time, how much will the empire lose?

"Bennett, I'll give you direct authority. If the defense line can't be held and there are signs of collapse, don't ask for instructions to destroy the fault channel immediately!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Nodding, he was quite satisfied with Sharet's statement, at least he wasn't too stupid.

"Contact the 101st, 102nd, and 103rd special formations immediately and ask them to send all the transport ships to me in advance, and then stand by!"

"When the time comes, as soon as my order arrives, act immediately!"

After ending the call with Sharrett, Bennett said to his adjutant.

It will be too late to act when things happen. All the cautious Bennett ordered, and now let three special formations send the transport ships into the fault channel.

However, while he was cautious enough, it was still too late.

The tactician who heard the order immediately contacted the three special formations.

However, no matter how he called, the three special formations did not respond, as if the communication was interrupted.

After thinking of this possibility, the tactician immediately asked someone to check to see if there was any sign of interference in the communication.

But unfortunately, after careful inspection, the answer is no.

Communication was not disrupted.

But if the communication is not disturbed, there is basically only one possibility left for the three special formations that cannot be contacted.

"Report, UU reading special formation could not be contacted, all three are like this!"

"How is it possible, is it possible that the Blue Dragon Alliance has used some means of remotely interfering with communication?"

"Commander, we have checked, the communication has not been disturbed, and there is no problem with contacting other places, but these three special formations cannot be contacted!"

"Damn, something happened, where is the fleet closest to those three special formations?"

Immediately, Bennett realized that it was not good, and immediately began to think about ways to save it.

"Report, it is the 115 special formation, which is heading to the third point. According to the original plan, the 115 special formation will arrive in ten days and rotate with the 101 special formation!"

"In terms of time, it will take about eight days to arrive!"

eight days!

Hearing this answer, Bennett was also very desperate, under the front of the Canglong Alliance...

Can you keep it for eight days?

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